MANIFATTURA FRANCESE DEL XVIII SECOLO Rare oval shaped frame, in richly carved g…

MANIFATTURA FRANCESE DEL XVIII SECOLO Rare oval shaped frame, in richly carved gilt wood with two figures of telamoni at the bottom in the act of supporting two fantasy animals that with the beaks gra…

FABRICACIÓN FRANCESA DEL SIGLO XVIII Raro marco de forma ovalada, en madera dorada ricamente tallada con dos figuras de telamoni en la parte inferior en el acto de sostener dos animales de fantasía que con los picos agarran una gran corona sostenida por dos putti; en el interior, temple pintado sobre papel que representa la Alegoría de los Vicios y las Virtudes. Cm 33,00 x 42,00 x 11,00. Procedencia: Pandolfini, Important furniture, furnishings and objets d'art, Florencia, 20 de abril de 2016, lote nº 143.


MANIFATTURA FRANCESE DEL XVIII SECOLO Rare oval shaped frame, in richly carved gilt wood with two figures of telamoni at the bottom in the act of supporting two fantasy animals that with the beaks grab a large crown supported by two putti; inside, painte

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