Null Support of bouquet of weddings presenting a cushion furnished with a blue v…

Support of bouquet of weddings presenting a cushion furnished with a blue velvet embroidered with gilded threads in lace and false woven flowers, the angles appearing of pompons in fall, the unit rests on a quadripod base out of gilded metal, the openwork belt of interlaces presents in frontage an oval medallion on capitonné bottom registered in a surrounding with the flowers and foliages. It is presented under a glass bell and its base in blackened wood. 20th century (wear and small accidents to the wooden base, small chip to the medallion) Height : 39 cm 39 cm - Width : 30 cm - Depth : 30 cm


Support of bouquet of weddings presenting a cushion furnished with a blue velvet embroidered with gilded threads in lace and false woven flowers, the angles appearing of pompons in fall, the unit rests on a quadripod base out of gilded metal, the openwork belt of interlaces presents in frontage an oval medallion on capitonné bottom registered in a surrounding with the flowers and foliages. It is presented under a glass bell and its base in blackened wood. 20th century (wear and small accidents to the wooden base, small chip to the medallion) Height : 39 cm 39 cm - Width : 30 cm - Depth : 30 cm

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