Null C. 363 Dias von Ägypten. Frühes 20. Jahrhundert c "J. Levy & C°", "E. Mazo"…

C. 363 Dias von Ägypten. Frühes 20. Jahrhundert c "J. Levy & C°", "E. Mazo", "Ed. Beernaert's D.P.C.° Plate", "J. Ballion", and a lot by an amateur. Abu Simbel, Esna (Tempel und Dorf), Philae (Tempelkomplex und umliegendes Dorf, arabische Händler, Hafen, Philae-Insel), Dendera Tempelkomplex, Tempel von Edfu, Karnak Tempelkomplex, Kairo (Moschee von Ibn Tulun, Al-Azhar-Moschee, Heliopolis, Arabic cafe, Tomb of Kait Bey, Wasserträger, Gezirah Palast, Zitadelle, Tomb of the Kalifs, Mosque-Madrasa of Sultan Hasan, Palace of Muhammad Ali Pasha, Muhammad Ali Mosque, Arabic marriage carriage, cemetery, Mosque of Sultan al-Mu'ayyad, mashrabiyas), Temple of Kalabsha, Aswan (Dam, village, desert, port, embarkment, Bishari ethnic group, ancient stone quarries), Ismailia, merchands of clay recipients, praying Egyptians, Luxor (Flussseite, Friedhof, Panorama), Asyut, Great Sphinx of Giza, Colossi of Memnon, Suez Canal, Saqqara (Pyramid of Djoser), ancient Egyptian cemetery of Beni Hassan, Pompey's Pillar, life aboard a dahabeah, a passenger boat used on the Nile and the embarqment, a lot of portraits of local people, Amarna (Einheimische auf dem Feld), altägyptischer Friedhof von Beni Hasan, Giza-Pyramidenkomplex (Pyramid of Cheops, die Große Sphinx, Touristen besuchen), Port Said, Ramesseum, Deir el-Bahari, Totentempel von Ramessess III in Medinet Habu, Tal der Könige, Kom Ombo-Tempel, Abydos (Tempel von Seti I). Prov. Coll.n Vanden Heuvel (label on glass plate).


C. 363 Dias von Ägypten. Frühes 20. Jahrhundert c "J. Levy & C°", "E. Mazo", "Ed. Beernaert's D.P.C.° Plate", "J. Ballion", and a lot by an amateur. Abu Simbel, Esna (Tempel und Dorf), Philae (Tempelkomplex und umliegendes Dorf, arabische Händler, Hafen, Philae-Insel), Dendera Tempelkomplex, Tempel von Edfu, Karnak Tempelkomplex, Kairo (Moschee von Ibn Tulun, Al-Azhar-Moschee, Heliopolis, Arabic cafe, Tomb of Kait Bey, Wasserträger, Gezirah Palast, Zitadelle, Tomb of the Kalifs, Mosque-Madrasa of Sultan Hasan, Palace of Muhammad Ali Pasha, Muhammad Ali Mosque, Arabic marriage carriage, cemetery, Mosque of Sultan al-Mu'ayyad, mashrabiyas), Temple of Kalabsha, Aswan (Dam, village, desert, port, embarkment, Bishari ethnic group, ancient stone quarries), Ismailia, merchands of clay recipients, praying Egyptians, Luxor (Flussseite, Friedhof, Panorama), Asyut, Great Sphinx of Giza, Colossi of Memnon, Suez Canal, Saqqara (Pyramid of Djoser), ancient Egyptian cemetery of Beni Hassan, Pompey's Pillar, life aboard a dahabeah, a passenger boat used on the Nile and the embarqment, a lot of portraits of local people, Amarna (Einheimische auf dem Feld), altägyptischer Friedhof von Beni Hasan, Giza-Pyramidenkomplex (Pyramid of Cheops, die Große Sphinx, Touristen besuchen), Port Said, Ramesseum, Deir el-Bahari, Totentempel von Ramessess III in Medinet Habu, Tal der Könige, Kom Ombo-Tempel, Abydos (Tempel von Seti I). Prov. Coll.n Vanden Heuvel (label on glass plate).

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