
King George IV Document Signed on Marriage of William IV Historic manuscript DS, signed “George P.R.,” one page both sides, 7.75 x 12.5, July 31, 1818. Important royal warrant for affixing the Great Seal to the Earl of Liverpool's power to conclude and sign "a Treaty for the Marriage of His Royal Highness The Duke of Clarence with Her Serene Highness The Princess Adelaide of Saxe-Cobourg-Meiningen." Boldly signed at the head in ink by George IV as regent, and countersigned at the conclusion by Viscount Castlereagh. The crisply embossed paper seal affixed to the left side remains intact. Annexed to the warrant are three pages of instructions pertaining to the marriage contract, in part: "Having consented that a marriage shall be solemnized between His Royal Highness The Duke of Clarence, and Her Serene Highness Adelaide Amelia Louisa Theresa Carolina...and it being expedient to have the marriage contract drawn up in due form, and signed without delay, we have judged it proper to appoint a fit and able person for that purpose...Robert Banks Earl of Liverpool, First Commissioner of His Majesty's Treasury, We have nominated, constituted, and appointed...to sign, in His Majesty's name, the instrument or compact of marriage thus concluded." In very fine condition.

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