MANIFATTURA DI AUBUSSON, XX SECOLO Carpet with central medallion with roses, in …

MANIFATTURA DI AUBUSSON, XX SECOLO Carpet with central medallion with roses, in the tones of cream and brown on a red background. Garlands and festoons of roses and other flowers in the center and alo…

Teppich mit zentralem Medaillon mit Rosen, in den Tönen Creme und Braun auf rotem Hintergrund. Girlanden und Girlanden aus Rosen und anderen Blumen in der Mitte und an den Rändern. . Cm 263,00 x 362,00.


MANIFATTURA DI AUBUSSON, XX SECOLO Carpet with central medallion with roses, in the tones of cream and brown on a red background. Garlands and festoons of roses and other flowers in the center and along the edges.

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