Null 路易斯-克拉蒙(LLUÍS CLARAMUNT,1951 年出生于巴塞罗那,2000 年出生于吉普斯夸省扎劳茨)。

"蛇蝎美人,1986 年


路易斯-克拉蒙(LLUÍS CLARAMUNT,1951 年出生于巴塞罗那,2000 年出生于吉普斯夸省扎劳茨)。 "蛇蝎美人,1986 年 布面油画。 左上角有签名和日期。 尺寸:160 x 200 厘米。 Lluís Claramunt 是一位自学成才的画家、绘图师、摄影师和雕刻师,他的一生都在巴塞罗那、马德里、塞维利亚、毕尔巴鄂和马拉喀什之间度过,他的作品受到 Isidre Nonell 的影响,从一开始就带有表现主义的特征,后来逐渐消失,直至成为一种极简的书法。自七十年代起,他在巴塞罗那的 Dau al Set、马略卡岛帕尔马的 Quatre Gats、塞维利亚的 Juana de Aizpuru 或马德里的 Buades 等著名画廊举办个展,还参加了 Arco(1984 年和 1988 年)。他还在纽约、阿姆斯特丹、奥地利格拉茨和里斯本举办过个展。同样,2012 年,他的作品参加了在巴塞罗那 MACBA 举办的个展 "El viatge vertical"。他的作品目前在该博物馆、维拉-卡萨斯基金会、La Caixa 收藏馆、阿拉瓦贝拉斯艺术博物馆、马德里当代艺术收藏协会、马德里高级体育委员会和文化部以及马德里 Caja 美术馆展出。最近,Claramunt 在巴塞罗那著名的 Marc Domenech 画廊举办了展览,Marc Domenech 将他的展览 "Luis Claramunt.Años 80 "展览完全是为了展示这位艺术家的作品。展览于 2016 年 5 月举行,展出了七十多幅作品,展示了艺术家对城市空间的偏爱,通过完全表现主义的调色板表现出来,其中以充满活力和生机的调色板为主。


路易斯-克拉蒙(LLUÍS CLARAMUNT,1951 年出生于巴塞罗那,2000 年出生于吉普斯夸省扎劳茨)。 "蛇蝎美人,1986 年 布面油画。 左上角有签名和日期。 尺寸:160 x 200 厘米。 Lluís Claramunt 是一位自学成才的画家、绘图师、摄影师和雕刻师,他的一生都在巴塞罗那、马德里、塞维利亚、毕尔巴鄂和马拉喀什之间度过,他的作品受到 Isidre Nonell 的影响,从一开始就带有表现主义的特征,后来逐渐消失,直至成为一种极简的书法。自七十年代起,他在巴塞罗那的 Dau al Set、马略卡岛帕尔马的 Quatre Gats、塞维利亚的 Juana de Aizpuru 或马德里的 Buades 等著名画廊举办个展,还参加了 Arco(1984 年和 1988 年)。他还在纽约、阿姆斯特丹、奥地利格拉茨和里斯本举办过个展。同样,2012 年,他的作品参加了在巴塞罗那 MACBA 举办的个展 "El viatge vertical"。他的作品目前在该博物馆、维拉-卡萨斯基金会、La Caixa 收藏馆、阿拉瓦贝拉斯艺术博物馆、马德里当代艺术收藏协会、马德里高级体育委员会和文化部以及马德里 Caja 美术馆展出。最近,Claramunt 在巴塞罗那著名的 Marc Domenech 画廊举办了展览,Marc Domenech 将他的展览 "Luis Claramunt.Años 80 "展览完全是为了展示这位艺术家的作品。展览于 2016 年 5 月举行,展出了七十多幅作品,展示了艺术家对城市空间的偏爱,通过完全表现主义的调色板表现出来,其中以充满活力和生机的调色板为主。

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LUDWIG MIES VAN DER ROHE (Germany, 1886 - USA, 1969) for KNOLL. Sofa-bed "Barcelona", design 1929 (Universal Exposition of Barcelona). Chromed stainless steel and Cognac leather upholstery. African ramin wood frame. Leather-covered cushion sewn with buttons and chains. Includes matching neck pillow. Certified by Knoll International. Original packaging. Brand new. Reproduced and reviewed in "Charlotte & Peter Fiell. 1000 Chairs", p. 133. Measurements: 41 x 195 x 95 cm. 226x103 cm. (packing). The Barcelona sofa bed is a classic work of 20th century industrial design. Mies van der Rohe created it, along with the matching chair and side table, for the German pavilion at the 1929 Barcelona International Exposition, a building that was itself a landmark in the architecture of the last century. Like the chairs, the ottoman was made with a polished stainless steel frame and leather upholstery. Rohe based its creation, in his personal line of modern classicism, on furniture used by Roman magistrates in antiquity. Today, both the Barcelona chair and the matching ottoman and side table are still produced by Knoll, the firm that bought the license from the architect in 1953. Modern models are produced in two different steel configurations, and in various types of leather in different colors. Examples of the Barcelona chair are now held in important collections around the world, including the MoMA in New York. An architect and industrial designer, Mies van der Rohe trained with Bruno Paul and Peter Behrens, and opened his own studio in Berlin in 1912. Between 1930 and 1933 he directed the Bauhaus in Dessau, although the political situation in Germany soon after forced him to emigrate to the United States. There he continued his brilliant career, teaching at the Illinois Technology Institute in Chicago. During his career he designed emblematic buildings mainly in Germany and the United States, especially his skyscrapers in New York and Chicago, the German Pavilion for the 1929 Barcelona International Exposition, and the NeueNationalgalerie in Berlin.

JORDI VILANOVA (Barcelona, 1925-1998). Suspension lamp "Anella" Series, 1967. Polished brass and parchment lampshade. Measurements: 68 x 44 x 44 cm. Suspension lamp of the Anella series designed and produced by Jordi Vilanova in 1967. A paradigmatic example of the conjunction that Vilanova carried out between traditional techniques and new materials of industrial type. Polished brass structure and parchment shade. Vilanova defended the functionality, simplicity and purity of lines. He could be described as a modern classic, as is evident in this lamp. Catalan interior designer and cabinetmaker, Jordi Vilanova entered the School of Work and Artistic Trades of La Lonja in 1939. He completed his training in the workshop of Busquets, and between 1940 and 1953 he collaborated in the studio of Lluís Gili. Jordi Vilanova was founder and promoter of the Catalan art magazine "Questions d'Art" (1967-74). In 1974 he opened premises with a permanent exhibition of furniture and upholstery of his own design, forming part of the Official College of Interior Decorators and Designers of Barcelona and the SAD. His modern furniture and his way of resolving spaces were initially aimed at a large public of limited economic resources and, consequently, homes with less living space. However, this great majority did not understand his proposal. Instead, it was the Catalan bourgeoisie, eager to break with outdated stylistic canons, who embraced his work. His specialty was furniture for children, such as the Delta stool, which won the Delta de Plata Prize awarded by the ADI/FAD in 1964. He held exhibitions of his work in Scandinavia. Among his most representative designs are the Tiracord and Billar chairs (1961), the Montseny MP bunk bed (1961), the Tartera (1966) and Petit (1978) rocking chairs and the Z magazine rack (1987) designed together with his son Pau Vilanova Vila-Abadal. It is currently represented in the Design Museum of Barcelona.