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BERNARD AUBERTIN (Fontenay-aux-Roses 1934–2015 Reutlingen) Fil de Fer. 1973. Oil, wire and nails on panel. Signed, dated, titled, with size information and directional arrow on the reverse: AUBERTIN 1973 FIL DE FER 30 cm × 24 cm Bernard Aubertin. 24.5 × 30 cm. With the confirmation of authenticity by the Archivio Opere Bernard Aubertin, April 2022. The work is recorded there under the number: FDFR37-1000350623. Provenance: Directly purchased from the artist, since then private collection Italy. * The full tax is charged on this item marked * in the auction catalogue, i.e. VAT is charged on the sum of the bid price plus the surcharge for those items. The VAT will be refunded to Purchasers providing a validly stamped export declaration.

zurich, Switzerland