Tutti i lotti "Sculture in terracotta" Ricerca avanzata

192 risultati

mar 21 mag

Arturo Martini Treviso 1889-Milan 1947 Choral 1934 ca. Terracotta sculpture - Arturo Martini Treviso 1889-Milan 1947 Choral 1934 ca. Terracotta sculpture Engraved signature "Martini". Donated by the artist to the journalist and literary critic Enrico Falqui (1901 – 1974), the work was modeled during the 1930s and perhaps used in 1936-37, a period in which Arturo Martini worked on designing the models (dispersed ) created for the Arco della Vittoria Competition to be placed in Piazza Fiume in Milan; competition won by Martini for the great monumental work designed with the architects Mazzoleni and Carminati, but not built (Gatalogo raisonné, Vicenza, Neri Pozza1998 n. 438). It depicts a compact group of twenty female figures in a standing position, caught in the act of singing out loud, huddled together so as to form a block which however is enlivened by the different poses of the individual figures, placed very effectively intuition on a sloping terrace which gives the scene a particular charm and unusual animation (a similar base is found in the Monaca of 1919 and in the Palinuro of 1946). In fact, the choral composition seems to allude to a theatrical scene, as happened in ancient theatre, or in any case to a public event. The solution closely resembles other compositions such as the Brigands group (262) proposed in several versions, terracotta and majolica, and the Collegiate group (Catalogue raisonné n. 267), conceived in a circular composition with a void in the centre, all works dating back to the early 1930s; finally, the unique terracotta entitled Greek Tragedy (Catalogue raisonné no. 317) also dates back to around 1932, probably connected to the present sculpture if only for the theatrical theme. In consideration of these evaluations and faced with the fact that we do not know the title assigned by the artist for the work in question here, the provisional title of: Female Choir is proposed. The present sculpture will be included in the next edition of the General Catalog of Arturo Martini's sculptures, currently under development. Nico Stringa We thank Prof. Nico Stringa for confirming the authenticity and drafting the description of the work 41x28x19 cm - in glass case 35x48x25 cm

Stima 5 000 - 10 000 EUR

sab 25 mag

27 Auguste RODIN (1840-1917) Busto di Suzon, 1900 circa Bronzo con patina naturale, fusione in sabbia Firmato A. RODIN sul piedistallo, iscrizione "Cie des Bronzes Bruxelles" sul taglio della spalla sinistra. H. 39 cm (senza base), 54 cm (con base in marmo nero, più tardi) Progettato intorno al 1875; la Compagnie des Bronzes de Bruxelles ha prodotto questo modello tra il 1875 e il 1939 in vari materiali: biscotto, marmo, bronzo, terracotta e materiali: biscotto, marmo, bronzo, terracotta, e in e in diversi formati. Bibliografia per esempi simili: A. E. Elsen, Rodin, New York 1963, p. 206. R. Descharnes e J.-F. Chabrun, Auguste Rodin, Parigi, 1967, p. 46. I. Jianou e C. Goldscheider, Rodin, Parigi, 1967, p. 85. J. L. Tancock, La scultura di Auguste Rodin, La collezione del Museo Rodin di Filadelfia. Collezione del Museo Rodin di Filadelfia, Philadelphia, 1976, p. 581, n. 106-2, p. 582. C. Goldscheider, Auguste Rodin, Catalogue raisonné de l'œuvre sculpté l'œuvre sculpté, Parigi, 1989, vol. I, p. 84, n. 64. A. E. Elsen, Rodin's Art, The Rodin Collection of the Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Center for Visual Arts dell'Università di Stanford, New York, 2003. University, New York, 2003, p. 447, n. 129 (fig. 370). A. Le Normand-Romain, Rodin et le bronze, Catalogue des œuvres conservées au Musée Rodin, Parigi, 2007, vol. II, pp. 662-665, n. S. 961, p. 662 e 664-665). Segnato dagli anni appena trascorsi nell'atelier di studio di Carrier-Belleuse, nel gennaio del 1871, Rodin raggiunge raggiunge Carrier-Belleuse a Bruxelles per lavorare alla della Bourse de Commerce. Rodin aveva imparato da Carrier-Belleuse come rielaborare l'argilla prima della cottura per per dare a ogni prova un carattere originale. Il busto di Suzon fu acquistato dalla Compagnie des Bronzes de Bruxelles, che produsse 41 bronzi nel 1881. di Bruxelles, che nel 1881 produsse 41 bronzi, un grande successo per l'epoca, che permise a Rodin di realizzare un'opera per l'epoca, che permise a Rodin di prevedere altre opere personali opere personali, come la trasposizione in marmo del busto de L'uomo dal naso rotto e L'età del bronzo.

Stima 6 000 - 8 000 EUR

gio 30 mag

Jacques LIPCHITZ (1891-1973) - Uomo con chitarra, Bilbao, 1920 Stampa su terracotta, firmata con iniziali sulla base, datata XII-20 e numerata 4/7 H. 46,5 cm Base: 22,6 x 21,6 cm Ringraziamo il Prof. Dr. Kosme de Barañano per averci confermato che si tratta di una terracotta originale di Jacques Lipchitz. La sua perizia del 9 aprile 2024 sarà consegnata all'acquirente. Provenienza : - Collezione privata Bibliografia : - A.G. Wilkinson, The Sculpture of Jacques Lipchitz, A Catalogue Raisonné, volume primo, the Paris Years, 1910-1940, Thames and Hudson, Londra, 1996, p.212, n° 112 a 114 (copie in pietra ricostituita, bronzo e marmo, riprodotte) - Kosme de Barañano, Jacques Lipchitz, The plasters, A Catalogue Raisonné, 1911-1973, Fundación BBK Fundazioa, Bilbao, 2009, p. 130, n° 58 (gesso riprodotto) Originario della Lituania, Jacques Lipchitz si trasferì a Parigi nel 1909. Fu uno dei pionieri della scultura cubista, con forme geometriche ispirate al primitivismo della scultura africana. Tra il 1915 e il 1920 i musicisti occupano un posto di rilievo nelle sue opere e i temi di Arlecchino, Pierrot e Musicisti riflettono la sua iconografia ispirata alla vita notturna dei cabaret parigini come Le Boeuf sur le toit. Nel 1916 firma il suo primo contratto con il mercante d'arte Léonce Rosenberg. Rosenberg gli dedica la prima mostra personale alla galleria L'Effort Moderne nel gennaio 1920, ma nello stesso anno Lipchitz ritrova la libertà di creare "ciò che vuole e non ciò che gli viene imposto". Con l'aiuto di alcuni amici, riacquista le sue opere dal mercante. L'Uomo con chitarra fu realizzato nel dicembre 1920 e l'artista descrisse questa scultura come un'opera di transizione, che preannunciava un ritorno a un certo classicismo. In My Life in sculpture (Jacques Lipchitz and H.H. Arnason, USA, Viking Press, 1972), Lipchitz scrive: "Ho preso coscienza dello spazio negativo e (...) ho cominciato a utilizzarne gli effetti. Si trattava semplicemente di avvolgere forme solide intorno a un vuoto per incorniciarlo, in effetti usando il vuoto piuttosto che il volume della pietra per suggerire la forma di una testa o di una parte del busto". Questo Uomo con chitarra è noto anche come Uomo seduto con chitarra (Musée National d'Art Moderne Paris, Centre Pompidou) o Pierrot con clarinetto (Maurice Raynal, Jacques Lipchitz, Parigi 1947). Il calco originale in gesso è conservato al Musée National d'Art Moderne Paris, Centre Pompidou (donato dalla Jacques and Yulla Lipchitz Foundation, New York, 1976). Di questa scultura esiste una copia in pietra ricomposta (Kunstmuseum di Basilea, Svizzera) e un'altra in marmo (Rijksmuseum Kröller-Muller, Otterlo, Paesi Bassi), oltre a due edizioni di sette copie, una in bronzo e l'altra in terracotta. La serie in terracotta dell'Uomo con chitarra comprende i seguenti esemplari: - Un esemplare offerto a Jean Cocteau dall'artista (venduto a New York nel maggio 1982). - Numero 2/7, Collezione Martin e Rena Blackman (venduto nel novembre 2021) - Numero 5/7, Collezione Hubert de Givenchy (venduto a Parigi nel giugno 2022). - Il numero 4/7 qui presentato è numerato.

Stima 400 000 - 450 000 EUR

gio 30 mag

Giorgio de Chirico (Volos, 1888- Rom/Roma 1978) - Bucefalo, 1940/1988-1991 Polished bronze with gold patina, h. 35 cm, plaster of 1972 taken from a 1940 terracotta Engraved on the work are the signature, numbering and hallmark of Fonderia Bonvicini of Verona and the mark of the centenary of the birth of the master Giorgio De Chirico. This work is part of the edition of 9 examples of which 7 are numbered I/VII plus two artist's proofs E/A I/II and E/A II/II and an uncirculated proof not numbered to be destined to the GIORGIO ED ISA DE CHIRICO FOUNDATION. Signature and numbering (VII/VII) engraved on the base Bibl: C. Bruni Sakraischik, Catalogo generale Giorgio de Chirico, Electa, Milan, volume II, number 297/3 (illustration of another version) The work is accompanied by an authentication on photograph signed Claudio Bruni Sakraischik Provenance: private collection Giorgio de Chirico created several sculptures in terracotta and bronze. From these works, in the years between 1988 and 1991, commissioned and authorized by Isabella De Chirico and Lisa Sotilis and on the occasion of the centenary of his death, several bronzes were created. These were produced by the Bonvicini Foundry in Verona with a print run of 9 copies of which 7 numbered from I/VII plus two artist's proofs E/A I/II E/A II/II and a non-commercial non-numbered proof to be allocated to the FOUNDATION GIORGIO AND ISA DE CHIRICO. Of this creation, 4 sculptures from an important South Tyrolean collection are presented: Penelope and Telemachus, Colonial Mannequins, Orpheus, Bucephalus

Stima 16 000 - 25 000 EUR

gio 30 mag

Giorgio de Chirico (Volos, 1888- Rom/Roma 1978) - Penelope e Telemaco, 1970/1988-1991 Bronze with black patina, h. 41.5 cm, taken from an unpublished original plaster cast of 1970 Engraved on the work are the signature, numbering and hallmark of Fonderia Bonvicini of Verona and the mark of the centenary of the birth of the master Giorgio De Chirico. This work is part of the edition of 9 examples of which 7 are numbered I/VII plus two artist's proofs E/A I/II and E/A II/II and an uncirculated proof not numbered to be destined to the GIORGIO ED ISA DE CHIRICO FOUNDATION. Signature and numbering (VII/VII) engraved on the base Bibl: C. Bruni Sakraischik, Catalogo generale Giorgio de Chirico, Electa, Milan, volume II, number 297/3 (illustration of another version) The work is accompanied by an authentication on photograph signed Claudio Bruni Sakraischik Provenance: Private collection Giorgio de Chirico created several sculptures in terracotta and bronze. From these works, in the years between 1988 and 1991, commissioned and authorized by Isabella De Chirico and Lisa Sotilis and on the occasion of the centenary of his death, several bronzes were created. These were produced by the Bonvicini Foundry in Verona with a print run of 9 copies of which 7 numbered from I/VII plus two artist's proofs E/A I/II E/A II/II and a non-commercial non-numbered proof to be allocated to the FOUNDATION GIORGIO AND ISA DE CHIRICO. Of this creation, 4 sculptures from an important South Tyrolean collection are presented: Penelope and Telemachus, Colonial Mannequins, Orpheus, Bucephalus

Stima 20 000 - 30 000 EUR

gio 30 mag

Giorgio de Chirico (Volos, 1888- Rom/Roma 1978) - Orfeo, 1970/1988-1991 Polished bronze with gold patina, h. 46.3 cm, taken from an original plaster cast of 1970 Engraved on the work are the signature, numbering and hallmark of Fonderia Bonvicini of Verona and the mark of the centenary of the birth of the master Giorgio De Chirico. This work is part of an edition of 9 examples of which 7 are numbered I/VII plus two artist's proofs E/A I/II and E/A II/II and an uncirculated proof not numbered to be destined to the GIORGIO ED ISA DE CHIRICO FOUNDATION. Signature and numbering (VII/VII) engraved on the base Bibl: C. Bruni Sakraischik, Catalogo generale Giorgio de Chirico, Electa, Milan, volume II, number 297/3 (illustration of another casting) The work is accompanied by an authentication on photograph signed Claudio Bruni Sakraischik Provenance: Private collection Giorgio de Chirico created several sculptures in terracotta and bronze. From these works, in the years between 1988 and 1991, commissioned and authorized by Isabella De Chirico and Lisa Sotilis and on the occasion of the centenary of his death, several bronzes were created. These were produced by the Bonvicini Foundry in Verona with a print run of 9 copies of which 7 numbered from I/VII plus two artist's proofs E/A I/II E/A II/II and a non-commercial non-numbered proof to be allocated to the FOUNDATION GIORGIO AND ISA DE CHIRICO. Of this creation, 4 sculptures from an important South Tyrolean collection are presented: Penelope and Telemachus, Colonial Mannequins, Orpheus, Bucephalus

Stima 16 000 - 25 000 EUR

gio 30 mag

Giorgio de Chirico (Volos, 1888- Rom/Roma 1978) - Manichini coloniali, 1969/1988-1991 Polished bronze with gilded patina, h. 47.5 cm, taken from an original plaster cast of 1969 Engraved on the work are the signature, numbering and hallmark of Fonderia Bonvicini of Verona and the mark of the centenary of the birth of Maestro Giorgio De Chirico. This work is part of the edition of 9 examples of which 7 are numbered I/VII plus two artist's proofs E/A I/II and E/A II/II and an uncirculated proof not numbered to be destined to the GIORGIO ED ISA DE CHIRICO FOUNDATION. Signature and numbering (VII/VII) engraved on the base Bibl: C. Bruni Sakraischik, Catalogo generale Giorgio de Chirico, Electa, Milan, volume II, number 297/3 (illustration of another casting) The work is accompanied by an authentication on photograph signed Claudio Bruni Sakraischik Provenance: Private collection Giorgio de Chirico created several sculptures in terracotta and bronze. From these works, in the years between 1988 and 1991, commissioned and authorized by Isabella De Chirico and Lisa Sotilis and on the occasion of the centenary of his death, several bronzes were created. These were produced by the Bonvicini Foundry in Verona with a print run of 9 copies of which 7 numbered from I/VII plus two artist's proofs E/A I/II E/A II/II and a non-commercial non-numbered proof to be allocated to the FOUNDATION GIORGIO AND ISA DE CHIRICO. Of this creation, 4 sculptures from an important South Tyrolean collection are presented: Penelope and Telemachus, Colonial Mannequins, Orpheus, Bucephalus

Stima 18 000 - 35 000 EUR