Illustrated monographic catalog published on…

ENZO CUCCHI (1949) Cucchi 1993 Illustrated monographic catalog published on the occasion of the exhibition held at the Castello di Rivoli, Rivoli-Turin (October 1-December 31, 1993) 31.5 x 23.5 cm Publisher Charta Pages 50 Defects


ENZO CUCCHI (1949) Cucchi 1993 Illustrated monographic catalog published on the occasion of the exhibition held at the Castello di Rivoli, Rivoli-Turin (October 1-December 31, 1993) 31.5 x 23.5 cm Publisher Charta Pages 50 Defects

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Set of 6 biographical works: Michel Folman, Honoré de Balzac, moine et amant. Geneva, 1959. Nathan Rybak, De vergissing van Honoré de Balzac. Amsterdam, PN van Kampen & Zoon, 1964. Publisher's full cloth, dust jacket. Martine Gärtner, Balzac et l'Allemagne. L'Harmattan, 1999. Offprint of André Lorant's article for the Année Balzacienne 1961, "La maison infortunée". Reprint of André Lorant's article for the 1962 Balzacienne year, "Diary of Madame Hanska". Edmond Biré, Chateaubriand, Victor Hugo, H de Balzac. Paris/Lyon, Emmanuel Vitte, 1907. Lot of 6 biographical works: Pierre de La Condamine, Voyageurs pour Guérande à l'heure du romantisme. Le bateau qui vire, 1984. Romain Guignard, A Issoudun avec H de Balzac (conference). Issoudun, Gaignault, 1948. Hugues Bousiges, Du nouveau sur Henry de Balzac (conference). Maison Balzac, 2017. Copy of the text with a handsome cardboard mailing from the author and a copy of a long e-mail of "gratitude and recognition". Gérard Pouchain, Balzac en Normandie. Corlet, 1997 Gonzague Saint Bris, Le bel appétit de Monsieur de Balzac. Éditions du chêne, 1999. In-4. With a mailing from the publisher, Hélène Maurice, to Hervé Yon, for Bernard Pivot's program ["Bouillon de culture"], May 7, 1999. Bulletin de la société historique et archéologique des VIIIe et XVIIe arrondissement de Paris, July-December 1909. Contains the article "Balzac, au VIIIe arrondissement" by Paul Jarry. Lot of 11 books: Mauriac, Mes grands hommes. Monaco, ed. du Rocher, 1949. EO [Collectif], Pour Balzac et pour les livres. Klincksdieck, 2000. Hommage à Roger Pierrot. Dumesnil, L'âme du médecin. Plon, Présences, 1937. William Hobart Royce Balzac Immortal. Booklet printed by the author, on fine paper, Noel 1926. Balzac et Vendôme, n°1 des Cahiers du Porc-épic Blaisois, 1965, 200 copies (n°67). Herbert J Hunt, Balzac and lay Elleborough. Photocopy from French studies, July 1958. Leonid Grossman, Balzac in Russia. Photocopy from the Zeluck edition, 1946. Santiago Gastaldi, Vida e Obra de Balzac. Photocopy of the Sao Paulo, Guaira edition, 1940. Balzac and Tours. Tours, Lycée Balzac, 1982. Tapuscrit de 50p préparé par les élévèdes de 1ere, 2de et 3e sous la direction de Lucette Besson, avec une couverture illustrée. In hardback. Meyer-Petit & Klimoff, Balzac dans l'Empire russe - de la Russie à l'Ukraine. Paris-Musée - des Cendres, 1993. Bouvier & Maynial, De quoi vivait Balzac. Paris, Deux rives, 1949. Sent by the authors to the writer Gilbert Sigaux.

Batch of 11 exhibition catalogs and brochures, including exhibitions in the United States (Balzac and his time, French Embassy), photocopies of 2 catalogs from 1950, bulletin de la société archéologique du vendomois (2001), "Moi Paris" (Michelet centenary, 1975), Le Parisien chez lui au XIXe (1977),La comédie humaine et ses objets (Toulouse, 1970), Saché, Michel et Calmann Levy (BnF, 1986), etc. Lot of 6 volumes: Balzac à Vendôme. Tours, Gibert-Clarey, 1949 Launay & Jouanne, Balzac alençonnais. Poulet-Malassis, 1949. Chanoine de Laugardière, Satellites of Balzac. Bourges, Dusset, 1941. Letter on flyleaf. Métadier, Balzac en son pays. C.L.D., 1993. Letter from Métadier. 2 issues of Maurras' Dictionnaire politique et critique (1961) containing the article Balzac. Attached is a set of 64 plates in a folder entitled "Honoré de Balzac - Documents". [Bicentenary of Balzac's birth] Almanach de Honoré de Balzac. G.D. Editions, 1998. In-8 square. Weekly diary by Desquesne and Clifford, presenting biographical aspects, excerpts from the work, opinions of other personalities on Balzac, etc. Publisher's full binding, portrait on front cover, gilt edges. A good copy. Also included Rodin et Balzac, catalog of the 1973 Stanford University exhibition (pages detached from spine). Lot of 11 books: Balzac à Saché. Société Honoré de Balzac de Touraine, 1998. Sent by Paul Métadier. Lettere di donne a Balzac (letters from women to Balzac). ECIG, 1995. Bilingual edition. A Balzac - Fougères - 1950. Quinzaine Balzac en Vendômois - November 1980. Mon cher George - Balzac et Sand, Histoire d'une amitié. Gallimard. In blister. Bucciol, Da Versailles a Villa Galvagna. Nuova dimensione, 1999. Monselet, D'un souper offert par Balzac. Rouen, Alinéa, 2003. On sheets. Bulletin de la société historique et archéologique, 1933, n°10. Contains article: La princesse de Belgiojoso place de la Madeleine. R du Pontavice du Heussey, Balzac en Bretagne. Renne, Caillière, 1885. Encyclopédie par l'image Balzac. Bookseller Hachette. Nadine Satiat, Balzac. 1999

Prof. Erich Heckel, "Der Spaziergang" Father in conversation with his son, in front of a landscape under a radiant sun, catalogue raisonné Dube 317, woodcut, signed and dated "Erich Heckel (19)20" in pencil below the image on the right, paper browned and slightly stained in the lower area, matted and framed behind glass, dimensions approx. 46 x 32 cm. Artist info: important German painter and graphic artist. Painter and graphic artist (1883 Döbeln - 1970 Radolfzell/Bodensee), studied architecture at the Technische Hochschule Dresden from 1904, discontinued his studies in early 1906, worked (until 1907) in a Dresden architectural office and turned to painting and graphic art as an autodidact, 1905 together with Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner and Fritz Bleyl founded the artists' group "Brücke" in Dresden, 1907-10 study visits with Schmidt-Rottluff in Dangast, 1909 trip to Italy and studio community with Kirchner in Dresden, 1909-11 summer stays of the Brücke artists at the Moritzburg ponds, 1911 move to Berlin, here 1912 friendship with Lyonel Feininger, Franz Marc and August Macke, 1913 Dissolution of Die Brücke and first solo exhibition with Fritz Gurlitt in Berlin, discovered the small village of Osterholz in the Flensburg Fjord for himself in 1913 and spent the summer and autumn months here until 1943, 1914 with Heinrich Nauen in Dilborn and took part in the Werkbund exhibition in Cologne, 1915-18 military service as a medic, 1918 member of the "Arbeitsrat für Kunst" and member of the Nationalgalerie's acquisition commission, from 1920 regular study trips through Germany, southern France, Italy, England and the Alps, 1931 retrospective at the Kunsthütte Chemnitz, from 1937 exhibition ban and ostracised as "degenerate", at the picture burning on 20.3.In 1939, 1004 paintings and 3825 watercolours and prints by Erich Heckel were destroyed in the courtyard of the Berlin fire station, 1941-43 stay in Carinthia, 1944 destruction of the studio in Berlin by bombing and relocation to Hemmenhofen on Lake Constance, 1949-55 professor at the Karlsruhe Academy, participated in numerous exhibitions, including documenta 1 in Kassel in 1955, member of the Reichsverband Bildender Künstler Deutschlands and the Deutscher Künstlerbund Weimar, source: Thieme-Becker, Vollmer, Dressler and Internet.