Null Hans Watzek

The White Sail


Photogravure on Japan paper, pr…

Hans Watzek The White Sail 1901 Photogravure on Japan paper, printed 1906. 15.9 x 22.8 cm (21 x 30.5 cm). Signed and dated 'MCMI' in the negative lower right. Mounted to laid paper. - Matted. Provenance Private collection, The Netherlands Literature Simone Philippi/Ute Kieseyer (ed.), Alfred Stieglitz. Camera Work. The Complete Illustrations 1903 - 1917, Cologne i.a. 1997, ill. p. 269 From: Camera Work 13, 1906


Hans Watzek The White Sail 1901 Photogravure on Japan paper, printed 1906. 15.9 x 22.8 cm (21 x 30.5 cm). Signed and dated 'MCMI' in the negative lower right. Mounted to laid paper. - Matted. Provenance Private collection, The Netherlands Literature Simone Philippi/Ute Kieseyer (ed.), Alfred Stieglitz. Camera Work. The Complete Illustrations 1903 - 1917, Cologne i.a. 1997, ill. p. 269 From: Camera Work 13, 1906

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Set of 16 studies on Balzac: Ingrid Fischer-Zach, Die Bildwelt der "Comédie Humaine". Eine Untersuchung zur Metaphorik H. de Balzacs. Freiburg i. Br., 1969. Paperback. André Bellessort, Balzac et son oeuvre. Perrin, 1946, half cloth. Katharine Prescott Wormeley, Personal Opinions of Honoré de Balzac. Boston, Little Brown, 1899. Publisher's full cloth. Emil Ludwig, Kunst und Schicksal - Vier Bildnisse. Berlin, Ernst Rowohlt Verlag, 1927. Full cloth publisher. Maurice Descotes, Le Monde de l'enseignement dans l'œuvre romanesque de Balzac. Cahiers de l'Université, special issue 1985. Paperback. Emmanuel Querouil, Le Père Goriot et le roman d'éducation. Pierre Bordas, 1986. Paperback. Arsène Houssaye, Histoire du 41e fauteuil. Excerpt: chapter X "Balzac" pp. 233 to 237. L. Petit de Julleville. Histoire de la langue et de la littérature française des origines à 1900. Armand Colin, 1913. Volume VII, paperback. Hanns Heiss, Balzac, sein Leben und seine Werke. Heidelberg, Carl Winters Universitätbuchhandlung, 1913. full cloth. Pierre Laubriet, Un catéchisme esthétique: Le Chef-d'œuvre inconnu de Balzac. Paris, Didier, 1961. Paperback. Ramon Fernandez, Balzac ou l'envers de la création romanesque. Grasset, 1980. Paperback. Comte de Gobineau, Études critiques (1844-1848). Simon Kra, 1927, paperback, 600 copies on vellum. Herbert J. Hunt, Balzac's Comédie humaine. University of London, The Athlone Press, 1959. Full cloth. [Collective] Balzac dans le monde. Éditions contemporaines, Boivin et Cie, 1950. Paperback. Per Nykrog, La Pensée de Balzac dans La Comédie humaine. Copenhagen, Munksgaard, 1963. Full cloth. Dr. W. R. Bett, The Infirmities of Genius. London, C. Johnson, 1952. Full cloth. Lot of 18 studies on Balzac: Zola, Les romanciers naturalistes. Paris, Charpentier, 1923. Half-bound. Zola, le roman expérimental. Paris, Charpentier, 1923. Half-bound. Sergio de Pilato, Balzac e il mondo Giudiziario. Napoli, Edizioni "La Toga", 1937. Paperback. Gérard Gengembre, Balzac Le Napoléon des lettres. Gallimard, 1992. Paperback. Paul Albert, La Littérature française au XIXe siècle. Librairie Hachette et Cie, 1885. Demi-basane. Rémy Montalée, Reading Balzac. Paris, Eugène Figuière, 1925. Paperback. Pierre Abraham, Balzac. Rieder, 1929, paperback. Ferdinand Brunetière, Honoré de Balzac. Calmann-Lévy, sd, paperback. Philippe Bertault, Balzac et la musique religieuse. Paris, Naert, 1929, paperback, mailing to Pierre Abraham. Philippe Bertault, Introduction à Balzac. Odilis, 1963, publisher's hardback. André Le Breton, Le Roman Français au XIXe Siècle -Avant Balzac - Boivin et Cie, éditeurs, [1901]. Paperback. Simone Lang, Balzac-Express, La Comédie humaine. Éditions Saint-Germain-des-près, 1973. Paperback. Max Milner, Presentation of Massimilla Doni by Honoré de Balzac. José Corti, 1964. Paperback. Anne-Marie Baron, Le Fils prodige, L'Inconscient de La Comédie humaine. Paris, Nathan, 1993. Paperback. Diana Festa McCormick, Les Nouvelles de Balzac. Paris, Nizet, 1973. Paperback. Emile Faguet, Balzac. Hachette, 1913, bradel binding. Dr. Henri Favre, Balzac et le temps présent. Marpon et Flammarion, 1888, paperback. Jean-Daniel Gollut and Joël Zufferey, Construire un monde - Les phrases initiales de La Comédie humaine. Delachaux et Niestlé, 2000. Paperback. Lot of 14 studies on Balzac: Paul Flat, Essais sur Balzac. Plon, Nourrit, 1893, paperback. Paul Flat, Seconds essais sur Balzac. Plon, Nourrit, 1894, paperback. Richard Beilharz, Balzac. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1979, paperback. Philippe Bertault, Introduction à Balzac. Odilis, 1963, publisher's hardback, mailing to Balzac bookseller Georges Courville. Mary F. Sandars, Honoré de Balzac, his life and writings. New York and London, Kennikat Press, 1970. Full cloth. [Collective] Hermétisme et Poésie - Comédie italienne et Théâtre français - Honoré de Balzac. Cahiers de l'Association Internationale des Études françaises, 1963. Paperback. Alphonse Pagès, Balzac moraliste. Michel Lévy Frères, 1866. Half-percaline. Alphonse de Lamartine, Balzac et ses œuvres. Michel Lévy Frères, 1866. Half basane. Gilbert Guislain, Balzac (Collection "Panorama d'un auteur") Studyrama, 2004. Paperback. Juliette Grange, Balzac, L'argent, la prose, les anges. La Différence 1990. Paperback. Arlette Michel, Le Mariage chez Honoré de Balzac - Amour et féminisme. Société d'édition "Les Belles Lettres", 1978. Paperback Paul Bourget, Études et portraits - Sociologie et littérature. Plon-Nourrit et Cie, 1906. Full cloth. Pierre-François Mourrier, Balzac, l'injustice de la loi. Éditions Michalon, 1996. Paperback. Ferdinand Brunetière, Honoré de Balzac. Calmann-Lévy, 1906. Half cloth.

[Balzac et ses amis] Lot of 8 books: A Augustin-Thierry, La princesse Belgiojoso. Paris, Plon, 1926. Fair condition. Mme Surville, Le compagnon du foyer. Stuttgart, Hallberger, 1855. Half basane, spines split. Ruxton, La dilecta de Balzac. Paris, Plon, 1909. Half-chagrin. Boschot, La jeunesse d'Hector Berlioz. Paris, Plon, 1906. Half-maroquin with corners, gilt head. Pizzagalli, L'Amica Clara Maffei e il suo salotto nel Risorgimento. Milan, BUR, 2004. Hommage à George Sand, revue de l'Académie du Centre, 1975. Echinard et Jessula, Léon Gozlan. Collection IMMAJ, 2003. Arrigon, Balzac et la "contessa". Paris, Les portiques, sd. [Balzac et ses amis] Set of 4 books: Bondy, une femme d'esprit en 1830 - madame de Girardin. Lafitte, 1928. EO one of 17 hollande, second paper. Turquan, La duchesse d'Abrantès. Montgredien, 1901. Séché, Delphine Gay. Mercure, 1910. Longhi, L'educazione esemplare - Zulma Carraud un'amica di Balzac scrive per l'infanzia. Schena, 1984. We enclose 6 books. A Hertor Berge, Le commis banquier. Bordeaux, 1856. Rare curiosity. Biré, Houvelles causeries historiques et littéraires, 1927. Excerpt from the volume, only the article on Lovenjoul. Dore Ashton, A fable of Modern Art, Thames and Hudson, 1980. The author quotes Balzac as much as Picasso or Cézanne. Wages and the cost of living in various periods up to 1910. Photocopy of 1911 edition. Guide du voyageur du chemin de fer de Paris à Tours. Photocopy of 1846 edition. Considérations sur l'histoire médicale et statistique du Choléra-Morbus. Photocopy of the 1832 edition. Balzac et son temps, Set of 12 volumes: Burnand, La vie quotidienne en France en 1830. Hachette, 1947. Paperback. Pelletan, De 1815 à nos jours. Charavay-Mantoux-Martin, 1891. Publisher's hardback. La Gorce, Louis Philippe 1830-1848. Plon, 1931. paperback, one of 30 copies on pur fil lafuma. Charassin, Dictionnaire des racines et dérivés de la langue française. Héois, 1842. Half-basane, lacking on spine. Toledano, La vie de famille sous la restauration et la monarchie de juillet. Albin-Michel, 1943. Paperback. Henriot, Les romantiques. Albin-Michel, 1953. Linda Kelly, The young romantics Paris 1827-1837. London, Sidney, Toronto, The Bodley Head, 1976. d'Ariste, La vie et le monde du Boulevard. 1830 - 1870. A dandy: Nestor Roqueplan. Tallandier, 1930. Bory, La Révolution de juillet - 29 juillet 1830. Gallimard, 1972. Paperback. Anquetil, Histoire de France. Jubin, 1829-1831. Volumes 12 to 15, 4 volumes. A.-F. Teulet and Urbain Loiseau, Les Codes. Preceded by Memento de l'étudiant en Droit. Paris, Videcocq, 1840 - In -12 of XXXVI + 815 p. 2-column printing. Bookplate from the library of H. Hottinguer. Half-bound in green calf, smooth spine decorated with gilt fleurons. A good copy. F. Raymond, Dictionnaire Français augmenté d'environ 15000 mots relatifs aux sciences, aux arts, aux métiers, a la médecine, a la chirurgie, pharmacie, chimie etc.. de plus qu'aucun dictionnaire de ce format. Paris, Ladrange, 1837. In-16, 438 p, printed on 2 columns. Armorial bookplate of Louis François Bertrand du Pont d'Aubevoye, comte de Lauberdière, with his motto: "Virtute et Labore". Full tan basane binding, smooth spine with 5 faux-nerfs, spidering on the first cover.

EDWARD STEICHEN (Luxembourg, 1879 - West Redding, Connecticut, 1973). "The sea", 1904. Platinum photograph mounted on original black paper on cream paper (original). Presents label on the back of German collection (Hamburg 1971). Signed and dated in the lower right corner. Measurements: 13 x 17,5 cm; 29 x 37 cm (frame). Edward Steichen was a key figure in 20th century photography, directing its development as a leading photographer and influential curator. Steichen arrived in the United States in 1881. He painted and worked in lithography, before turning to photography in 1896, and first exhibited photographs at the Philadelphia Salon in 1899. Steichen became a naturalized citizen in 1900 and, after exhibiting at the Chicago Salon, received the support of Clarence White, who introduced him to Alfred Stieglitz. Steichen practiced painting in Paris intermittently between 1900 and 1922; there he met Rodin and was in contact with modern art movements, so he was able to advise Stieglitz on the selection of exhibitions. In 1901 he was elected a member of the Linked Ring Brotherhood in London, and in 1902 he co-founded the Photo-Secession and designed the first cover of Camera Work, in which his work was often published. In New York, Steichen helped Stieglitz establish the Small Galleries of the Photo-Secession, which became known as "291," and in 1910 he participated in the International Exhibition of Pictorial Photography in Buffalo. During World War I, he directed aerial photography for the Army Expeditionary Forces. Shortly thereafter he gave up painting, along with the vestiges of Pictorialism, and adopted a modernist style. He was chief photographer for Condé Nast from 1923 to 1938, while doing freelance advertising work. Commissioned as a lieutenant commander in 1942, Steichen was appointed director of the U.S. Naval Photographic Institute in 1945; there he supervised combat photography and organized the Road to Victory and Power in the Pacific exhibitions. He was director of photography at the Museum of Modern Art from 1947 to 1962, and was responsible for more than fifty exhibitions, including The Family of Man in 1955, the most popular exhibition in the history of photography. Steichen received countless awards and honors, including the title of Chevalier of the French Legion of Honor, an honorary fellowship of the Royal Photographic Society, the Distinguished Service Medal, the Art Directors Club of New York Award, the U.S. Camera Achievement Award for "Most Outstanding Individual Contribution to Photography" (1949), and the Presidential Medal of Freedom (1963). Major exhibitions of his work have been held at the Baltimore Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art, the Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris, the ICP and the George Eastman House.