
56 results

Sun 08 Sep

Exceptional fine tapestry lined with wool and silk, The Sacrifice of David. Taken from the Holy Bible. 2 Samuel 24:25 David built an altar to the Lord and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings. He called upon the Lord and the Lord answered him with fire: "which came down from heaven on the altar of burnt offering. But when he afflicts he has compassion according to his great mercy..." Ara n'a then declared: let the king take whatever he desires to make an offering to God. Here are my oxen for the sacrifice, as well as the wagons and harnesses for fuel. David built an altar to the Lord there, and offered burnt offerings and sacrifices of thanksgiving. Then the Lord was appeased toward the land, and the plague withdrew from Israel. Vision Ezechiel, First Book of Chronicles 1, Ch 28. Verse 18. Beautiful and original border decorated with sprays of flowers and stylized foliage surrounded by reserves and medallions inlaid with archangels of the Merkaba, the divine chariot of the propagation of the divine word. Brussels. First part of the 17th century. Dimensions: 313 x 245 cm Maintenance restorations. Good condition. Remarkable freshness of colors. Etymology. The name Merkaba means "chariot" in Hebrew, from the root rkb which means "to be seated, to be carried, mounted on a chelou, a chariot". The term does not appear in the vision of the Book of Ezekiel. It is used in the sense of divine chariot in the first book of chronicles (1 Ch 28, 18). Expert: Frank Kassapian

Estim. 12 000 - 15 000 EUR

Wed 11 Sep

Set of 4 chromolithographs: - DECORATION D'UN TYMPAN, Chromolithography 30 x 40 cm (on view) Publisher: Vve. A. Morel & Cie / Bauer lithographe, 1885 - ETUDES POUR DÉCORATIONS DE STYLE ROMAN Chromolithography 32 x 25 cm (on view). Publisher: unknown, 1880 - RENAISSANCE ALLEMANDE Chromolithography 32 x 25 cm (on view). Publisher: unknown, 1885 - GERMAN RENAISSANCE Painting of ceilings and walls, marquetry and canvas embroidery Chromolithography Plate: 29 x 21 cm. Publisher: unknown, 1885 Set of 8 chromolithographs: - ETUDE POUR TAPISSERIE, 1920 Stencil on paper Annotated "Collection P.A.D." and "Dessin N°1608" in the margin 37 x 26 cm (à vue). - ETUDE POUR TAPISSERIE, 1920 Stencil on paper Annotated "Collection P.A.D." and "Dessin N°1527" in the margin. 37 x 26 cm (on view). - ETUDE POUR TAPISSERIE, 1920 Stencil on paper Annotated "Collection P.A.D." and "Dessin N°1525" in the margin. 37 x 26 cm (on view). - ETUDE POUR TAPISSERIE, 1920 Stencil on paper Annotated "Collection P.A.D." and "Dessin N°1522" in the margin. 37 x 26 cm (à vue). - ETUDE POUR TAPISSERIE, 1920 Stencil on paper Annotated "Collection P.A.D." and "Dessin N°1581" in the margin 37 x 26 cm (à vue). - ETUDE POUR TAPISSERIE, 1920 Stencil on paper Annotated "Collection P.A.D." and "Dessin N°1557" in the margin. 37 x 26 cm (on view). - ETUDE POUR TAPISSERIE, 1920 Stencil on paper Annotated "Collection P.A.D." and "Dessin N°1607" in the margin. 37 x 26 cm (à vue). - ETUDE POUR TAPISSERIE, 1920 Stencil on paper Annotated "Collection P.A.D." and "Dessin N°1586" in the margin 37 x 26 cm (à vue). Set of 5 color lithographs: - MANUEL DE PEINTURES Alphabet, 1890 Chromolithograph 32 x 44 cm (on view). Publisher: Vve. A. Morel & Cie / Jeteau lithographe - MAURICE PILLARD-VERNEUIL (FRA/1869-1942) L'animal dans la décoration / Ecureuil, oiseaux et haztier, tenture / Chèvre et vigne, gobelet argent / Corbeaux et magnolia, tenture, 1897 Chromolithographie; 32 x 44 cm (à vue). - MAURICE PILLARD-VERNEUIL (FRA/1869-1942) L'animal dans la décoration / Coq, vase argent ciselé / Ombelles et libellules, jeu de fond / Crevettes, bordure, 1897. Chromolithography. 44 x 32 cm (view). - MAURICE PILLARD-VERNEUIL (FRA/1869-1942) L'animal dans la décoration / Flying fish and waves, wallpaper / Cicadas and pine, wallpaper, 1897. Chromolithograph. 32 x 42 cm (view). - MAURICE PILLARD-VERNEUIL (FRA/1869-1942) L'animal dans la décoration / Hermines vulgaires, 1897 Original chromolithograph. 32 x 43 cm (on view). MUSÉE D'ART MODERNE DE LA VILLE DE PARIS Cinémathèque française / 60 ans de Cinéma, 1955 Poster, 5-franc City of Paris stamp lower right. 62 x 42 cm. PAOLO SABBATINI RANCIDORO (ITA) L'adoration du Kraga, 1999 Ink on paper pasted on a mount, signed, titled and dated on the mount. H. 20.5 cm - L. 30.5 cm DV

Estim. 150 - 200 EUR