Cindy Sherman
Illustrated monographic catalog pub…

CINDY SHERMAN (1954) Cindy Sherman 1987 Illustrated monographic catalog published on the occasion of the exhibition held at Parco Gallery, Tokyo (1987) 26 x 21 cm Gallery edition 96 pages Defects


CINDY SHERMAN (1954) Cindy Sherman 1987 Illustrated monographic catalog published on the occasion of the exhibition held at Parco Gallery, Tokyo (1987) 26 x 21 cm Gallery edition 96 pages Defects

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GIACOMETTI (Alberto). Set of 6 issues of the Revue Derrière Le Miroir devoted to Giacometti, in-folio on ff. in illustrated covers by or after the artist: - n°39-40, 1951, [10] pp. + a 4-fold leaflet featuring works by Giacometti photographed by E. Scheidegger (tear not missing), DLM published for the 1st GIACOMETTI exhibition at Galerie Maeght in June 1951 featuring 36 sculptures, 18 paintings and drawings. Text by Michel Leiris "Pierres pour un Alberto Giacometti". 3 original lithographs in black, including 1 double-page spread, 3 facsimiles of drawings and 9 reproductions in black. - n°39-40, [10] pp. + a 4-fold leaflet featuring works by Giacometti photographed by E. Scheidegger, 2nd edition printed in phototype. - n°65, 1954, [24] pp. including cover, DLM published for the exhibition of GIACOMETTI's sculptures, paintings and drawings at Galerie Maeght in May 1954. Text by Jean-Paul Sartre "Les Peintures de Giacometti". 3 color lithographic prints and 13 reproductions, including 9 unpublished drawings. - n°98, 1957, 28 pp. including cover, DLM published in June 1957 for the GIACOMETTI exhibition at Galerie Maeght. Text by Jean Genet "L'Atelier d'Alberto Giacometti". 3 original lithographs in black, including 1 double-page spread. - n°127, 1961, 28 pp. + cover DLM published in May 1961 devoted to the exhibition of paintings and sculptures by GIACOMETTI at the Galerie Maeght. 14 original lithographs, including 3 double-page spreads. Text by Olivier Larronde, Léna Leclercq and Isaku Yanaihara. - n°233, 1979, 24 pp. + cover "Les Murs de l'atelier et de la chambre", DLM published for the exhibition of GIACOMETTI's murs de l'atelier et de la chambre at the Galerie Maeght in March 1979. Texts by Michel Leiris "Autres heures, autres traces" and Michel G. Bourbon. 11 reproductions, 7 in color.

URBANO LUGRÍS GONZÁLEZ (La Coruña, 1908-1973). "In the light of the moon", 1965. Ink on paper. With poem by the artist. Size: 44 x 33 cm; 64 x 53 cm (frame). Urbano Lugris began his artistic training under the influence of Nacho Viéitez, a man whose purpose was to encourage the practice of painting in the new generations. He abandoned his studies as a mercantile expert in La Coruña to move to Madrid in 1930, where he joined the Pedagogical Missions, with which he toured several Spanish cities designing costumes and sets for the theater La Barraca. During this period he met Federico García Lorca and Rafael Alberti. During the civil war he participated as a volunteer in the Republican army, going to the front of Asturias. After the end of the war in 1954 he founded in La Coruña the magazine Atlántida, with his friends Mariano Tudela and José Mª de Labra, in which he actively participated, writing articles and poems, as well as numerous illustrations and designing the front cover. In 1965 he moved to Vigo where he died on December 23, 1973. In 1997 the largest exhibition dedicated to Urbano Lugrís, curated by Rosario Sarmiento and Antón Patiño, was held at the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid and at the Auditorio de Galicia in Santiago de Compostela. On the occasion of this exhibition, an important book-catalog of the exhibition was published, as well as a facsimile of the magazine Atlántida. In 2007 the book by Antón Patiño Urbano Lugrís, "Viaje al corazón del océano" (Journey to the heart of the ocean) was published. Lugrís was an almost self-taught painter whose pictorial work reflects a predilection for marine themes, portrayed with an atmosphere of dreamlike and idealized character. His pictures are almost always painted on board in small and medium formats. He was influenced by his godfather, the writer Francisco Tettamancy y Gastón and by concepts of Italian metaphysical painting, especially Carrá and Chirico, and French surrealism, the paintings of Tanguy and Magritte. Some authors wanted to relate him to Dalí, based on the use of blue as the main color in his paintings, but this detail is not taken from the Catalan, but from Platinir.