Null George Richmond, RA,
British 1809-1896-

Portrait of Hugh Seymour Tremenhee…

George Richmond, RA, British 1809-1896- Portrait of Hugh Seymour Tremenheere; black, white and red chalk on canvas, 44 x 35.5 cm. Provenance: Private Collection, UK. Note: George Richmond studied first with his father, the miniaturist Thomas Richmond, Sen. (1771-1831), and later at the Royal Academy Schools. At the RA, Richmond befriended Samuel Palmer (1805-1881), together with whom he became a member of The Ancients, a group of painters who worked in the style of William Blake (1757-1827). While Richmond did paint a number of literary and religious scenes in Blake’s vein, he later established a successful career as a portrait painter and it is for his distinctive, intimate portraits, often rendered in pencil or in chalk, like the present example, that he is best known. Tremenheere (1804-1893) was a prominent barrister, who served as inspector of schools and mines, and carried out inquiries into factories and agriculture.


George Richmond, RA, British 1809-1896- Portrait of Hugh Seymour Tremenheere; black, white and red chalk on canvas, 44 x 35.5 cm. Provenance: Private Collection, UK. Note: George Richmond studied first with his father, the miniaturist Thomas Richmond, Sen. (1771-1831), and later at the Royal Academy Schools. At the RA, Richmond befriended Samuel Palmer (1805-1881), together with whom he became a member of The Ancients, a group of painters who worked in the style of William Blake (1757-1827). While Richmond did paint a number of literary and religious scenes in Blake’s vein, he later established a successful career as a portrait painter and it is for his distinctive, intimate portraits, often rendered in pencil or in chalk, like the present example, that he is best known. Tremenheere (1804-1893) was a prominent barrister, who served as inspector of schools and mines, and carried out inquiries into factories and agriculture.

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Set of 6 booklets on Balzac: Célébrités européennes, chapter devoted to Balzac. Docteur Moreau Defarges, Autour de Balzac et de George Sand - conference speech. With a letter from the author. 1930. P Hartmann, A walk by Balzac. 1909. Lhomer, Balzac dans l'intimité. 1904. Théophile Gautier, Honoré de Balzac. 1850 (extract from the Houssiaux edition). Lovenjoul, Notules sur Balzac. 1896. Together in half-percaline. Hard-to-find set of plates and offprints. Set of 3 plates on Balzac: Charles Léger, Le dernier Portrait de Balzac - Balzac sur son lit de mort. 1912. Revue La Contemporaine, n°12, August 25, 1901, extract containing only Henri Bouchot's article, l'Iconographie de Balzac. Marcel Bouteron, Une année de vie de Balzac 1835. 1923. Edition of 100 copies, this one on hollande. Bound in half-percaline, except for the Bouteron in half-chagrin with corners. 3 books on Balzac: Octave Mirbeau, La mort de Balzac. Paris, éditions du félin, 1999. JM Bernicat, De Balssa à Balzac ou le génie créateur du Tarn à Passy. 1992, for the 150th anniversary of La Comédie humaine. Marie-Thérèse Humbert, Balzac, Saché, ou le nid de coucou. La Simarre, Pirot, 1991. Copy enriched with a letter from the author thanking him for his praise. Set of 3 biographical works on Balzac. Louis de Royaumont, Balzac et la société des gens de lettres. Paris, Dorbon ainé, sd. Paperback, author's letter to Maurice Gabolde. Jules Bertaut, La vie privée de Balzac. Paris, Hachette, 1950. Half-chagrin, spine faded. Spoelberch de Lovenjoul, Un roman d'amour. Slatkine reprint, full percaline. Set of 8 biographical works on Balzac. René Bouvier, Balzac homme d'affaires. Paris, Champion, 1930. In-8, 164p, paperback, filled cover, author's mailing. Eugen Skasa-Weiss, Les hommes célèbres et leur mère. Paris, Laffond, 1068. In-8, 379p. Paperback [Balzac: p.219 à 245]. Guy Breton, Autoportraits. Paris, Presses de la cité, 1968. In-8, 286p. Bound in skivertex. Henri de Lestant, Louis Balssa, oncle d'Honoré de Balzac, fut-il un assassin? Éditions Occitania, 1934. In-8, 103p, paperback. Georges Simenon, Portrait-souvenir de Balzac. Paris, Bourgois, 1991. In-8, 268p. Paperback. Stefan Sweig, Balzac, le roman de sa vie. Paris, Albin Michel, 1950. In-8, 470p. Paperback, 7 plates. Charles Gorham, Wine of Life - a novel about Balzac. New York, The Dial press, 1958. In-8, 598p. Publisher's binding, illustrated dust jacket. André Jeannot, Honoré de Balzac, le forçat de la gloire. Paris, Geigy, 1986. In-8, 387p. Illustrated.