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Albrecht Adam, Ploughing Farmer, on the right a small chapel. 1822. Albrecht Adam1786 Nördlingen - 1862 Munich. Pen-and-ink drawing in grey ink, washed, on paper, completely mounted on cardboard. U.r. signed "Albrecht Adam", place inscribed "München" and extensively dated "27 von September 1822". In passepartout. Margins minimally yellowed. Lower finger-marked and slightly curved at lower margin. Dimensions: 11.5 x 17.5 cm, sub. 23 x 30 cm, Psp. 30 x 40 cm. Albrecht Adam 1786 Nördlingen - 1862 Munich Portrait, battle and genre painter and head of the painter family Adam. 1804-1805 apprenticeship as confectioner in Nuremberg, at the same time attendance of the drawing school in Nuremberg, first training in oil painting. Inspired his later works by the battle painter Johann Lorenz Rugendas.1809 appointed court painter by Eugène de Beauharnais. 1809-12 in Milan. 1812 participates in the Russian campaign, in the same year returns to Munich, afterwards in Milan until 1815. Commissions follow for Max I Joseph of Bavaria, Prince Wrede, Baron Kesling a.o. 1816 resides in Munich. 1824 termination of his employment as court painter. 1827-28 travels to Schlitz Castle, Wardow, Schorsow and Basedow to the counts Bassewitz, Voss and Hahn. 1848 with son Eugen to the Austrian headquarters in Milan to Count Radetzky as well as to the battlefields of Volta, Valleggio, Custozza, Verona, Sta. Lucia, and Vicenza. 1851 travels to the Hungarian battlefields Raab, Komorn, and the Hungarian army. Battlefields Raab, Komorn, Pest, Szegedin Szorrey and Temesvár.

dresden, Germany