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Box with portrait miniature probably of the "Duchesse de Polignac" Paris, 3rd quarter 18th century, signed Campana (Ignazio Pio Vittoriano Campana) Horn. Gold mount. Round. The countess in white dress is sitting at a table in front of a flower basket. Marks misplaced. D. D. 8,5 cm. Campana (1744 - 1786) was "Peintre du Cabinet" of Queen Marie Antoinette and delivered miniatures for boxes, tabatières and bonbonières for the courtly society. Yolande Martine Gabrielle de Polastron, Duchess of Polignac (1749 - 1793), was a favourite and close confidante of Queen Marie Antoinette. The Duchess was considered one of the great beauties of pre-revolutionary society. Due to favoritism, her insatiable extravagance and extravagance, she was considered by her critics on the eve of the French Revolution as the prototype of the selfish and extravagant aristocrat of the Ancien Régime.

munich, Germany