Null MIGUEL RASERO (Doña Mencía, Córdoba, 1955).

Untitled, 1988.

Oil and colla…

MIGUEL RASERO (Doña Mencía, Córdoba, 1955). Untitled, 1988. Oil and collage on canvas. Signed with initials and dated on the back. Measurements: 145 x 112 cm; 164 x 133 cm (frame). Painter and graphic artist, Rasero develops a work that goes beyond traditional artistic approaches to present compositions that seek to establish a balance between fragile or impossible forms with the space that surrounds them. Likewise, the author establishes a dialogue between interior and exterior, as well as with the limits and boundaries that facilitate and stimulate the imagination. His work has Kurt Schwitters and Malevich as main references. Rasero has developed his career in Barcelona, where he was awarded the Generalitat de Catalunya Scholarship for the Arts in 1982. In 1984 he won second prize at the Biennial of Painting in the same city, and has shown his paintings in prominent national and international galleries, such as Gaspar in Barcelona, Trama in Madrid, Pelaires in Palma, Puerta Nueva in Cordoba and Philippe Guimiot in Brussels and New York. In 2001 he presented his work in a group exhibition held at the Museo Pedro de Osma in Lima (Peru), and has participated in several editions of the Arco art fair in Madrid. He is represented in the MACBA in Barcelona, in the Fundación La Caixa, in the collection of the Rotschild Bank in Switzerland, in the Travelstead Collection in New York and in that of Banco Santander.


MIGUEL RASERO (Doña Mencía, Córdoba, 1955). Untitled, 1988. Oil and collage on canvas. Signed with initials and dated on the back. Measurements: 145 x 112 cm; 164 x 133 cm (frame). Painter and graphic artist, Rasero develops a work that goes beyond traditional artistic approaches to present compositions that seek to establish a balance between fragile or impossible forms with the space that surrounds them. Likewise, the author establishes a dialogue between interior and exterior, as well as with the limits and boundaries that facilitate and stimulate the imagination. His work has Kurt Schwitters and Malevich as main references. Rasero has developed his career in Barcelona, where he was awarded the Generalitat de Catalunya Scholarship for the Arts in 1982. In 1984 he won second prize at the Biennial of Painting in the same city, and has shown his paintings in prominent national and international galleries, such as Gaspar in Barcelona, Trama in Madrid, Pelaires in Palma, Puerta Nueva in Cordoba and Philippe Guimiot in Brussels and New York. In 2001 he presented his work in a group exhibition held at the Museo Pedro de Osma in Lima (Peru), and has participated in several editions of the Arco art fair in Madrid. He is represented in the MACBA in Barcelona, in the Fundación La Caixa, in the collection of the Rotschild Bank in Switzerland, in the Travelstead Collection in New York and in that of Banco Santander.

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Certificado de acciones del Standard Oil Trust firmado por John D. Rockefeller y Henry M. Flagler DS parcialmente impreso firmado "John D. Rockefeller" y "H. M. Flagler", una página, 11,5 x 7,75, 29 de diciembre de 1882. Certificado de acciones por 1460 acciones del Standard Oil Trust de Rockefeller emitido a Benjamin Brewster, firmado al final por John D. Rockefeller como presidente, Henry M. Flagler como secretario y Jabez A. Bostwick como tesorero. El recibo original permanece pegado en el borde izquierdo. En buen estado. John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937) fue un magnate de los negocios y filántropo cuyo imperio Standard Oil le convirtió en el hombre más rico del mundo. Henry Flagler (1830-1913) fue un empresario inmobiliario y ferroviario que también fue cofundador de Standard Oil, recordado por sus esfuerzos para convertir Florida en el "Newport del Sur", proporcionando amplios accesos ferroviarios y grandes hoteles para atraer a los veraneantes adinerados. Jabez Abel Bostwick (1830-1892) fue socio fundador de Standard Oil y su primer tesorero. Benjamin Brewster (1828-1897) fue un industrial estadounidense, financiero y uno de los fideicomisarios originales de Standard Oil. Brewster tuvo una destacada participación en la construcción del Manhattan Elevated Railway y fue también un líder financiero en muchas grandes transacciones ferroviarias, particularmente en la reorganización del Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway. Fue vicepresidente de Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad y consejero de Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad y de Delaware and Hudson Canal Company. También fue director de la International Navigation Company, propietaria de la línea de vapores American Line. Un importante certificado de acciones que presume de una multitud de asociaciones significativas de Standard Oil.