lunedì 29 lug a : 14:00 (BST)

Auction No. 3 - A Rare and Important Collection of Autographs and Memorabilia: Science, Literature, Art, Music, and History

L'Autographe Auctions - +4420.353.503.63 - Email

13 Hanover Square W1S 1HN Mayfair, London, Regno Unito
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356 risultati

Lotto 118 - LE VERRIER Urbain (1811 - 1877) LE VERRIER Urbain (1811 - 1877) SCIENCE - LE VERRIER Urbain (1811 - 1877) - Letter signed Letter signed, dated “Paris, le 15 Juillet 1876” by the French astronomer and mathematician who specialized in celestial mechanics and is best known for predicting the existence and position of Neptune using only mathematics. Director of the Paris Observatory, Le Verrier was intensely engaged for months in complex calculations to explain small but systematic discrepancies between Uranus's observed orbit and the one predicted from the laws of gravity of Newton. At the same time, but unknown to Le Verrier, similar calculations were made by John Couch Adams in England. Le Verrier announced his final predicted position for Uranus's unseen perturbing planet publicly to the French Academy on 31 August 1846, two days before Adams's final solution was privately mailed to the Royal Greenwich Observatory. Le Verrier transmitted his own prediction by 18 September in a letter to Johann Galle of the Berlin Observatory. The letter arrived five days later, and the planet was found with the Berlin Fraunhofer refractor that same evening, 23 September 1846, by Galle and Heinrich d'Arrest within 1° of the predicted location near the boundary between Capricorn and Aquarius. Addressed to his colleague, the French physicist Hippolyte Fizeau (1819 - 1896), concerning a meeting at the Paris Observatory : “…La séance de Juillet du Conseil a dû être différée jusqu’au moment où nous aurions une réponse du Ministre au sujet du miroir. Cette réponse étant arrivée, il devient indispensable de réunir le Conseil Lundi prochain à une heure, à l’Observatoire…”. 1 p. In-8. With letterhead “Obsersavoire de Paris”. - This item is under temporary import. If the item is delivered within the United Kingdom, it will be subject to a 5% Value Added Tax (VAT) on the hammer price.

Stima 200 - 250 GBP

Lotto 120 - LISZT Franz (1811 - 1886) LISZT Franz (1811 - 1886) MUSIC - LISZT Franz (1811 - 1886) - Autograph letter signed Autograph letter signed, dated “Hamburg, 5 Juin 1842”, by the celebrated pianist, composer emeritus and acclaimed concert performer. Fine, long letter to a "Grand artiste" in London: "...Tout en ne vous écrivant pas des lettres, je vous ai écrit souvent en musique. J'ai là sur ma table toute sorte de chansons et de Ballades qui vous attendent. J'aurai assurément plus d'occasions à vous les entendre chanter, que vous n'en aurez à la connaître". Il a reçu la nouvelle des succès de son correspondant sur scène et il le félicite : "Mais il arrive si rarement que justice soit rendue à certaines personnes par lesquelles l'enthousiasme seul est justice". Then he talks about his activities: "La troupe allemande n'étant pas organisable comme il me le faudrait, c'est à dire comme il le faudrait, ni en Allemagne ni ailleurs, j'ai renoncé à ma charge de Leader" (at the time, Liszt was expected to take over the management of the German opera society). He continued: "J'y perds le très grand plaisir de vous voir cette saison à Londres. Les mois de Juin, Juillet et Août, je les passerai probablement aux environs de Paris. Je me sens un extrême besoin de repos, et veux revoir ma mère et mes têtes blondes" (he is referring to his three children from his relationship with the Countess d'Agoult - the eldest, Cosima, married Richard Wagner). 7 pp. In-8°. - This Item is currently in Finland and can be shipped within the European Community with NO import tax and VAT. UK deliveries will be subject to 5% import VAT

Stima 4 000 - 6 000 GBP

Lotto 141 - MONET Claude (1840 - 1926) MONET Claude (1840 - 1926) ART AND THEATRE - MONET Claude (1840 - 1926) - Autograph letter signed Autograph letter signed, dated “Mardi matin [c. 1875]” by the French painter and founder of impressionism. During his long career, he was the most consistent and prolific practitioner of impressionism's philosophy of expressing one's perceptions of nature, especially as applied to plein air (outdoor) landscape painting. The term "Impressionism" is derived from the title of his painting Impression, soleil levant, exhibited in 1874 (the "exhibition of rejects") initiated by Monet and his associates as an alternative to the Salon. Monet addresses a gentleman: “…je suis dans une panne atroce et obligé de vendre coute que coute quelques toiles au plus bon prix, afin de pouvoir me remettre au travail. J’ai encore chez moi une … plusieurs toiles qui vous conviendrait beaucoup plus si vous vouliez m’en prendre quelques unes je vous le fait à 40 f. l’une…”. This early letter illustrated movingly the economic situation of the impressionist leader at the beginning of the movement that would revolutionize European painting. The art of the Impressionists was still unpopular, obliging Monet to offer his paintings for the price of a meal in a fancy Parisian restaurant. 1 p. In-8. - This item is under temporary import. If the item is delivered within the United Kingdom, it will be subject to a 5% Value Added Tax (VAT) on the hammer price.

Stima 7 000 - 8 000 GBP

Lotto 182 - SÉGUIER Armand Louis Maurice (1770 - 1831) SÉGUIER Armand Louis Maurice (1770 - 1831) HISTORY - SÉGUIER Armand Louis Maurice (1770 - 1831) - Twelve autograph letters signed Twelve autograph letters signed, dated London between December 17, 1818 and November 30, 1819. Important, unpublished diplomatic correspondence by the French diplomat, who fought in the Army of Condé. To Count Alexandre de Hauterive (1754-1830), a diplomat and former custodian of the archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Very informative correspondence about the reception of the Restoration in Europe, and in particular about diplomatic relations between France and England. From London, where he is the consul general of France since 1816, he expresses his disappointment with not having obtained a better position: "Officier supérieur à 22 ans, et ayant fait (...) cinq campagnes pour le service du roi (...) un emploi diplomatique n' était peut-être pas de trop pour un Séguier sous le règne des Bourbons, après trente trois ans de service (...) on continue à m'employer comme consul...". A few weeks later he reports what is being said in London about the new ambassador M. de la Tour Mauburg: "...considéré par les allemands comme une espèce de traître ainsi l'envoyé autrichien (...) s'en expliquait très défavorablement (...) C'est sur ces entrefaites que la nouvelle (...) est arrivée. Sa qualité de général est tout ce qui a frappé (...) On a été consulter le duc de Wellington (...) sa réponse paroit s'être ressentie de la mauvaise humeur habituelle qu'il montre contre nous...". Total of 29 pp. In-4.

Stima 450 - 650 GBP

Lotto 194 - TORRE Y QUEVEDO Leonardo (1852 - 1936) TORRE Y QUEVEDO Leonardo (1852 - 1936) SCIENCE - TORRE Y QUEVEDO Leonardo (1852 - 1936) - Autograph letter signed Autograph letter signed, dated “Madrid- 9-III-902” by the Spanish civil engineer, mathematician and inventor, considered today as a forerunner to the modern digital computer. His first major task was the patent of a new cable car system in 1887 for the safe public transportation of people, an area of ​​activity that culminated in 1916 with the Whirlpool Aero Car located in Niagara Falls. In the early 1890s Torres focused his research on the field of analog computing. He published Machines algébriques (1895) and Machines à calculer (1900), technical studies that gave him a reputation in France, carrying out the construction of several machines for solving real and complex roots of polynomials. He has been a key figure in the development of radio control systems between 1901 and 1905 with the Telekine, which he created modern wireless remote-control operation principles. An intimate letter addressed to his “Querido Fausto”: “…yo pienso que tiendrá razon su chico y que eso de la veser y lo achaques lo ponderas mas de lo justo por que cuando escribiste estabas la vena exagerar (…) Yo estoy bueno, aunque me sobran canas en la barba y me falta pelo en la parte superior del craneo. Con mis hijos y varias chisladuras, se me va pasando la vida mi sentir y demasiado deprisa para mi gusto, pero en verdad no tengo motivos para quejarme mas que la mayoría de las gentes…”. 3 pp. ½. In-8. Rare. - This item is under temporary import. If the item is delivered within the United Kingdom, it will be subject to a 5% Value Added Tax (VAT) on the hammer price.

Stima 1 500 - 1 800 GBP