ANDREW DURY Ireland (?) / London, United Kingdom (1778) "Map of the British Empi…

ANDREW DURY Ireland (?) / London, United Kingdom (1778) "Map of the British Empire in Southeast Asia"

Handkolorierter Kupferstich Unten links: "A Map of the Provinces of Delhi, Agrah, Oude and Ellahabad encompassing the Countries lying between Delhi, and the Bengal-Provinces, Surveyed by Major James Rennell, Surveyor General to the Honorable East-India Company, and Published by order of the Court of Directors of the said Company, By Andrew Drury". Veröffentlicht 1794 von Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London Maße: 109 x 107 cm


ANDREW DURY Ireland (?) / London, United Kingdom (1778) "Map of the British Empire in Southeast Asia"

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