En or jaune, à enroulement tubogaz terminé d'un cabochon de…

BRACELET SOUPLE En or jaune, à enroulement tubogaz terminé d'un cabochon de saphir et de rubis soulignés de diamants de taille brillant. Poids brut : 139,90 g (18k-750). A diamond, ruby, sapphire and 18k gold bracelet. RC : Dimaètre interne : 5 cm.


BRACELET SOUPLE En or jaune, à enroulement tubogaz terminé d'un cabochon de saphir et de rubis soulignés de diamants de taille brillant. Poids brut : 139,90 g (18k-750). A diamond, ruby, sapphire and 18k gold bracelet. RC : Dimaètre interne : 5 cm.

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Reunion of 7 important 19th century works on the Restoration: 1. MONTLOSIER (François-Dominique Reynaud, Comte de). Mémoire à consulter sur un système religieux et politique, tendant à renverser la religion, la société et le trône. Fourth edition. Paris, Ambroise Dupont et Roret, 1826. One volume. 12 by 20 cm. (4)-339 pages. Contemporary dark green half-basane, spine decorated with cold patterns. Some foxing. 4th edition, published the same year as the original. A famous indictment of the Jesuits. 2. CAUCHOIS-LEMAIRE (L.-Aug.-Fr.) and GUYET: Appel à l'opinion publique et aux états-généraux du royaume des Pays-Bas, en faveur des proscrits français, contre leurs proscripteurs; par MM. Cauchois-Lemaire et Guyet, domiciliés pendant dix-sept mois, à Bruxelles, sous la garantie de l'article IV de la Loi fondamentale; exilés, le 24 mai 1817, en vertu d'une lettre de cachet lancée par M. le Comte de Thiennes, Ministre d'État. The Hague, Imprimerie Belgique, 1817. One volume. 12 by 19.5 cm. 287 pages. Modern bradel boards. Paper slightly foxed, else a good copy. First edition. "Journalist and pamphleteer, [Cauchois-Lemaire] was famous for the struggle he waged against the Restoration government in the Nain jaune, suppressed as early as 1815 and replaced by the Fantaisies and the Journal des arts et de la politique, which had the same fate, then the Nain jaune réfugié and the Vrai libéral published in Brussels." (Vapereau, Dict. des littérateurs p. 307). After a ruling by the Brussels correctional court, he was expelled by the Belgian government. Taking refuge in The Hague, he and another outlaw, Guyet, published this manifesto, for which he was again expelled. 3. Procès de la souscription nationale, jugé par la cour d'assises de Paris, le 1er juillet 1820 ; avec les réquisitoires officiels du ministère public, les plaidoiries entières de Messieurs les avocats, la réplique de Me Dupin, et tous les autres documens historiques et authentiques sur cette affaire ; recueillis par deux membres du barreau de Paris. Paris, Baudouin Frères et Delaunay, 1820. One volume. 12 by 20 cm. (4)-III-(1)-387 pages. Modern bradel boards. Some foxing. First edition. "On March 26, 1820, a law was passed which, in certain cases, allowed citizens to be detained without trial: it was one of those laws which have been called laws of exception. Several citizens, struck by the individual misfortunes that this law seemed likely to bring, proposed opening a national subscription in favor of citizens who would be victims of this exceptional measure on individual liberty. This was the title of the prospectus they had printed. It bore the signatures of Messrs Laffitte, Lafayette, d'Argenson, Kératry, Manuel, Casimir Périer, Benjamin Constant, General Pajol, Gévaudan, Etienne, Odilon Barrot, Mérilhou, Joly (de Saint-Quentin), Dupont (de l'Eure) and Chauvelin [...]." The Ministry, which feared for its law the effect of the subscription, had the authors prosecuted. " 4. [CHATELAIN (René-Théophile)]: Voyage d'un étranger en France, pendant les mois de novembre et décembre 1816. Third edition. Paris, L'Huillier et Delaunay, 1817. One volume. 12.5 by 20 cm. Pages [3] to 175. Contemporary half brown basane. Binding rubbed. Scattered foxing. False title missing. 3rd edition, published the same year as the original. Quérard II-p. 157. "The author dramatizes the Gothic pretensions of the gentlemen encrusted with feudalism who dominated at the time." 5. TIREL (Louis): La république dans les carrosses du roi. Triumph without combat. Curation of the civil list and the private domain. Scenes from the 1848 revolution. Paris, Garnier Frères, September 1850. One volume. 13.5 by 21.5 cm. 239-(1) pages. Modern bradel boards, covers preserved. Some foxing. First edition. "The author was, at the time of the Revolution, comptroller of the King's crews. His book has the tone of a violent pamphlet, and yet, it is useful to consult for the history of the fighting that took place, on the morning of the 24th, around the Tuileries." (Crémieux). 6. MARTIGNAC (Jean-Baptiste-Sylvère de Gaye, Vicomte de): Défense et réplique pour M. le Prince Jules de Polignac, prononcées devant la Cour des Pairs. Second edition. Paris, Imprimerie et Fonderie de J. Pinard, 1831. One volume. 14 by 23 cm. (4)-220 pp. + 3 folded h.t. facsimiles. Contemporary half basane, red title page. Freckles on book 8. 2nd edition (E.O.: 1830) Defense of Charles X's last head of government, promoter of the ordinances of July 26, 1830, which triggered the 1830 Revolution. 7. MARCELLUS (Marie Louis Jean André Charles Demartin du Tyrac, Comte de): Politique de la Restauration en 1822 et 1823. Paris, Jacques Lecoffre et Cie, 1853. One volume. 14 by 22.5 cm. (4)-363-(1) pages. Paperback, under cover

Honoré de Balzac, Le Comédie humaine. Paris, éditions du Seuil, 1965. 7 volumes. Preface by Pierre-Georges Castex and presentation and notes by Pierre Citron. Bound in full red cloth, gilt-lettered, Rhodoid dust jackets. Dust jackets yellowed and slightly missing, very good condition. Honoré de Balzac, Lot de 8 oeuvres dont 6 dans des éditions d'Andrew Oliver. [Toronto], editions of the original, collection "les romans de Balzac", 2005-2010. 6 in-8 volumes. Each volume contains a cd-rom with the original text and variants. The texts in this set are La Physiologie du mariage, Scènes de la vie privée, Scènes de la vie privée [1832], Nouveaux contes philosophiques, La peau de chagrin & Romans et contes philosophiques. Paperback, mint condition except Physiology which has had a blow to one corner. The two additional volumes are: La vieille fille (Paris, Lemarget, 1928). Edition of 600 copies, one of 550 laid, 2 facsimiles, half-chagrin. A good copy. Napoléon par Balzac (Paris, Librairie universelle, sd). Stories and episodes from the First Empire, taken from La Comédie humaine, selected, annotated and published by Hector Fleischmann. Green half cloth. A good copy. Honoré de Balzac, 6 volumes of works. 4 volumes of the complete works edition of the club de l'honnête homme containing: histoire des jésuites, code des gens honnêtes, vie de Molière, vie de La Fontaine, lettres sur paris, political and literary articles, letters, poems, etc. Publisher's bindings. 1 volume of Calmann-Lévy's complete works (1873), historical and political essays. Half-chagrin. Etudes de moeurs par les gants. Paris, Hermès (le maroquinier), 1950. Edition of 1,500 copies. [d'après Honoré de Balzac] Ensemble 6 plaquettes assez rares autour du théâtre: Hennion & Morin, Les risettes jaunes, "petites misères de la vie conjugale" Mises à la scène d'après Honoré de Balzac. Tours, imprimerie Tourangelle, 1913. Half-percaline, copy with dispatch from Hennion to Pierre Ripert. Miral, Ne touchez pas à Balzac. Paris, Dentu, 1882. Half percaline, covers preserved. T Barrière & A de Beauplan, Le Lys dans la vallée, drama in 5 acts and prose (based on Balzac's novel). Paris, Michel Lévy, 1853. Half-percaline, covers preserved, foxing. Arrault, Eugénie Grandet, play in 4 acts based on the novel by H de Balzac. Paris, Crès, 1924. F Dugué & G Peaucellier, Les Treize, drama in five acts, six tableaux, based on the novel by H de Balzac. Paris, Librairie dramatique, 1868. Half-percaline. D Guérin, Vautrin - du roman à la scène et à l'écran. Paris, Plume d'or, 1960. P Decourcelle & M Carré, La Peau de Chagrin, lyrical comedy in four acts after H de Balzac. Paris, au Ménestrel, 1929. We enclose 9 plates. Théâtre Récamier brochure. Opéra-Comique brochure for the play La Peau de Chagrin, April 24, 1929. Théâtre de l'Atelier brochure, 1977, for performances of Le Faiseur. L'avant scène théâtre, n°783-784, February 1986 - issue on Vautrin at the Théâtre du Campagnol. Revue d'histoire du théâtre, n°IV, 1950, with a section on the centenary of Balzac's death. Fabre, César Birotteau - L'Argent. Paris, Modern-Théâtre, sd. Hélène David, Honorine d'après Honoré de Balzac. Édition théâtrales art et comédie, 1999. Pierrette Dupoyet, Bal chez Balzac. Alfil, 1998. Session combining staging and readings created at the Avignon Festival.