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Lot 103 - YOSHITORA. Samanosuke destroys the castle of Atsumi. Triptych. Colored woodcuts of 360x740 mm. Title in orange cartouche at the top right, under the signatures and seals. Sign: Ichimosai Yoshitora ga. Publisher: Aritaya. Censored by Fuku and Muramatsu. Good impression, small folds. Important triptych of woodblock prints produced, in a period between 1847 and 1852, by the publisher Aritaya Seiemon, owner of Yueido. The work is entitled "The Brave Warrior Samanosuke Destroys the Enemy Castle of Atsumi by Bombardment" and is signed "Ichimosai Yoshitora ga".The "Castle of Atsumi" is a fictitious name that the artist used to circumvent the censorship, which prohibited explicit references to the events concerning the Tokugawa or the Daimyo and which had occurred from the Tensho era. The circumstance depicted is, in fact, that of the attack led by Akechi Hidemitsu, a samurai in the service of Akechi Mitsuhide, on Azuchi Castle, residence of the Oda clan, following the famous Honno-ji Incident, which took place on June 21, 1582.Utagawa Yoshitora, born in Edo, was active as an ukiyo-e artist from about 1850 to about 1880. He was the oldest pupil of Utagawa Kuniyoshi and excelled in prints of warriors, kabuki actors, beautiful women, and foreigners (Yokohama-e). Yoshitora was prolific: he produced over 60 print series and illustrated over 100 books. From the 1860s Yoshitora produced Yokohama-e pictures of foreigners amid rapid modernization that came to Japan after the country was opened to trade. He collaborated on a number of landscape series, and in the Meiji period that began in 1868 he also worked in newspapers. The last of his known works appeared in 1882.

Estim. 1 200 - 1 500 EUR

Lot 116 - KUNISADA I. Yakusha-e. Kabuki Theater scene. The Old Story of Sanshō Dayū. Triptych. Triptych, Ôban tate-e (vertical). 360x740 mm. Sign: "Toyokuni ga," in a red Toshidama cartouche. Publisher: Shimizuya Naojiro. Censors' seal: Kinugasa Murata. Oval seal with zodiac date (Rat, 4). Signs of wear. Bright colors. Magnificent scene from the play Mukashi-banashi Sanshō Dayū (The Old Story of Sanshō Dayū)The highlight of this performance involving kidnap, slavery, revenge and redemption, is the afflicted Osan turning into a fowl, as she is depicted in the left panel, in the play The Old Story of Sanshō Dayū, as performed at the Kawarazaki theater in the 4th month of 1852. Osan will soon chew the ropes from Kanamenosuke (right panel), with whom she is in love, and then kill herself. The evil Sanshō Dayū, in the center panel, looks on. A number of kabuki plays have been written on the legend of Sanshō Dayū. From right to left, the actors and their roles are:right sheet: Asao Okuyama IV [see note under the below section "The Actors Pictured in This Collection's Print"] as Tokikiyo, Lord of Ōe; Ichikawa Danjūrō VIII as Motoyoshi Kanamenosuke [also translated as Motoyoshi Yonosuke] center sheet: Ichikawa Ebizō V as Sanshō Dayūleft sheet: Iwai Kumesaburo III as Gondō Futoshi nyōbō rachi [kidnapped wife] or as Gonroku's Wife (Nyōbō) Orachi; Arashi Rikan III as Dayū musume Osan [Dayū's daughter, Osan]While only the actor's roles are provided on the print (within the orange and yellow rectangular cartouches), the website of Ritsumeikan University provides the actors' names and the title of the play.See The Lavenberg Collection of Japanese Prints in:https://pages.uoregon.edu/jsmacollections/home/artists/utagawa-kunisada-i-1786-1864/the-old-story-of-sansho-dayu-muka-1e624e494e8d8fd6.html

Estim. 600 - 700 EUR

Lot 120 - Cider, Mead and Salt. Product Supply during the French Revolution. Four documents. Arrest de la Cour de Parlement, Qui homologue une Deliberation de la Communaute des Maitres Chaircuitiers de la Ville & Faubourgs de Paris ... Du 18 Mars 1762. Paris, Imprimerie de Prault, 1762 4to. 255x190 mm. 4 pp. Slight foxing. First edition. The decree allows butchers and delicatessens in Paris to sell their products during the four major holidays of the year and on the feasts of the Virgin "as long as their shops are closed and the doors are only ajar, so that people passing in front of them do not notice the sale and do not see the merchandise." Measure adopted "par veneration de la Fete du jour." Bound with: Decret de la Convention Nationale, Du 5 Octobre 1792 ... Achats de Boeufs & Porcs sales en Irlande, en Hollande & a Hamburg.Paris, Imprimerie Nationale Executive du Louvre, 1792 4to. 257x197 mm. Pp. 2, 2 blanks. Slight foxing. Good condition. First edition. Supply for the foreign meat on proposal Ministry of War. Bound with: Lettres Patentes du Roi, Sur un Decret de l'Assemblee Nationale, du 4 Juillet, relatif a la Forniture de Sel a l'Etranger.Rouen, Louis Oursel, 1790 4to. 257x197 mm. Pp. 3, 1 blank. Illustrated headpiece with crown and lilies of France. Slight foxing, good condition. First edition. Supply of salt from abroad, a product of strategic importance for the nation. Bound with: Loi portant reduction du Droit de circulation sur le Cidre, le Poiré et l'Hydromel. In Paris, le 1 Mars 1827.Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 14 Mars 1827 8vo. 220x140 mm. 8 leaves with pagination 161-176. On the last page the woodcut seal with crown and lilies of France. Good condition. First edition. Law on the taxation of cider and mead. Inserted on the first two pages of the Bulletin des Lois (No. 146); the other pages contain the titles of numerous Orders of the King from 1821 to 1826.

Estim. 300 - 400 EUR

Lot 121 - Livestock taxation and fiscal duties of butchers. Five documents. 1722-1750 Arrest du Conseil d'Estat du Roy ... portant Creation des Offices de Courtiers-Jaugeurs, Inspecteurs aux Boucheries, & Inspecteurs aux Boissons ... Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1722 4to. 246x194 mm. 4 pp. Illustrated headpiece with crown and lilies of France. Good condition. First edition. Establishment of the authorities responsible for the collection of taxes on livestock and drinks. With a history of the laws and disputes concerning these taxes from 1674 to 1719. Bound with: Arrest du Conseil d'Estat du Roy, Qui Ordonne que les Deux sols pour live des Droits attribuez aux Offices d'Inspecteurs aux Boucheries ... seront perceus au profit du Roy pendant six annees ...Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1722 4to. 238x195 mm. Pp. 3, 1 blank. Illustrated woodcut headpiece. Good condition. First edition. Taxation on livestock and drinks: for six years the tax levy is destined for the king instead of the 'Offices' responsible for collection. Bound with: Arrest du Conseil d'Estat du Roy, Qui ordonne que les Syndics & Jures des Communautes des Maitres Charcutiers, des Bouchers & des Vitriers, seront tenus, chacun en droit s, d e compter devant le sieur Lieutenant general de Police, du produit des Droits ... par l'edit de fevrier 1745. 4to. 250x196 mm. Pp. 4. Illustrated woodcut headpiece. Good condition. First edition. Fiscal rights and duties of butchers and glassmakers in Paris. Bound with: Arrest du Conseil d'Etat du Roy, Qui Ordonne le Retablissement des Droits de Courtiers-Jaugeurs, Inspecteurs des Boucheries, & Inspecteurs au Boissons. Du 22 Mars 1722. 4to. 245x190 mm. Pp. 4. Illustrated headpiece with floral motifs. Slight traces of wear. First edition. The offices responsible for the control and collection of taxes on butchers, which had been suppressed on February 24, 1720, are re-established. Bound with: Arrest du Conseil d'Etat du Roy, Qui Ordonne que les Droits d'Inspecteurs aux Boucheries, seront perceus dans toutes les Villes & lieux ou il ya des Commis & Receveurs aux Entree pour les Aydes ... Du 6 May 1722.Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1722 4to. 245x190 mm. Pp. 4. Illustrated allegorical headpiece. Slight traces of wear. First edition. Establishment of a "Treasury," where the butchers' taxes will be deposited, to provide for the payment of the state's debts. The beautiful allegorical headpiece depicts a seated woman with one eye on her chest, next to her two rods of Asclepius, symbol of medicine.

Estim. 300 - 400 EUR

Lot 122 - Butchers in the Ancien Regime & Livestock census. Four documents. 1718-1750 Declaration du Roy, en Interpretation de l'Edit du mois de Septembre 1717 portant Suppression des Inspecteurs des Boucheries dans la généralité de Paris.... 15 Janvier 1718. Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1718 4to. 250x185 mm. Pp. 3, 1 blank. Illustrated headpiece with floral motifs. Good condition. First edition. Important document on the management of livestock and meat in France, a privileged target of royal taxation. Butchery inspectors were abolished for the city of Paris alone: created in 1704, they had to check the cattle brought to the slaughterhouse and collect a fee for each animal. Bound with: Ordonnance de Monsieur le lieutenant general de police, qui enjoint a tous les Bouchers de la ville & fauxbourgs de Paris, de faire dans hiutaine du jour de al pubblication de la presente ordonnance, leur declaration au Bureau de Dominique Guerin... 24 Fevrier 1750.Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1750 4to. 250x200 mm. Pp. 4. Illustrated headpiece with crown and lilies of France. Good condition. First edition. This ordinance requires all butchers in the city and in the suburbs of Paris to declare the exact number of cattle they have in their stables and sheepfolds. This census will also have to be repeated in the future in order to have the pass that allows you to enter the city of Paris. Bound with: Ordonnance de Monsieur le lieutenant general de police, qui enjoint a tous les Bouchers de la ville & fauxbourgs de Paris, de faire leur declaration au bureau de Dominique Guerin, des vestiaux qu'ils ont dans leurs bouveries & bergeries... 20 Fevrier 1749.Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1749 4to. 250x200 mm. Pp. 4. Illustrated headpiece with floral motifs. Good condition. First edition. Institution of certificates called "Laissez-passer," which allow livestock to enter the city of Paris. Passes will be checked every month, in order to have a complete picture of the livestock trade and slaughtering activities. Bound with: Arrest du Conseil d'Etat du Roy, Portant reglement pour l'administration des deniers communs de la Communaute des Maitres & Marchands Bouchers ; Et pour la reddition des comptes de jurande.Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1749 4to. 244x202 mm. Pp. 7, 1 blank. Illustrated headpiece with crown and lilies of France. Slight traces of wear. First edition. Regulations for the guild of butchers of Paris.

Estim. 300 - 400 EUR

Lot 126 - Corporate legislation and taxation. Two documents. 1747-49 Arrest du Conseil d'Etat du Roi, Portant reglement pour l'enregistrement des brevets d'apprentissage dans le corps des Marchands Merciers. Du 7 Septembre 1747. Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1716 4to. 254x190 mm. Pages 3, 1 blank. Illustrated headpiece with lilies of France. Good condition. First edition. Important decree that modifies the legislation regarding the apprentices of the merchants' guilds, who had to undergo a three-year apprenticeship: this apprenticeship had to be certified by a patent whose registration had to take place at the time of signing the contract between the operator and the apprentice. The decree establishes the trader's responsibility regarding the correct procedures for registering the patent, to be presented within fifteen days of the start of the apprenticeship. Bound with: Arrest du Conseil d'Etat du Roi, Portant reglement pour l'administration des deniers communs de la Communaute de Chandeliers-Huiliers et pour la reddition des comptes de jurande. Du 15 Mai 1749Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1749 4to. 244x202mm. 8 pages. Illustrated headpiece with crown and lilies of France. Good condition. First edition. Rules on the taxation of the corporation of candle and lighting oil producers, two independent professions that had joined together in 1745 precisely to deal with taxation.Lespinasse, René de. Les métiers et corporations de la ville de Paris : XIVe-XVIIIe siècles T1.

Estim. 300 - 400 EUR

Lot 127 - Textiles Siamoise and the manufacture in France. Two Arrest du Conseil d’Estat du Roy. Arrest du Conseil d'Estat du Roy. Qui fait defenses a toutes Personnes de peindre ou imprimer, faire peindre ou faire imprimer, meme dans les Lieux Privilegiez, aucune Fleurs ou autres Figures sur l'Etoffe appellee Siamoise ...S.l. S.d. [Versailles 1701] 4to. 224x178 mm. Pp. 3, 1 blank. Adorned woodcut headpiece. Good condition. First edition. Important protectionist measure established by Louis XIV in defense of French cloth and textile manufacturers. The "Siamese" was a silk and cotton fabric, which arrived in France as a gift from the Siamese embassy to the King in 1686 and became fashionable. Pfiefer: "Just as imported Indian fabrics were regulated by the French state, so too were Indian imitations produced by domestic producers. On December 24, 1701, the King's Council of State passed a decree prohibiting the painting or printing of oriental-style fabrics called Siamoise, a fine blend of cotton and silk or wool, as well as any type of similar fabric made of fine cotton and wool or silk." Bound with: Arret du Conseil d'Etat du Roi, Qui accorde un delai aux Fabricans de Bas au metier, pou etre recus dans la communaute des Bonnetiers, Chapeliers, Pelletiers-fourreurs d'Angers. Du 24 Decembre 1780.Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 17814to. 255x195 mm. Pages 2. Illustrated headpiece with Crown and Lilies of France. Traces of wear. First edition. The development of manufacturing in France. The edict grants a deadline to the hosiery manufacturers with machines, to be accepted into the corporation of hosiery makers, hatters and furriers of Angers. Teisseyre-Sallmann: "Les métiers mécaniques, apparus en Angleterre vers 1600, permettent de travailler plus vite (1 à 2 paires de bas par jour selon la qualité, contre le même nombre par semaine au tricot), et plus facilement. Ils se répandent en France, à tel point que les fabricants au métier sont érigés en maîtrise dans tout le royaume en 1672, privilège restreint en 1700 à 18 villes."

Estim. 300 - 400 EUR

Lot 130 - Three documents on Tax Collection in the Ancien Regime. Lettres Patentes du Roi, Portant confirmation de Privileges en faveur des Habitans du Comte de Venise. Donnees a Versailles au mois de Decembre 1774. Paris, P. G. Simon, Imprimeur du Parlement, 1775 4to. 255x195 mm. Pp. 8. Large illustrated woodcut headpiece with shield surmounted by crown and lilies of France, with signature "Papillon sculp." Good condition. First edition. Recognition by the King of special privileges for the inhabitants of the County Venaissin and the city of Avignon, whose representative at the Etats Generaux was Joseph François Xavier de Seytres Caumont. The beautiful allegorical head, with the emblems of France surrounded by four putti representing science and the arts, is engraved by Jean Michel Papillon, a very renowned artist; long linked to the Royal Printing House in the function of "de graveur en taille de bois." Papillon produced, both for this establishment and for booksellers and printers, a considerable number of ornaments of all kinds, as well as articles on his art from the Encyclopedia of Diderot and D'Alembert. Bound with: Arrest du Conseil d'Etat du Roi, Qui commet le sieur Leroy a la recette de Capitation des communautes d'Arts & Metiers. Du 4 Decembre 1753.Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1753 4to. 252x198 mm. Pages 3, 1 blank. Adorned headpiece. Good condition. First edition. Appointment of Charles Leroy to head the tax collection offices of the arts and crafts guilds. The Capitation, a sort of per person tax created in 1695 to increase state revenue, was abolished by the Constituent Assembly in 1791. Bound with: Arrest de la Cour des Aydes de Montpellier. Du quatorzieme Juillet 1701. Portant Reglement des Cabaux & Industries...Montpellier 1701. 4to. 225x178 mm. Pp. 7, 1 blank. Adorned woodcut headpiece. Good condition. First edition. Decree of the Cour des Aides, Sovereign Court of Appeal for tax disputes, of Montpellier, relating to compensation for taxes on livestock and industries in the territory of Grisolles, in the Montauban region.

Estim. 400 - 500 EUR

Lot 138 - French Revolution. Sale of national assets. Two decrets. 1790-91 National Assembly. Loi en forme d'Instruction, Sur divers objets concernant l'alienation des Domaine Nationaux. Donnee a Paris, le 10 Juillet 1791. Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1791. Folio. 255x215 mm. Pp. 19, 1 blank. Illustrated headpiece with crowned shield and lilies of France. Waterstain in the central part of the bottom margin. Important decree of the National Assembly which concerns various controversial aspects of the alienation of national property, i.e. the transfer of ownership of assets belonging to the State to natural or legal persons who have requested it. The decree is countersigned, for the King, by Marguerite-Louis-François Duport-Dutertre, Minister of Justice at the time. Bound with: Lettres Patentes du Roi. Sur les Decrets de l'Assemblee Nationale, des 25, 26, 29 Juin, & 9 Juillet 1790, concernant l'alienation de tous les Domaines Nationaux. Donnees a Paris, le 25 Juillet 1790.Rouen, Louis Oursel, Imprimeur du Roi, 1790 4to. 255x195 mm. Pp. 28. Illustrated headpiece with coat of arms surmounted by crown and Lilies of France. Contemporary handwritten note. Good condition. Very important document of the French Revolution, the law of July 9, 1790. National assets or national domains are domains and possessions of the Church, property of the Crown, as well as the assets of some nobles (buildings, objects, agricultural land, mines, woods and forests) of the First Republic which were confiscated during the French Revolution, in accordance with the decree of November 2, 1789. These are sold through a process of alienation, decided by the law of July 9, 1790, to resolve the financial crisis that caused the Revolution.Lecarpentier: "L'histoire de la Révolution française ne consiste souvent qu'en guerres extérieures et civiles, faits et gestes des assemblées, des clubs et de la commune; mais dans toute la France et dans les provinces, les derniers mois de 1790 à la fin de 1793 épargnées par la guerre civile, la vente des biens nationaux fut le principal événement politique de cette période."Georges Lecarpentier, La vente des biens ecclésiastiques pendant la Révolution Française, Paris, Alcan, 1908.

Estim. 200 - 300 EUR

Lot 144 - Queen Marie-Antoinette Execution. FOUQUIER-TINVILLE. Annales Patriotiques et Littéraires de la France. 4 pages in 8vo of 210x170 mm. Numbered [1347] - 1350. Text in two columns. Very slight woodworm holes and slight soiling. Very important document in the history of France, containing the account of the condemnation and execution of Marie Antoinette on October 16, 1793. It begins in the first column of page 1348: "Les proces de la veuve Capet s'est instruit pendant trois jours consecutifs avec calme qui characterized the French people... In the morning, at 4 o'clock, the Criminal Revolutionary Tribunal condemns Marie-Antoniette, called Lorraine d'Autriche, at the end of her life. Elle a subi sono jugement aujourd'hui sur la place de la Revolution, a midi et tanto minute ... V voici l'acte d'impeachment" ["The trial of the Capeto widow took place for three consecutive days with that calm which characterizes the French people... This morning, at 4 o'clock, the Revolutionary Criminal Tribunal sentenced Marie Antoinette, known as Lorraine of Austria, to the death penalty. She was executed today on the Place de la Révolution, at 12 and a few minutes.... here is the indictment]. Following, in detail, from the beginning of the second column of page 1348, is the history of the queen's actions that led to her condemnation, extracted from the indictment of the accuser Antoine Quentin Fouquier-Tinville, here called Antoine-Fouquier-Thainville. Les Annales patriotiques et littéraires de la France, et affaires politiques de l'Europe..., is a newspaper of the French Revolution published from October 5, 1789 until 1796.

Estim. 500 - 600 EUR

Lot 149 - Algerian Uprising of 1871. Three documents. JUILLET-SAINT-LAGER, Théodore. Ali-Bey. Manuscript, Algiers, 1874 Manuscript in 8vo, 222x165 mm. 29 pages of text, the last two on smaller sheets; 20 pages of proofs and notes, the last one on a leaflet. Text in French, sharp cursive handwriting, blue ink. Fly sheets, in blue folded sheet with title. On the verso of page 22 author's signature with date 'Alger 12 Mai 1874'. Good condition. Together with: Signed letter from Ali-Bey's defense lawyer addressed to Juillet-Saint-Lager. [Algiers] April 4, 1874 One sheet in 8vo. 205x130 mm. Text on two pages. Cursive handwriting, brown ink. Good condition. 'Mon cher Juillet'. Together with: Havas Agency. Dispatch. Paris, 11 Mai (1874). One sheet in 8vo. 205x130 mm. Text of the dispatch, stamped 'Agence Havas' on one page, on the verso page 23 of the Juillet document. Mention is made of the progress of the 'Bonapartistes' and the trip of the King of Italy Victor Emmanuel to Berlin and his meeting with Bismark. 'La correspondance algerienne de l'Agence Havas nous apprenait, ces jours derniers, la capture de Bou-Choucha, le Cherif du desert, le feroce assassin de la garnison de Touggourt'. Important unpublished document concerning the Algerian uprising against France in 1871.It reconstructs in detail the events that led to the arrest of Ali-Bey, accused of complicity with Bou-Choucha. This document is all the more valuable for the history of the Algerian conquest, as it is written 'in the heat of the moment,' right in the middle of events. The lawyer's letter mentions this study, which was considered very important to rehabilitate Ali-Bey with the colonial authorities 'votre œuvre est parfaite' and also mentions the cost of its publication; Juillet was running a publishing house in Algiers at the time, but no edition of this work is known; the work is not even mentioned in the most important book on the insurrection, published in 1891.This document can therefore be considered unpublished. The text starts from the recent arrest in March 1874 of Bou-Choucha, a bloodthirsty character who with a band of brigands attacked Ouargla, whose agha was Ali-Bey in 1871, took over this town to make it his military base, then continued his looting work as far as Touggourt where he committed the worst massacres, then remained master of the whole area until his capture by Saïd-ben-Dris, Ali-Bey's brother, who handed him over into the hands of the French authorities. Ali-Bey was, however, accused by the French colonial authorities of having handed Ouargla over to Bou-Choucha because of his greed: he had in fact received considerable compensation from France for guaranteeing the security of this oasis land and was therefore indicted because he had fled from Touggourt without organizing his defense.

Estim. 1 000 - 1 200 EUR

Lote 178 - CORONELLI. Ritratti. Elephant folio, 517x370 mm, contemporary vellum binding. Title on back. A total of 131 plates engraved on copper. Very good condition. Very rare work. Armao: "This is a very rare work owned only by a few libraries in Venice." Here are collected a large number of portraits that Coronelli had included in various works, such as Portraits of the famous characters collected in the Cosmographic Academy of the Argonauts dedicated to Domenico Federici da Fano ... (1697), Universal geographic course (1692), l 'Isolario (c. 1698), Portraits of the cardinals created by Clement XI (1703-1709). The specimen collated by Armao, dated 1697, consists of 44 plates and contains 40 portraits of characters of the time, which Armao groups in series: sovereigns and heads of state, Dignitaries of the Church, Honored Venetian, Venetian nobles, Nobles from other parts of Italy, Portraits of unknown people. This specimen, which contains many more portraits than that of Armao, is composed as follows: Allegorical plate; frontispiece with the title "Portraits"; Allegory; Title page inserted Venetian Atlas by Coronelli (1697); Allegory; Emblem of the Argonauts; title "Portraits of famous people ... described in the XXXXV volumes of the Universal Library of Father General Coronelli"; Plate with the Chronology of the 3 volumes already printed by Coronelli; Genealogical tree of the popes from Urban VI to Clement XI; Coronelli presenting the work to Clement XI; Allegory of Clement XI; Two title pages "Cardinals created by Clement XI"; Tables 14-38 with portraits of cardinals; Tables 39-41 plates with the names of the cardinals; Plate 42 "Portrait of Cardinal Francesco Pignatelli; One-eye; Tables 44-69 with portraits of cardinals and three little eyes; Plate 70 with list of deceased cardinals and those who renounced the purple; plates 71-75 with Portraits of sovereigns and heads of state; Plate 76 Coat of arms of Great Britain 1681; Tables 77-87 Portraits of kings; Tables 88-89 Genealogical tree of the Farnese family; plates 90-128 Portraits of famous people; the last three plates contain portraits of Father Coronelli.

Valorac. 10 000 - 12 000 EUR

Lote 179 - Volcanology. BORELLI. Historia, et meteorologia incendii Aetnaei anni 1669. In 4to, mm. 200x136; stiff vellum binding. Pp. 12 (including half title), 162, 1, 1 copper plate. With the final errata leaf. At the beginning one folding plate viewing Etna eruption of 1669, engraved by Doria. Woodcuts in text. Nice copy with wide margins. The rare first edition of the most significant 17th-century study of volcanology, with a fine plate depicting the great 1669 eruption. The work was written by Borelli during his stay in Messina, on behalf of the FlorentineAccademia del Cimento and of the secretary of the London Royal Society, Henry Oldenburg. The treatise offers not only a narrative description of the Etna eruption, but also systematic observations on the morphology of volcanoes, the nature and the causes of volcanic eruptivity, the generation and the structure of lava, disagreeing with the theories developed by Athanasius Kircher in the Mundus Subterraneus, and benefiting from the publication in 1669 of Steno?s De solido intro solidum (see item E). Borelli presented his own highly sophisticated understanding of a volcanic eruption as a geographical phenomenon which could be studied physically, chemically, and mathematically. His account of Etna?s most recent eruption explicitly critiqued a central argumeny put forth by the Jesuit Kircher in the Subterranean World. Using evidence from Etna?s lava flow and chancing morphology, Borelli negated the idea of eternal mountains and perpetual subterranean fires poetically evoked by Kircher? (P. Findlen, Agostino Scilla, p. 147). On September 1671 a highly positive review of the treatise appeared on the Philosophical Transactions, and Borelli observations were widely used by Serao in 1738 (see item 34) and Spallanzani in 1788 (see item 83). DSB, II, 311: "Borelli took the occasion in 1669 to observe it,,an eruption closely, making notes on the topography of the mountain, the location of the flows and the nature of the various materials ejected, and offering some reasoned speculations of the sources of the heat." Riccardi, I, 159 - Geology emerging, 258.

Valorac. 2 500 - 3 000 EUR

Lote 184 - Malta. DE VERTOT. Histoire des Chevaliers Hospitaliers de S. Jean de Jerusalem. 4 Vols in-4to. 255 x 190 mm. Contemporary calf binding, richly gilt, 2 col. labels to spine, triple vignettes to covers.Vol. I: Frontispiece with portrait of the Author, portrait of the 65th Master Antoine Manoel De Vilhena, a folded geographic map of the Mediterranean, Map of the Eastern Mediterranean with Cyprus, Map of the Dodecanese, portrait of the founder Gerrard, pages [12], 696, 24 portraits of the first Grand Masters, 1 unnumbered portrait of S. Anna de Geneuillac. In total 28 portraits;Vol. II: pages [2], 719, [1], Full-page out-of-text map of Rhodes and 19 portraits of Masters (from 25th to 43rd), Portrait of Frère Maurice de Pagnac, unnumbered. In total 20 portraits;Vol. III: pages [2], 535, (1), 221, [1], 4, 2, 537-552, Malta map, map of Valletta, 5 portraits of Masters (from 44th to 48th);Vol. IV: pages 240, 408, XX, 16 portraits of Masters from the 49th to the 64th, 2 unnumbered portraits. In total 18 portraits.Titlepages printed in red and black, 4 copper engraved head-pieces, woodcut tailpieces. In total, portrait of the Author engraved in the Frontispiece, 6 geographical plates and maps, 70 portraits with the coats of arms engraved out of the text. Little defects on spines. Slight foxing. Nice specimen with wide margins printed on thick paper. Magnificently illustrated first edition, put on the Index shortly after its publication. Famous history of the Knights of Malta, from the foundation of the Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem at the end of the 11th century until the designation, in 1722, of Antoine Manoel de Villhena, 65th Grand Master of the Order. He works with a rich iconographic apparatus. On the Frontispiece, the portrait of the author engraved by Jean-François Cars from a drawing by Jacques-François Delyen; the 70 oval portraits bearing the coats of Arms of the Masters, are engraved by Cars; the 6 geographical plates, of which 5 folded several times, all out of text, depict the territories linked to the history of the Order: the Mediterranean, a beautiful map of Malta, the map of Valletta, the eastern Mediterranean with Cyprus, the Dodecanese and, on single sheet, a map of Rhodes. The three geographical maps are engraved by Delahaye, from the Guillaume Delisle, premier géographe du Roi; the map of Rhodes and the two maps of Malta in the third volume are engraved by De Berey; the 4 Haedpieces are engraved by Scottin and Cars.It was the order of Saint-Jean that commissioned Abbot Vertot to write a chronicle of his own history. To compose the History of the Knights Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem, the author took 13 years of work, but it was far from the expectations of his patrons. What was supposed to be a mere chronicle of the Order ended up arousing the wrath of the inquisition for the numerous anti-papist statements. However, it was a huge popular success, in part due to the Vatican ban. Today it represents an excellent testimony to the history of the book and of censorship.

Valorac. 2 500 - 3 000 EUR

Lote 185 - Mushrooms. SOWERBY. Coloured figures of English fungi or mushrooms. 3 volumes in-folio, 322x202 mm; Contemporary half-morocco binding, marbled cardboard, spines with gold titles and ornaments, gilt upper edges, marbled endpapers. 110 uncoated sheets with title pages, indexes and explanatory text. 440 numbered engravings on 436 leaves; joined in one table the engravings 422-423 and 439-440, the engraving 427 joined to the 425 and indicated with the numbers 1 and 2, as reported in the explanatory text. The 440 engravings are all hand-colored, almost all pulled on cardboard, in first issue. Heraldic ex libris 'Gharlard Castle'. Excellent condition, fresh specimen. First edition. The most attractive illustrated English work on mycology ever published, and a famous classic in its field. Our copy includes the rare supplement which is often lacking: this supplement, published in 1809, contains the suite of plates ranging from 401 to 440. It was Sowerby himself who did the drawing and engraving of the plates, which are all beautifully handcolored. James Sowerby sometimes printed the plates in a color other than black. Henry: "James Sowerby dedicated his 'Coloured figures of English fungi' to Sir Joseph Banks and J.E. Smith jointly. 'To the first of these gentlemen' - wrote Sowerby - I have great obligations for granting me access to the first library in the world, as well as most ready assistance in any enquiry whatever relating to natural history." A fine and unusually fresh copy without any foxing to the plates.

Valorac. 13 000 - 15 000 EUR

Lote 186 - Ichthyology. RONDELET. Libri de piscibus marinis. 2 volumes bound in one. Folio. 345x215 mm. Full 18th vellum parchment binding, gold title on the spine. I: Pages [16], 583, [25]. Printer's device on the Titlepage, portrait of the Author on the last unnumbered preliminary page (leaf π2 verso), Ornate Initials and Head-pieces, Italic, Greek, Roman type. Woodcut illustrations of fish throughout. II: Pages 12], 242, [10]. Printer's device on the Titlepage, portrait of the Author on the last unnumbered preliminary page (leaf α6v]. Ornate Initials and Head-pieces. Italic, Greek, Roman type. Woodcut illustrations of forms of aquatic life throughout. Good copy. Rare first edition of the two works devoted to fish and aquatic animals. Beautifully illustrated works: woodcut printer's devices on both title-pages, two portraits of the author, 439 woodcut text illustrations of fish and aquatic animals, woodcut initials. The two portraits are drawn by Pierre Vase, while the animals are drawn by Georges Reverdy. Westfall: "Although [Rondelet] was active in several branches of biology, his reputation effectively depends on his massive compendium on aquatic life, which covered far more species than any earlier work in the field. The 'Libri de piscibus marinis in quibus verae piscium effigies expressae sunt' (1554-5) laid the foundation for later ichthyological research and was the standard reference work for over a century. He published tracts 'De urinis' and 'De morbo gallico' and various other works on diagnosis. He produced several pharmacological works and contributed a large collection of medicinal plants to Montpellier. Rondelet was a progressive anatomist who believed in the importance of frequent dissections. At his solicitations the first anatomical amphitheatre was erected in France by Henri II at Montpellier in 1556. "Norman, referring to the first work: "The work is especially valuable for its accurate treatment of Mediterranean species, and for providing what are apparently the first zoological accounts of the manatee and the sperm whale."

Valorac. 4 000 - 5 000 EUR

Lote 191 - Autograph. PICKERING. Receipt for payment to a craftsman of Parsell's Company. PICKERING, Timothy. Receipt for payment to a craftsman of Parsell's Company. Newburg, March 3, 1783 An oblong 8vo sheet. 110x202 mm. On thick laid paper. Text on one page, clear cursive handwriting, brown ink. Good condition. "No. 574 Newburgh March 3, 1783 Received of Timy Pichering Qmg [Quartermaster general] to D. Wolfe, Ninety three dollars and Heighty two cents in full for pay due to my father Benjamin Crain as artificer in Mr. John Parsells company commencing the fourth day of June last as of payoll having signed duplicates. James Crain." Autograph card by Timoty Pickering, member of the General Headquarters during the American Revolutionary War. The receipt for the payment of a craftsman of Parsell's Company, unsigned, is addressed to David Wolfe, aide-de-camp to the general. The craftsman's name is Benjamin Crain and he is owed ninety-three dollars and eighty-two cents.T. Pickering, Salem 1745-1829, American politician, General in the Revolutionary War, close friend and Secretary of State of Washington, took part in the epic battles of Brandywine, September 11, 1777, and Germantown, October 4 of the same year.In 1783, Pickering had sided with the instigators of the "Newburgh Revolt" and resented the charges made against them. By the end of the Revolution, weary of public service and its insufficient pay, he left the quartermaster generalship and began a trading operation with his friend Samuel Hodgdon, a merchant in Philadelphia. By 1785, he had acquired a large speculative interest in the Wyoming Valley of Pennsylvania.

Valorac. 400 - 500 EUR

Lote 193 - Two Autograph letters addressed to Victor Hugo. Victor HUGO.Louis-Napoléon-Loetitia-Charles de Ladoucette, Baron. Autograph letter addressed to Victor Hugo.21 June 1846. One sheet in large 8vo mm. 210x175. Text on one page. Clear cursive handwriting, brown ink. Very good condition. "Monsieur le Vicomte, et tres honore Collegue." The deputy and prefect, perpetual secretary of the Societe Philotechnique, writes to Victor Hugo as secretary of the commission for the equestrian statue of Joan of Arc to be erected in Orléans. He asks his 'very honorable' colleague for the amount of his contribution. The bronze statue will then be created by the neo-classical sculptor Denis Foyatier and placed in the Place du Martroi. Boudn with: Victor HUGO. VIRMAITRE, Claude. Autograph letter addressed to Victor Hugo.4 September 1846. 8vo. Text on two pages mm. 200x132. Clear cursive handwriting, brown ink. Very good condition. 'Ce qui pourroit etre tout a fait determinant serait un mot d'un ministre quelconque, et surtout de M. Dumon le Suzerain de le Chemin de fer.' Claude Virmaître, 1806?-1854, editor at the newspaper Le Corsaire and collaborator of Victor Hugo, asked the writer, then a Member of Parliament, for an intervention in order to obtain a post with the railways. He quotes Pierre Sylvain Dumon in this regard. 'the Sovereign of the Railways', Minister of Public Works from December 1843 to May 1847: having invested a large part of his personal fortune in the railway companies, in particular the Paris-Lyon-Mediterranean, he firmly opposed, as minister, the exploitation of the railways by the state; hostile to their nationalisation, he thus favored the monopoly of large companies.

Valorac. 400 - 500 EUR