Friday 23 Aug um : 11:00 (MESZ) , Fortsetzung um 14:00

MONTIGNAC - 29th BOOK SALE - Day 3 of 5 (nos. 1062 to 1557)

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5, rue Cruche-d'Or 87000 Limoges, Frankreich
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497 Ergebnisse

Los 1084 - Gibraltar - BERLIER (J.-B.). Strait of Gibraltar Intercontinental Submarine Tunnel. Avant-projet dressé par J.-B. Berlier, ingénieur-civil. Paris, 1897. In-folio in ff. with 8 pp. (Presentation) and 3 large folding plates (Marine map of route and connections, General plan and Longitudinal profile). A few brown spots on the last plate. Interesting and very rare document relating to the project for a railway tunnel linking Spain and Morocco under the Strait of Gibraltar, here between the Anse des Vaqueros and Tangiers, with a view to connecting to the Algerian network via Tlemcen. "If Diplomacy offers no more arduous obstacles than Nature, we can be certain of success." The earliest known project is that of engineer Laurent de Villedemil in 1869. Apart from Jean-Baptiste Berlier's, the most successful projects include Émile Pichon's railroad line from Algeria to France via Gibraltar (1905); Garcia Faria's submerged steel tubes; the Marquis de Camarasa's Ibero-Afro-American railway; and Carlos Ibáñez de Ibero's double tunnel project (1908). After several aborted attempts to break through the tunnel during the 20th century, the construction project is back on the agenda today, despite financial and technical obstacles. Work, initiated by the Spanish company Segecsa, could finally begin in 2026, for delivery between 2037 and 2040. Enclosed is a large autographed brochure of the tunnel cross-section of the first line of the Paris metro, with various measurements by station, district and arrondissement.

Schätzw. 300 - 500 EUR

Los 1089 - INGENHOUSZ (Jan). Nouvelles expériences et observations sur divers objets de physique. Paris, Théophile Barrois, 1785. In-8, brown basane, ornate spine, red edges (period binding). Numerous restorations to binding (headbands, spines and corners). 4 folding plates in fine. Good condition inside. A British physician and botanist of Dutch origin, Jan Ingenhousz (or Ingen-Housz, 1730-1799) was introduced to the sciences by the physician Sir John Pringle (1707-1782, President of the Royal Society and physician to the King), whom he followed to London, where he met Joseph Priestley (1733-1804) and Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790). He became an early advocate of variolization (vaccination against smallpox). In 1768, he travelled to Vienna to vaccinate the family of Empress Maria Theresa of Austria (1717-1780), where he remained for over ten years. In 1779, after Priestley's discovery of oxygen, Ingenhousz turned his attention to plants and discovered the role of light in photosynthesis. In 1780, he published his Experiments on Plants. In 1778, on July 9, he read before the Assembly of the Royal Society of London, his new method of obtaining light in the field by means of a very small bottle charged with electricity, a description which corresponds to the future electric light bulb. In 1785 and 1788, Jan Ingenhousz took part in the debate on electroculture. He was also the author of a famous experiment on the thermal conductivity of metals (1789). He was the first to use glass plates in electrostatic machines.

Schätzw. 120 - 150 EUR

Los 1100 - [PALISSY (Bernard)]. Le Moyen de devenir riche, et la manière véritable par laquelle tous les hommes de la France pourront apprendre à multiplier & augmenter leurs thrésors & possessions. [Paris], [Robert Fouet], [1636]. 2 parts in one in-8 volume in later hardback amateur binding. 205-[1bl.] pp. (the last erroneously numbered 255, pagination jump 128 to 179 without missing); 1 f.bl. [16]-526 pp. (without the last blank leaf Kk8). The 8 introductory pages are missing, including the title page of the first part. Some foxing. Marginal tear missing for 3 cm at bottom of page 513 (minor damage to text). Fine wormholes in the margins of several pages (some minor damage to text). The second part bears a separate title: "Seconde partie du Moyen de devenir riche contenant les Discours admirables de la Nature des eaux & fontaines, tant naturelles qu'artificielle, des fleuves, puits, cisternes, étangs, marez & autres eaux douces de leur origine, bonté, & autres qualités. De l'Alchimie des métaux, de l'or potable, du Mitridat, des glaces, des sels végétatifs ou génératifs, du sel commun. Description of the marez salans. Common and precious stones. Des causes de leur génération, formes, couleur, pesanteur & qualités d'icelles, des terres d'argille, de l'art, de la terre, de son utilité & du feu, de la marne & le moyen de la cognoistre." First posthumous collective edition of the works of the famous Renaissance ceramist and scholar, divided into two parts: Manière veritable (published in 1563 under the title "Recepte véritable") and Discours admirables (1580) brought together in 1636 under the attractive title Le Moyen de devenir riche by Parisian bookseller Robert Foüet, while Bernard Palissy had fallen into oblivion. In his Discours admirables, he explains "the origin of mineral waters by the dissolution of mineral salts found in the bosom of the earth, rises up against the doctrines of the Alchemists, whom he mocks with great wit, reveals several projection processes that served only to make dupes, seeks to prove that drinking gold is a medicine that is more dangerous than useful, and that Paracelsus was selling something else under this name [...presented in the form of dialogues, the 'Traité des Pierres' is one of the most interesting treatises on natural history. Palissy was the first to establish an exact theory of crystallization, then called freezing" (Dorbon). Rare and sought-after edition (Brunet, IV, 319; Dorbon, no. 3450; unknown to Caillet (1777 edition)).

Schätzw. 800 - 1 200 EUR

Los 1111 - SCHEELE (Carl Wilhelm). Mémoires de Chymie, taken from Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences de Stockholm, translated from Swedish and German. Dijon, chez l'éditeur, et est à Paris, chez Théophile Barrois et Cuchet, 1785. One folding engraved plate. Also by the same author, in identical binding: Traité chimique de l'air et du feu. With an introduction by Torbern BERGMANN [...] Translated from the German by Baron de DIETRICH. Second edition. Paris, Rue et hôtel Serpente, 1787. One folding engraved plate in fine. [Following:] Supplément au traité chimique de l'air et du feu de M. Scheele, contenant un tableau abrégé des nouvelles découvertes sur les diverses espèces d'air, par Jean-Godefroi LEONHARDY ; des notes de M. Richard KIRWAN, & une Lettre du Docteur PRIESTLEY à ce chimiste anglois, sur l'ouvrage de M. Scheele ; traduit et augmenté de notes & du complément du tableau abrégé de ce qui a été publié jusqu'hui sur les différentes espèces d'air ; par m. le Baron de Dietrich [...] Avec la traduction, par MM. de l'Académie de Dijon, des expériences de M. Scheele sur la quantité d'air pur qui se trouve dans l'atmosphère. Paris, Rue et Hôtel Serpente, 1785. A set of 3 volumes in-12, havana half-calf with green vellum corners, smooth spine, red and black calf title and tomaison (period binding). Very good copies. A rare and valuable collection of the works of the Swedish-German chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele (1742-1786), famous for his discovery of many chemical elements and compounds, such as oxygen and chlorine.

Schätzw. 300 - 400 EUR

Los 1118 - BOURGERY (Jean-Marc) & BERNARD (Claude). Traité complet de l'anatomie de l'homme [...] Paris, Guérin, 1866-1871. 7 volumes (out of 8) large in-folio, red half-chagrin with corners, spine with ornate nerves (period binding). One headband and one corner missing. Rubbed and worn. First volume Osteology Syndesmology: [2] ff, 191 pp, [2] ff and 59 plates (with caption leaves). Second volume Myology Aponeurology: [2] ff, ii-141 pp, [2] ff. and pl. 60-159 (with their caption leaves). Brown stain in lower margin of last plates. Third volume, Neurology: [2] ff, ii-341 pp, [2] ff and 115 plates (ch. 1-100 including 15 bis) (with their caption leaves). Fourth volume, Angelology: [2] ff, 162 pp, [2] ff and 98 plates (ch. 1-91 of which 7 bis) (with their caption leaves). Fifth volume, Splanchnologie: [2] ff, 342 pp, [2] ff and 96 plates (ch. 1-76 of which 20 bis) (with their caption leaves). First few pages partly detached. Volume six Operative Medicine I: [2] ff, 280 pp, [2] ff and 93 plates (ch. 1-91 of which 2 bis) (with their caption leaves). Volume Eight Embryogenesis: [2] ff, viii-335 pp, [2] ff and 67 plates (ch. 1-60 of which 7 bis) (with their caption leaves). Lacks volume seven (Médecine opératoire II). A total of 538 plates, most in color. Scattered foxing. Monumental work by surgeon and anatomist Marc-Jean Bougery (1797-1849), published under the direction of Claude Bernard. The lithographs, most of them colored, are of the highest quality. The illustrations were engraved after drawings by Nicolas Henry Jacob, a pupil of David. Some of the dissections and preparations reproduced are attributed to Claude Bernard.

Schätzw. 2 000 - 3 000 EUR

Los 1155 - Collective. Annulaire agathopédique et saucial. Bruxelles, Imprimé par les Presses iconographiques à la Congrève de l'ordre des Agath:, chez A. Labroue et Compagnie, Cycle IV [1849-1850]. Large in-8 of [4], 134 (mal ch. 130) pp. and 4 pp. of engraved music. Brown half-basane, smooth spine decorated with rocaille irons and gilt title (period binding). Covers and spines restored. First edition printed "in a sacramental number of 350 copies only" (n°50). Woodcuts by Louis Huart. The last two leaves include the Musique de l'annulaire agathopédique et saucial: éloge du cochon, les agathopèdes, le cœur et la bagatelle... A rare publication from this pantechnical and palingenesque Society of the Agathopeds, founded in 1847 in a Brussels cabaret and composed not of "students and young rapins", but of figures "occupying prominent positions: members of the Academy, lawyers, university professors, archivists, general officers, architects, artists of proven talent...". The members, united under the motto "Amis comme cochons! Anything for a duck!"were given the name of an animal, sometimes taken from the Roman de Renart ("Grand Pourceau royal" for historian, archaeologist and academician Antoine Schayes, president of the society, "Goupil le renard" for the Montois numismatist and bibliophile Renier Chalon, a great fan of mystifications, "Tardif le Limaçon" for the bookbinder Schavye, Pyrope l'Escarboucle for Alexandre Dumas père or "Pancer II le Castor" for the architect Alphonse Balat). Having pledged to prefer champagne to lemonade, these illustrious personalities would gather in Brussels to indulge in pranks and memorable agapes, publishing each year their famous Annulaire agathopédique et saucial as well as various facetious works, much sought-after by bibliophiles. This yearbook sets out the Society's statutes, defined by the "Bureau des Platitudes et des Ephémorroïdes" (Office of Platitudes and Ephemorrhoids), gives the agathopedic calendar, whose months are named after dishes (Huitrinaire, Crêpose, Jambonose, Truffose, Boudinal, Canardinal, Petitpoisidor...), and proposes the various activities of the Bêtes-laides or Sciants class (courses in biblical agathopedics, gynofulope construction, pinopenal legislation...). The book's typography uses Masonic symbolism (Oberlé, 1139 - Quérard, Supercheries III, 303-308).

Schätzw. 250 - 300 EUR