Love Colloquy, 1976
Oil on pan…

SEVERINO GALASSI CARRARA 1923 - PALUZZA 1993 Love Colloquy, 1976 Oil on panel, 78 x 58 cm Signed, dated and titled on the back


SEVERINO GALASSI CARRARA 1923 - PALUZZA 1993 Love Colloquy, 1976 Oil on panel, 78 x 58 cm Signed, dated and titled on the back

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Set of 16 studies on Balzac: Ingrid Fischer-Zach, Die Bildwelt der "Comédie Humaine". Eine Untersuchung zur Metaphorik H. de Balzacs. Freiburg i. Br., 1969. Paperback. André Bellessort, Balzac et son oeuvre. Perrin, 1946, half cloth. Katharine Prescott Wormeley, Personal Opinions of Honoré de Balzac. Boston, Little Brown, 1899. Publisher's full cloth. Emil Ludwig, Kunst und Schicksal - Vier Bildnisse. Berlin, Ernst Rowohlt Verlag, 1927. Full cloth publisher. Maurice Descotes, Le Monde de l'enseignement dans l'œuvre romanesque de Balzac. Cahiers de l'Université, special issue 1985. Paperback. Emmanuel Querouil, Le Père Goriot et le roman d'éducation. Pierre Bordas, 1986. Paperback. Arsène Houssaye, Histoire du 41e fauteuil. Excerpt: chapter X "Balzac" pp. 233 to 237. L. Petit de Julleville. Histoire de la langue et de la littérature française des origines à 1900. Armand Colin, 1913. Volume VII, paperback. Hanns Heiss, Balzac, sein Leben und seine Werke. Heidelberg, Carl Winters Universitätbuchhandlung, 1913. full cloth. Pierre Laubriet, Un catéchisme esthétique: Le Chef-d'œuvre inconnu de Balzac. Paris, Didier, 1961. Paperback. Ramon Fernandez, Balzac ou l'envers de la création romanesque. Grasset, 1980. Paperback. Comte de Gobineau, Études critiques (1844-1848). Simon Kra, 1927, paperback, 600 copies on vellum. Herbert J. Hunt, Balzac's Comédie humaine. University of London, The Athlone Press, 1959. Full cloth. [Collective] Balzac dans le monde. Éditions contemporaines, Boivin et Cie, 1950. Paperback. Per Nykrog, La Pensée de Balzac dans La Comédie humaine. Copenhagen, Munksgaard, 1963. Full cloth. Dr. W. R. Bett, The Infirmities of Genius. London, C. Johnson, 1952. Full cloth. Lot of 18 studies on Balzac: Zola, Les romanciers naturalistes. Paris, Charpentier, 1923. Half-bound. Zola, le roman expérimental. Paris, Charpentier, 1923. Half-bound. Sergio de Pilato, Balzac e il mondo Giudiziario. Napoli, Edizioni "La Toga", 1937. Paperback. Gérard Gengembre, Balzac Le Napoléon des lettres. Gallimard, 1992. Paperback. Paul Albert, La Littérature française au XIXe siècle. Librairie Hachette et Cie, 1885. Demi-basane. Rémy Montalée, Reading Balzac. Paris, Eugène Figuière, 1925. Paperback. Pierre Abraham, Balzac. Rieder, 1929, paperback. Ferdinand Brunetière, Honoré de Balzac. Calmann-Lévy, sd, paperback. Philippe Bertault, Balzac et la musique religieuse. Paris, Naert, 1929, paperback, mailing to Pierre Abraham. Philippe Bertault, Introduction à Balzac. Odilis, 1963, publisher's hardback. André Le Breton, Le Roman Français au XIXe Siècle -Avant Balzac - Boivin et Cie, éditeurs, [1901]. Paperback. Simone Lang, Balzac-Express, La Comédie humaine. Éditions Saint-Germain-des-près, 1973. Paperback. Max Milner, Presentation of Massimilla Doni by Honoré de Balzac. José Corti, 1964. Paperback. Anne-Marie Baron, Le Fils prodige, L'Inconscient de La Comédie humaine. Paris, Nathan, 1993. Paperback. Diana Festa McCormick, Les Nouvelles de Balzac. Paris, Nizet, 1973. Paperback. Emile Faguet, Balzac. Hachette, 1913, bradel binding. Dr. Henri Favre, Balzac et le temps présent. Marpon et Flammarion, 1888, paperback. Jean-Daniel Gollut and Joël Zufferey, Construire un monde - Les phrases initiales de La Comédie humaine. Delachaux et Niestlé, 2000. Paperback. Lot of 14 studies on Balzac: Paul Flat, Essais sur Balzac. Plon, Nourrit, 1893, paperback. Paul Flat, Seconds essais sur Balzac. Plon, Nourrit, 1894, paperback. Richard Beilharz, Balzac. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1979, paperback. Philippe Bertault, Introduction à Balzac. Odilis, 1963, publisher's hardback, mailing to Balzac bookseller Georges Courville. Mary F. Sandars, Honoré de Balzac, his life and writings. New York and London, Kennikat Press, 1970. Full cloth. [Collective] Hermétisme et Poésie - Comédie italienne et Théâtre français - Honoré de Balzac. Cahiers de l'Association Internationale des Études françaises, 1963. Paperback. Alphonse Pagès, Balzac moraliste. Michel Lévy Frères, 1866. Half-percaline. Alphonse de Lamartine, Balzac et ses œuvres. Michel Lévy Frères, 1866. Half basane. Gilbert Guislain, Balzac (Collection "Panorama d'un auteur") Studyrama, 2004. Paperback. Juliette Grange, Balzac, L'argent, la prose, les anges. La Différence 1990. Paperback. Arlette Michel, Le Mariage chez Honoré de Balzac - Amour et féminisme. Société d'édition "Les Belles Lettres", 1978. Paperback Paul Bourget, Études et portraits - Sociologie et littérature. Plon-Nourrit et Cie, 1906. Full cloth. Pierre-François Mourrier, Balzac, l'injustice de la loi. Éditions Michalon, 1996. Paperback. Ferdinand Brunetière, Honoré de Balzac. Calmann-Lévy, 1906. Half cloth.

Set of 10 studies on Balzac: Barbéris, Balzac, a realistic mythology. 1971. P Louis, Les types sociaux chez Balzac et Zola. 1925. Abraham, Créatures chez Balzac. 1931. Clouard, Balzac, pages sociales et politiques. 1910. Flat, Seconds essais sur Balzac. 1894. Lemer, Balzac sa vie son oeuvre. 1892. Fleichsmann, Napoléon par Balzac. Sd. Honoré de Balzac, Morceaux choisis, introduction et notres de Joachim Merlant, 1927. Lukacs, Balzac and French Realism. 1967. Bellessort, Balzac et son oeuvre. 1936. Good lot, most volumes bound. Lot of 4 studies on Balzac: Wurmser, La comédie inhumaine. 1970. Fine mailing from the author. Important and interesting work. Dictionary of Balzac. 1969. Delattrre, Les opinions littéraires de Balzac. 1961. Citron, Dans Balzac. 1986. Set of 6 studies on Balzac: Le dictionnaire Rastignac. Paris, Valmonde, 1998. Faillie, La femme et le code civil dans la Comédie humaine d'Honoré de Balzac. Photocopied copy bound in half binding with corners (imitation leather). Colloque de Cerisy, Balzac l'invention du Roman. Paris, Belfond, 1982. F Marceau, Balzac et son Monde. Paris, NRF Gallimard, 1970. Saint Paulien, Napoléon Balzac et l'Empire de la Comédie humaine. Paris, Albin Michel, 1979. Gagneux, Le musée imaginaire de Balzac. Paris, Beaux-Arts éditions, 2012. Publisher's boards. Lot of 12 studies on Balzac: Bertault, Balzac l'homme et l'oeuvre. Paris, Boivin, 1946. Envoi au vicaire général Pierre Gounin. Alert de Bersaucourt, Etudes et recherches. Paris, Mercure de France, 1913. Half-chagrin with corners. Guichardet, Le père Goriot by Honoré de Balzac. Folio. Verdoot, Ce sacré Balzac ou une histoire d'amour. Paris, Panthéon, 1999. P-L Rey, La comédie humaine - Balzac. Paris, Hatier, 1979. Lovenjoul, Autour de Honoré de Balzac. Slatkine, 1973. Proust, Le Balzac de monsieur de Guermantes. Ides et Calendes, 1950. Francesco Fiorentino, Introduzione a Balzac. Laterza, 1989. Roland Barthes, S/Z. Éditions du Seuil, 1970. Frederick Wedmore, Balzac. London, Walter Scott, 1890. Bertaut, Balzac's Le père Goriot. Sfelt, 1947. Henry James, Tre saggi su Balzac. Il melangolo, 1988. Honoré de Balzac - A Paris. Editions complexe, 1993. Set of 8 studies on Balzac: Aurée d'Esneval, Balzac et la provinciale à Paris. Nouvelles éditions latines, 1976. Le Breton, Balzac. Boivin & Cie, sd. A-M Baron, Balzac ou l'auguste mensonge. Nathan, 1998. Bertault, Balzac et la religion. Slatkine, 1980. Colloque Balzac - Europe. January-February 1965. Traces of readings (underlining in bic and stabilo). Guyon, La pensée politique et sociale de Balzac. A. Colin, 1947. Guyon, La Création littéraire chez Balzac. A. Colin, 1951. Berthier, La vie quotidienne dans la Comédie humaine de Balzac. Hachette, 1998.

ANTONI TÀPIES PUIG (Barcelona, 1923 - 2012). "El cap", 1987. Engraving, copy HC 11/15. Signed and justified in pencil. Measurements: 98 x 130 cm.(print); 135 x 168 cm.(frame). Some of Tàpies' plastic inquiries of the eighties converge in "El Cap": numerology and alchemy (progression and sequence coded in the numbers 1,2,3,4), the Greek cross (with its spiritual sense beyond Christian dogma, added to the idea of intersection and personal identity) and the emphasis on zero as a symbol of emptiness and fullness, cycle and eternity, that is, conjugation of opposites. Finally, the calligraphy in black strokes defies legibility to emphasize the texture and the enigma of the text. Co-founder of "Dau al Set" in 1948, Tàpies began to exhibit in the Salones de Octubre in Barcelona, as well as in the Salón de los Once held in Madrid in 1949. After his first solo exhibition at the Layetanas Galleries, he travels to Paris in 1950, with a scholarship from the French Institute. In 1953 he had a solo exhibition at Martha Jackson's New York gallery. From then on, his exhibitions, both collective and individual, were held all over the world, in outstanding galleries and in museums such as the Guggenheim in New York or the Modern Art Museum in Paris. Since the seventies, anthologies have been dedicated to him in Tokyo, New York, Rome, Amsterdam, Madrid, Venice, Milan, Vienna and Brussels. Self-taught, Tàpies has created his own style within the avant-garde art of the 20th century, combining tradition and innovation in an abstract style but full of symbolism, giving great importance to the material substratum of the work. It is worth mentioning the marked spiritual sense given by the artist to his work, where the material support transcends its state to signify a profound analysis of the human condition. Tàpies' work has been highly valued internationally, being exhibited in the most prestigious museums in the world. Throughout his career he has received numerous awards and distinctions, including the Praemium Imperiale of Japan, the National Culture Award, the Grand Prize for Painting in France, the Wolf Foundation of the Arts (1981), the Gold Medal of the Generalitat de Catalunya (1983), the Prince of Asturias Award for the Arts (1990), the Picasso Medal of Unesco (1993) and the Velázquez Prize for the Plastic Arts (2003). Antoni Tàpies is represented in major museums around the world, such as the foundation that bears his name in Barcelona, the Reina Sofía in Madrid, the Guggenheim in Berlin, Bilbao and New York, the Fukoka Art Museum in Japan, the MoMA in New York and the Tate Gallery in London.