Null SAVOIE (Crétienne de France, duchess of). Signed document, with several cou…

SAVOIE (Crétienne de France, duchess of). Signed document, with several countersignatures and an apostile, addressed to the Chamber of Accounts of Piedmont. Turin, March 28, 1642. 1 p. in-folio, remnant Order to record the payment by the treasurer general Giulio Bussone of the wages of the guard of the Porte-neuve of Turin, taken on the money of the tax due by the Jewish community of the city. "Camera nostra de conte di qua da'monti, contate et fatte bone in quelli del magnifico consiliero, e tesorerio nostro generale et de straordinarii, M. G (i) ullio Bussone, la somma di livre quatro cento d'argento a soldi vinti luna, che del denaro del tasso dovutto dalla universcita delli Hebbrei di questa citta, del passato anno, ha pagate a Carlo Grignola, nostro guarda-arme a Porta-nova, qualli faciamo dare a conto della servitu sua fatta, et che farra in tutto il corente anno..." DAUGHTER OF HENRI IV AND OF MARIE DE MEDICIS, SO SISTER OF LOUIS XIII, CRETIENNE DE FRANCE was duchess of Savoy from 1630 to 1637, by her marriage in 1619 with Viktor-Amédée Ier, then exercised the regency there, of the death of this one in 1637 to 1648, in the name of their son Charles-Emmanuel II


SAVOIE (Crétienne de France, duchess of). Signed document, with several countersignatures and an apostile, addressed to the Chamber of Accounts of Piedmont. Turin, March 28, 1642. 1 p. in-folio, remnant Order to record the payment by the treasurer general Giulio Bussone of the wages of the guard of the Porte-neuve of Turin, taken on the money of the tax due by the Jewish community of the city. "Camera nostra de conte di qua da'monti, contate et fatte bone in quelli del magnifico consiliero, e tesorerio nostro generale et de straordinarii, M. G (i) ullio Bussone, la somma di livre quatro cento d'argento a soldi vinti luna, che del denaro del tasso dovutto dalla universcita delli Hebbrei di questa citta, del passato anno, ha pagate a Carlo Grignola, nostro guarda-arme a Porta-nova, qualli faciamo dare a conto della servitu sua fatta, et che farra in tutto il corente anno..." DAUGHTER OF HENRI IV AND OF MARIE DE MEDICIS, SO SISTER OF LOUIS XIII, CRETIENNE DE FRANCE was duchess of Savoy from 1630 to 1637, by her marriage in 1619 with Viktor-Amédée Ier, then exercised the regency there, of the death of this one in 1637 to 1648, in the name of their son Charles-Emmanuel II

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