China, frühes 20. Jahrhundert

45 cm high

Provenance: …

AN IVORY EMPEROR China, frühes 20. Jahrhundert 45 cm high Provenance: Italian private collection. Dieses Los kann nur mit Sendungen innerhalb der Europäischen Union verkauft werden. THE CITES ARTICLE 8 (3b) DEROGATIONThe article 8 (3b) derogation -Council Regulation (EC) No 338/97, the so-called "antique derogation", and article 62 -Council Regulation (EC) No 865/2006, allow to sell this type of item (defined as pre-1947) within the European Union.Current legislation states that if an item has been manufactured prior to June 1947 and has been significantly altered from its natural raw state for jewellery, adornment, art, utility or musical instrument before that date, a CITES certificate is not required (therefore only for material that has been "worked" before 1947, and has been converted from its natural state by human craft).


AN IVORY EMPEROR China, frühes 20. Jahrhundert 45 cm high Provenance: Italian private collection. Dieses Los kann nur mit Sendungen innerhalb der Europäischen Union verkauft werden. THE CITES ARTICLE 8 (3b) DEROGATIONThe article 8 (3b) derogation -Council Regulation (EC) No 338/97, the so-called "antique derogation", and article 62 -Council Regulation (EC) No 865/2006, allow to sell this type of item (defined as pre-1947) within the European Union.Current legislation states that if an item has been manufactured prior to June 1947 and has been significantly altered from its natural raw state for jewellery, adornment, art, utility or musical instrument before that date, a CITES certificate is not required (therefore only for material that has been "worked" before 1947, and has been converted from its natural state by human craft).

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