Null Shivalingam
Shiva-Lingam. Phallic symbol of the god Shiva. Natural stone.

Shivalingam Shiva-Lingam. Phallic symbol of the god Shiva. Natural stone. Brahmaputra Valley. India. 9.5cm


Shivalingam Shiva-Lingam. Phallic symbol of the god Shiva. Natural stone. Brahmaputra Valley. India. 9.5cm

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Set of 12 studies on Balzac: Martin Kanes, Balzac's Comedy of words. Princeton University Press, 1975.full cloth. Madeleine Fargeaud, Balzac et la recherche de l'Absolu. Paris, Hachette, 1968. Paperback. E. J. Oliver, Balzac the European. London and New York, Sheed and Ward, 1959. Full cloth. Annette Rosa and Isabelle Tournier, Balzac. Paris, Armand Colin 1992. paperback. E. Preston, Recherches sur la technique de Balzac Les Presses françaises, 1927. Paperback. Samuel Rogers, Balzac and the Novel. University of Wisconsin Press, 1953. Full cloth. Judith Lyon-Caen, La Lecture et la vie - Les usages du roman au temps de Balzac. Paris, Tallandier, 2006. Paperback. Edmond Biré, Honoré de Balzac. Paris, Honoré Champion, 1897. Paperback. Mary F. Sandars, Honoré de Balzac, his life and writings. London, John Murray, 1904. Full cloth. [Collective] Balzac and the nineteenth century : studies in French literature presented to Herbert J. Hunt by pupils, colleagues and friends / edited by D. G. Charlton, J. Gaudon and Anthony R. Pugh. Leicester University Press, 1972. Full cloth. Georges Hourdin, Balzac romancier des passions. Temps Présent, 1950. Jean-Louis Bory, Pour Balzac et quelques autres - Musique 1. Julliard, 1960, paperback. Lot of 12 studies (13 volumes) on Balzac: Nicole Felkay, Balzac et ses éditeurs 1822-1837. Essai sur la librairie romantique. Promodis, 1987. Paperback Léon-François Hoffmann, Répertoire géographique de La Comédie humaine. José Corti, 1965-1968. 2 paperback volumes. Claude Lachet, Thématique et Technique du Lys dans la Vallée de Balzac. Nouvelles éditions Debresse, 1978. Paperback. [Collective] Balzac: Illusions perdues. L'œuvre capitale dans l'œuvre. C.R.I.N., 1988. Collected by Françoise VAN Rossum-Guyon. Paperback. Stefan Zweig, Balzac, sein Weltbild aus den Werken - Volume11 of Aus der Gedankenwelt grosser Geister. Bd.11. R Lutz, 1908, paperback, poor condition. André Allemand, Honoré de Balzac - Création et passion. Plon, 1963. Paperback. Agnès Guglielmetti, Fire and light in Balzac's La Peau de chagrin. Les réseaux symboliques du vocabulaire des sensations. Paris, Lettres Modernes, 1978. Paperback. Pierre Bayard, Balzac et le troc de l'imaginaire - Lecture de La Peau de chagrin. Lettres modernes Minard, 1978. Paperback. Michel Lichtlé, Balzac, le texte et la loi. Presses Universitaires de Paris Sorbonne, 2012. Paperback. [Collective] Balzac voyageur - Parcours, déplacements, mutations. Textes réunis et présentés par Nicole Mozet et Paule Petitier. Published by Université François Rabelais, Tours, 2004. Paperback. Gabriel Faure, Pèlerinages dauphinois. Grenoble, Éditions J. Rey, 1925. Paperback. René Jouanne, Alençon sur les pas de Balzac. In: Le Pays Bas-Normand, 1970, N° 4. Paperback. Lot of 10 studies on Balzac: Aline Mura-Brunel, Silence du roman - Balzac et le romanesque contemporain. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2004. Kristina Wingard, Les problèmes des couples mariés dans La Comédie humaine d'Honoré de Balzac. Uppsala, 1978. Thesis. Patrick Berthier, Balzac et l'imprimerie. Imprimerie nationale, 1999. Pierre Danger, L'éros balzacien - structures du désir dans la Comédie Humaine. José Corti, 1989. Sophie de Korwin-Piotrowska, Balzac et le monde slave - Madame Hanska et l'oeuvre balzacienne. Paris, Champion, 1933. Claude-Marie Senninger, Honoré de Balzac par Théophile Gautier. Paris, Nizet, 1980. [Lucienne Frappier-Mazur, Genèses du Roman - Balzac et Sand. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2004. Linzy Erika Dickinson, Theatre in Balzac's La Comédie humaine. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2000. H.U. Forest, L'esthétique du roman balzacien. Paris, PUF, 1950. [Maison Balzac], "Souscrivez à la comédie humaine". 2001. Paperback set.

Olympic Games/ Summer, 1968/ Mexico/ Air France/ Menu/ Autographs/ Exceptional "Air France menu for the French Olympic team flight from Toulouse to Mexico City, via Montreal. Friday, September 27, 1968. "Olympic Games Mexico 1968, Toulouse-Mexico flight by Boeing Intercontinental..." This one, called "Le Josselin", is superbly represented on the front page, by a watercolor by the subtle Pierre Pagès (born in 1933, Air France gave him wings, and thank God, he's still flying)...At the time, all Air France long-haul flights were named after a Loire château, as here. This marvellous souvenir of a unique flight features eight pages, three of which are devoted to lunch and dinner...For the record: lamb noisettes, salmon and tournedos are all there, along with a few fine bottles of Bordeaux and other wines...It's an embassy of savoir vivre and savoir manger on the move, and the three pages of autographs are a happy testimony to this....Among the more than 110 signatures and drawings (some of them duplicated in the euphoria), we find several future Olympic medallists, or great figures: Maryvonne Dupureur, Gapais, Arabo, Noël, Vallée, Cottard, Sainte-Rose, Villain, Carette, Wadoux, Boudehen, Gourrier, Maier, Cosentino, G.Barnay, Grava, Alayrangues, Ugolini...Forgive any deciphering errors or omissions, as some signatures are not easy to decipher...28x22, open: 28x45. A few stains testify to age and air holes...It bears on the front cover the words "Jack Le Goff, Sports Equestres, Bien amicalement, en souvenir de Mexico"...For nostalgia and autograph hunters.