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COLLEGE OF VISUAL ARTISTS "SCHADDELMÜHLE". Astrid Dannegger 1940 Müllrose near Frankfurt Oder Dirk Fischer 1959 Leipzig Frank Brinkmann 1960 Stendal Horst Georg Skorupa1941 Breslau - 2004 Schaddel near Leipzig Margarete Junge1874 Lauban/Oberlausitz - 1966 Dresden In 1974 Regina Junge, Astrid Dannegger, Horst Skoruba and Sigrid Huß founded the College of Visual Artists "Schaddelmühle" in the village of Schaddel near Grimma. The purchase of the Schaddelmühle enabled them to set up joint studio rooms as well as living and utility rooms. Until 1990, the students created a self-determined working and living space, in which ceramic works of art were created far away from state cultural policy. The following category includes unique works by Astrid Dannegger, Horst Skorupa and Regina Junge, as well as by Frank Brinkmann and Dirk Fischer, artists trained by Dannegger and Skorupa. In the unique realizations, the contrast to the principles of serial production becomes visible - coincidences were consciously integrated into the design processes, for example representational impressions from nature or left demolition edges. The boundaries between vessels intended for everyday use and decorative art objects became blurred; the design ranged from small-scale works to massive sculptures intended for architectural contexts. Rainer Behrends wrote about the college in 1976: "In the beginning their works could not be distinguished from each other and the artistic influence of Regina Junge was dominant. Since then, Astrid Dannegger's sculpture in particular has made its own mark, and Horst Skorupa has developed an original and idiosyncratic style of vessel decoration in painting and incising; his plastic talent has also developed alongside his painterly talent. Today her porcelain works can be confidently described as an important contribution to the rebirth of decorative porcelain. The playful dalliance, graceful lightness, cheerfulness of the ingenious creations of the 18th century from Kändler to Bustelli and also the congenial achievements of later successors like P. Scheurich and P. Börner - here they revive." (quoted in Brinkmann, 2014, p. 59f). Since 1991 - with the foundation of the Kulturförderverein "Schaddelmühle" e.V. - Frank Brinkmann and Dirk Fischer have continued the work in this special, artistic centre. Until today it is open for ceramic design and work but also for other fields of fine arts. Literature: Kulturförderverein Schaddelmühle e.V., Frank Brinkmann: Vom Kollegium Bildender Künstler zum Künstlerhaus Schaddelmühle. 1974-2014. history of a vision, Leipzig 2014 .Arthur Sundau (ed.), Rainer Behrends (ed.): Keramik. Publikation für Töpfer, Sammler und Museen, Heft 28, Leipzig 1990. Dimensions:

dresden, Germany