
Roger Cotton Elizabethan poet's prose work.- C[otton] (R[oger]) A Direction to the Waters of Lyfe, second edition, partially printed in black letter, title within woodcut decorative border (trimmed and with small defects repaired causing slight loss), woodcut arms on verso of final leaf, M1 and 2 misbound after M3 and 4, stab hole at inner margin causing some small tears into text with occasional slight loss, final leaf torn and repaired with tape, verso heavily soiled, some soiling and water-staining elsewhere, trimmed close, sometimes affecting ruled border and headline, later manuscript notes relating to the Broughton-Cotton connection and Cotton family tree to endpapers, lacking [par.]4 and final leaf N4 both probably blank, later black half morocco, upper joint starting, [STC 5867], 4to, Imprinted...for Gabriel Simson and William White: and are to be solde by William Barley, 1592. ⁂ Roger Cotton was a poet, uncle of John Cotton of New England and close friend and disciple of Hugh Broughton. This work, first published in 1590, is in prose whereas his only other two works were in verse. It is a rare work, with few institutional holdings and no copy traced for sale at auction. Provenance: Richard Blyndiff (ink inscription on title); William E. Nickerson (bookplate); The Brother Julian F.S.C. Collection (bookplate, donated by Christian A. Zabriskie, New York City)

london, United Kingdom