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HEIDI celluloid. Celluloid and drawing adhered. Measurements: 23 x 27 cm. Considered a classic of animation, Heidi became known thanks to the Japanese adaptation released in 1974 inspired by the book of the same name by Swiss writer Johanna Spyri. Heidi is an orphan girl who lives with her aunt in a village near the Alps in Switzerland. When her aunt gets a new job in Frankfurt, the little girl has to move to her grandfather's house in the middle of the mountains. There she meets Peter, her shepherd friend.

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HEIDI celluloid. Celluloid and drawing adhered. Measurements: 23 x 27 cm. Considered a classic of animation, Heidi became known thanks to the Japanese adaptation released in 1974 inspired by the book of the same name by Swiss writer Johanna Spyri. Heidi is an orphan girl who lives with her aunt in a village near the Alps in Switzerland. When her aunt gets a new job in Frankfurt, the little girl has to move to her grandfather's house in the middle of the mountains. There she meets Peter, her shepherd friend.

Valoración 200 - 300 EUR
Precio de salida 180 EUR

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Gastos de venta: 24 %
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