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FOUR VASES, SHOWER, MANIFATTURA GINORI, 1765 CIRCA in polychrome painted porcelain, amphora shape with double handle supported by female masks, decoration with small flowers in small bunches. The vases belong to two pairs, slightly different in their decorative choice and stylistic imprint. The model of these decorative vases appears in the manufactory's inventory as "vases for Dessert Triumphs of different sizes". In a mediation letter dated 1763, in the Bertarelli collection in Milan, there is a drawing in which objects of this type are illustrated. A pair of similar works is kept in the Villa Cagnola collection; h. 7.5 cm FOUR SMALL GINORI VASES, DOCCIA, CIRCA 1765 Bibliography for comparison L. Melegati in AA.VV., La Collezione Cagnola. II. The decorative arts. Tapestries - Sculptures - Furniture - Ceramics, Busto Arsizio 1999, p. 296, n. 319 "RTF to HTML .Net".

milano, Italy