Null Roman female figure made of terracotta.
Rome, 3rd-4th century AD. C. 

Roman female figure made of terracotta. Rome, 3rd-4th century AD. C. Fragment, good condition. Provenance: - Romy Rey private collection, London, United Kingdom. 9cm high.


Roman female figure made of terracotta. Rome, 3rd-4th century AD. C. Fragment, good condition. Provenance: - Romy Rey private collection, London, United Kingdom. 9cm high.

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Lot of 14 studies on Balzac: Augustin Cabat, Etude sur l'oeuvre d'Honoré de Balzac. [1888]. Copy with dispatch from the author to Jules Claretie. José-Laure Durrande, Balzac une rhétorique en fleurs. 2006. Fernand Baldensperger, L'appel de la fiction orientale chez Honoré de Balzac. 1927. European studies review, n°1 January 1971 [article "Balzac and social history"]. Adam international review, n°210-211, Sept-Oct 1950 [articles on Balzac]. Société des études romantiques - Balzac, "la femme de trente ans". 1993. P. Barrière, Honoré de Balzac et la tradition littéraire classique. 1928. André Meyer, Les cinq voyages de Balzac en Italie [offprint] with two letters from the author. 1991. Balzac le livre du centenaire. 1952. Pierre Abraham, Balzac et la figure humaine - la couleur des cheveux. 1928. Mercure de France, n°1047, 1950. Contains 7 articles on Balzac. Mary Susan McCarthy, Balzac and his reader. 1982. Revue des sciences humaines, n°175, 1979. Issue devoted to Balzac. Jeannine Guichardet, Balzac Mosaïque. 2007. Set of 3 studies on Balzac: Emmanuel Querouil, Le Père Goriot et le roman d'éducation. 1990. V Grib, Balzac, a marxist analysis. 1937. René Doumic, Etudes sur la littérature française. 1918. Fourth series only containing a section on Balzac. Lot of 11 studies on Balzac: Balzac, écrits sur le roman. Anthologie. 2000. Le Divan, n°291, 1954. Contains an article by Claude Pichois on Balzac. Mercure de France, n°1037, 1950. Contains 4 articles on Balzac. Europe, n°55-56, 1950. Special issue on Balzac. La Nouvelle Revue Française, 1999, n°550. Contains several articles on Balzac. Dr. Friedrich Thiele, H de Balzac als Physiognomiler. 1927. Herbet J Hunt, Balzac and the nineteenth century. 1972. Hava Sussmann, Balzac et les débuts dans la vie. 1978. Catalog of the Balzac exhibition at the Bérès bookshop in 1949. Gretchen R Besser, Balzac's concept of genius. 1969. Marie Claude Amblard, L'oeuvre fantastique de Balzac. 1972. Set of 6 studies on Balzac: Nishio, La signification du Cénacle dans la Comédie humaine de Balzac. 1980. Allemand, Unity and structure of the Balzacian universe. 1965. Mishra, Balzac, Mirror of Emerging Modern Capitalis. 1999. Bardèche, A reading of Balzac. 1964. [Association internationale des études françaises], Hermétisme et poésie, comédie italienne et théâtre français, Honoré de Balzac. March 1963, no. 15.

Set of 9 studies on Balzac: Alain, Reading Balzac. Laboratoires Martinet, 1935. Cazauran, "Sur Catherine de Médicis" by Honoré de Balzac. Collection de l'ENS de jeunes filles, 1976. Ponceau, Paysages et destins balzaciens. Paris, Myrte, 1950. Métadier, Balzac homme politique. L'Harmattan, 2006. Vouga, Balzac malgré lui. José Corti, 1957. Giraudoux, Le film de la duchesse de Langeais d'après la nouvelle de Balzac. Grasset, 1942, illustrations by Laglenne. Ki Wist, Les manuscrits de premier jet de Honoré de Balzac. Henriquez, 1964. 2 volumes in common cover. Lot of 12 studies on Balzac: Le Breton, Balzac l'homme et l'oeuvre. Boivin, sd. Faguet, "En lisant les beaux vieux livres". Extract from his 1911 book. Favre, Balzac et le temps présent. Flammarion, 1888. Demi-basane. Faguet, Dix neuvième siècle, études littéraires. Société française d'imprimerie et de librairie, 1900. Half-percaline. Neefs, Balzac, l'éternelle genèse. Manuscrits modernes, 2015. Brunetière, Etudes critiques sur l'histoire de la littérature française. Hachette, sd, seventh series. Dédéyan, Le faustisme romantique de Balzac. Revue des lettres modernes, n°39, Autumn 1958. Pommier, Créations en littérature. Hachette, 1955. Copy with dispatch to the writer André Maurois. Myrdal, Balzac und der Realismus Essays. Bucherei Oberbaum, 1978. Janis Glasgow, Une esthétique de comparaison - Balzac et George Sand. Nizet, 1978. Wedmore, Balzac. London, Walter Scott, 1890. Claudia Schmölders, über Balzac. Diogènes, 1977. Set of 9 studies on Balzac: Barny, Etudes textuelles 3. Volume 63, 1993, 5 texts on Balzac. Pommier, Créations en littératures. Hachette, 1955. Evans, Louis Lambert et la philosophie de Balzac. José Corti, 1951. Chardon, Expliquez-moi Balzac (2 Balzac). Foucher, 1962. Voivenel, Autour des femmes et l'amour. Raoul Lion, 1950. Copy enriched with a letter to Dr. Moynier. Ingrid Ulrike Lange, Der Selbstmord in Honoré de Balzacs Comédie humaine. Romanistischer Verlag, 1995. Garnand, The influence of Walter Scott on the works of Balzac. NY, Octagon books, 1971. Weigand, Stendhal und Balzac, essays. Leipzig, Im Inselverlag, 1911. [autographs by Bardèche] Set of 15 studies on Balzac: Balzac et l'Italie. Paris, Des Cendres, 2003. Lucey, Les ratés de la famille - Balzac et les formes sociales de la sexualité. Paris, Fayard, 2008. Guise, Balzac. Nancy, Presses universitaires, 1994. Adamson, The genesis of Le Cousin Pons. Oxford university press, 1966. Swahn, Balzac et le merveilleux - étude du roman balzacien 1822-1832. Lund University press, 1991. Surville, Balzac, sa vie et ses oeuvres. Paris, librairie nouvelle, 1858. Bérard, La genèse d'un roman de Balzac - Illusions perdues 1837 - du manuscrit à l'édition. Paris, Colin, 1961. Affron, Patterns of failure in La Comédie humaine. Yale university press, 1966. Prendergast, Balzac - Fiction and Melodrama. Edward Arnold, 1978. Vanoncini, Figures de la Modernité. Paris, Corti, 1984.

BANDELLO (Matteo). XVIII histoires tragiques, extraictes des oeuvres Italiennes de Baudel, & mises en langue Françoise. Les six premières, par Pierre Boisteau, surnommé Launay natif de Bretaigne. - The next twelve, by Franc. de Belle-Forest, Comingeois. Turin, Cesare Farina, 1582. In-16, 436 ff, [3] ff, fawn calf, ornate spine, triple gilt fillet framing the boards, gilt edges, inner lace (Thompson). Reprint of Bandello's first translation by Pierre Boaistuau (1517-1566), which appeared in 1559 at the Paris address, with Belleforest's continuation, first published in 1560 and constituting the first French translation of Romeo and Juliet. The 214 Novelle del Bandello were first published in Italian in 1554 (first three parts, addressed to Lucca) and 1573 (fourth part, addressed to Lyon). Boaistuau and Belleforest were only interested in a small part of the corpus - including the story of ROMEO ET JULIETTE, which makes its FIRST APPEARANCE IN FRENCH "Histoire troisième de deux amans, dont l'un mourut de venin, l'autre de tristesse". The play is part of a tradition of tragic love stories dating back to Antiquity. The plot is based on an Italian tale by Luigi da Porto, translated into English verse by Arthur Brooke in 1536 as The Tragical History of Romeus and Juliet. In 1582, William Painter proposed a prose version in his Palace of Pleasure. Shakespeare borrowed from both, but deepened the plot by developing the secondary characters, notably Mercutio and Count Paris. Probably written between 1591 and 1595, the play was first published in quarto in 1597. Bishop of Agen since 1550, Matteo Maria Bandello (1480-1561) was both an Italian and French literary and social figure: having visited the French court as early as 1510, he also frequented the Sforza family in Milan, and had resided in our country since his appointment to the bishopric of Agen. He died at Château de Bazens, owned by the bishop's mense. (Brunet I, 638. Cioranescu, XVI, 4092 (for the first edition). A fine copy from the library of M. F. Clicquot de Reims n° 602 (handwritten bookplate) and the Heirisson brothers (bookplate).