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Time for time ! In paintings auctions, old masters hold sway over a huge field covering seven centuries from graeco-byzantine icons to romantic landscapes.
Impressionist and modern paintings follow close on their heels, from 1870, up to the second world war, with the impressionists and neo-impressionists, then the fauves, cubists and surrealists.
As from 1945, post-war and contemporary paintings range from abstract expressionism up to arte povera, by way of spatialism and pop art. The paintings offered in online paintings auctions provide a stunning overview of the entire history of art, with religious paintings, still lifes, vanitases, flower and genre paintings of the dutch and flemish schools, historical subjects and mythological scenes, history paintings and works from the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Pictorial revolutions from the late 19th century and the thrilling age of the 20th century avant-gardes parade before us in auctions, right through to the very latest in subversive art.


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