
[ESCULTURA]. 8 libros de documentación, entre ellos: Florencia 1400-1460 (Louvre), German Sculptures of the Late Middle Ages (Louvre), Collected Medieval Statuary (Boccador Bresset - 2 vols.), Cloister New-York, 15th and 16th Century Sculptures in the Museums of the Soviet Union, Wallace collection, Germany in the Middle Ages.

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[ESCULTURA]. 8 libros de documentación, entre ellos: Florencia 1400-1460 (Louvre), German Sculptures of the Late Middle Ages (Louvre), Collected Medieval Statuary (Boccador Bresset - 2 vols.), Cloister New-York, 15th and 16th Century Sculptures in the Museums of the Soviet Union, Wallace collection, Germany in the Middle Ages.

Valoración 50 - 100 EUR

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