Null Eduard Alexander Hilverdink (1846-1891)
Cityscape with people and dog on th…

Eduard Alexander Hilverdink (1846-1891) Cityscape with people and dog on the street, canvas dated 1876, 60x47 cm. Provenance: Purchased from Auction Company Galerie des Arts in The Hague in 1975, see attached catalogue


Eduard Alexander Hilverdink (1846-1891) Cityscape with people and dog on the street, canvas dated 1876, 60x47 cm. Provenance: Purchased from Auction Company Galerie des Arts in The Hague in 1975, see attached catalogue

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Novo-Hispanic school; second half of the 18th century. "Jesus and the Canaanite woman". Oil on copper. It presents slight faults. Measurements: 30 x 42 cm; 37 x 49 cm (frame). This work represents one of the miracles of Jesus and is narrated in the Gospel of Mark in chapter 7 (Mark 7:24-30) and in the Gospel of Matthew in chapter 15 (Matthew 15:21-28). In Matthew, the story is told as the healing of the daughter of a Canaanite woman. According to both accounts, Jesus exorcised the woman's daughter while traveling in the region of Tyre and Sidon, because of the faith shown by the woman. The relevant passage in Matthew 15:22-28 reads: A Canaanite woman from that region came to Jesus crying out, "Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is demon-possessed and is suffering terribly!".Jesus did not answer a word. Then his disciples came to him and urged him, "Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us. "He replied, "I have been sent only to the lost sheep of Israel." The woman came and knelt before him. "Lord, help me," she said. He answered her, "It is not right to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs." "Yes, Lord," she said. "But even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table." Then Jesus said to her, "Woman, you have great faith! Your daughter is healed." And her daughter was healed from that very hour. It is worth mentioning that, during the Spanish colonial domination, a mainly religious painting was developed, aimed at Christianizing the indigenous peoples. The local painters were modeled on Spanish works, which they followed literally in terms of types and iconography. The most frequent models were the harquebusier angels and the triangular virgins, however, it was not until the first years of the 19th century, already in times of independence and political opening of some of the colonies, that several artists began to represent a new model of painting with its own identity. It presents minor faults.

Rudolf Donnerhack, 10 postal scenes Series with historical scenes of Vogtland postal history with explanatory text, including "Postreiter 1550" in front of Elsterberg, "Botenläufer 1650" in front of an old Vogtland village, "Postmeister 1770" in front of a stagecoach, "Der Postillon 1780" in front of the silhouette of the former village of Pöhl, "Der Posthauswirt 1810" in front of the Neudörfel post office, "Postfußbote 1833" in front of Reichenbach im Vogtland, "Der Postillon 1836" in front of a stagecoach, "Handwerksbursche 1840" in front of a mountain landscape, "Landbriefträger 1859" in front of the silhouette of Ruppertsgrün and "Stadtbriefträger 1860" in front of the cityscape of Plauen im Vogtland, mixed media (ink and watercolour over pencil), each signed and dated "Rud. Donnerhack [19]76", traces of age and yellowing, framed behind glass, each approx. 48 x 36 cm, enclosed label "Aquarelle von R. Donnerhack Plauen" in picture support 10.5 x 15 cm. Artist info: German painter and local historian. Painter and local historian (1903 Plauen - 1980 Plauen), pupil at the Plauen art school for the textile industry, later worked as a house painter, until 1922 travelled through Austria, southern Germany, Hungary, Romania and Czechoslovakia, then briefly worked as a miner, 1923-26 emigrated to Argentina, Paraguay and Chile, from 1926 further training in artistic interior design with Alexander Baranowsky at the Kunstgewerbeschule in Dresden, then worked as a journeyman painter, later master painter, from 1940 war service, 1951-70 director of the Vogtland Museum in Plauen, then freelance artist, member of the Association of Visual Artists (VBK) of the GDR and the artists' association "Burgsteiner", source: Frank Weiß "Painting in the Vogtland" and Wikipedia.

Herdsman in Arcadian Landscape Poetic, probably Italian summer landscape, with wandering boy with dog, at the foot of jagged sandstone rocks on the lakeshore, romantic, glazed, partially slightly impasto genre painting in warm-toned colours, oil on canvas, ligatured monogrammed and dated "HK 1864" at lower right, partly concealed by the fold, possibly a work by Hermann Reichsfreiherr von Königsbrunn [cf. Monogrammlexikon Goldstein], about whom Wurzbach remarks in the "Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich" (1864) "... In the Austrian Art Society only two oil paintings by him were exhibited, namely in November 1860: "Courtyard of an Indian Temple with the Sacred Fig Tree together with a Dagoba", and in September 1863: "Tank in Northern Ceylon", both attesting a significant talent for the landscape and the latter of such charming and eye-catching quality that it ... [against prominent competition]. ...", in our present painting the influence of Johann Fischbach, on whom Wikipedia notes "... Along with Moritz von Schwind and Ludwig Richter, Fischbach is one of the most respected representatives of the Austrian Biedermeier period, who, with great painterly sensitivity, depicted above all the cosiness, the dreamy and the cosy, but never lost touch with reality. In his constant search for an "intact world" and a perfect harmony between nature and man, he found these ideals of Romanticism and Biedermeier best realised in rural life. He ... paints fishermen, smugglers and hunters, shepherds and dairymaids in the landscape, without ever lapsing into the smoothness of salon-style painting. ...", minor retouches, beautifully framed in Florentine moulding, folded dimensions approx. 40 x 58 cm. Artist's information on Hermann von Königsbrunn: actually Hermann Reichsfreiherr von Königsbrunn, also Königsbrun Austrian lawyer, landscape painter, draughtsman and illustrator (1823 Radkersburg/Styria to 1907 Graz), initially destined to become a lawyer and studied law in Graz, where he was a private pupil in drawing under Josef Kuwasseg, then studied law at the Theresian Academy in Vienna, from 1845 in the Austrian civil service, in 1848 took part in the March Revolution in Vienna, in December 1848 dismissed from the civil service and fled to Munich, where he turned to painting and became a pupil of Leopold Rottmann in Munich, created copies after Eduard Schleich in Munich, 1849 stay in Graz and 1850 in Salzburg, where he joined Johann Fischbach, then walked to Bruck an der Mur and Graz, at the end of 1852 accompanied by the Styrian industrialist Franz Ritter von Friedau the Younger, together with the zoologist Ludwig Karl Schmarda, 10-month expedition to Greece, Egypt and Ceylon, then three years of further artistic training in Düsseldorf with the support of Franz Ritter von Friedau, was received during a stay in Berlin by the King of Prussia Friedrich Wilhelm IV. and Alexander von Humboldt during a stay in Berlin, ca. 1856 return to Graz, undertook a two-month study trip to Corfu with a state scholarship, his "Great View of Gastouri" created here was purchased by Emperor Franz Josef, 1863/64 trip to Rome with the support of the Styrian State Committee, 1868 appointed professor at the Styrian State School of Art in Graz, active here until 1892, source: Thieme-Becker, Saur "Bio-Bibliographisches Künstlerlexikon", Monogrammlexikon Goldstein, Constantin von Wurzbach "Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich", Fuchs, autobiography from 1894, Müller-Singer and Wikipedia.

Josef Willroider, Ländliche Studie View of a country road leading past a farmstead, chickens grazing in the meadow in front of the main house with washing fluttering on a line in the wind, in the centre of the picture a group of people in front of trees with partly autumnal wilted leaves, a briskly captured study with a brushstroke full of character, oil on linen mounted on cardboard, around 1900, signed lower left "J. Willroider.", on the reverse of the frame with illegible annotations in lead, numbered "989" probably by the artist on the painting card as well as with illegible annotation, probably reading "Auveray" or "Auvery", the painting support slightly wavy in the area of the sky due to partially detached lamination, attractively framed behind glass in contemporary shellac moulding with small bumps, dimensions approx. 25 x 34.5 cm. Artist information: Austrian landscape painter, draughtsman and graphic artist (1838 Villach/Carinthia to 1915 Munich, eldest brother of Ludwig Willroider, apprenticeship as a carpenter in his father's business, first painting lessons with the painter Ludwig Canziani, resident in Munich from 1860 and acquaintance with Eduard Schleich the Elder, from 1866 in Düsseldorf and acquaintance with Oswald and Andreas Achenbach, from 1870 member of the Malkasten artists' association, followed by study trips to Holland and the North Sea, 1882 appointed honorary member of the Academy of Arts in Munich, 1889 returned to Munich and moved into a studio here with his younger brother, at the end of the 19th century Josef Willroth was one of the most important artists in the world. At the end of the 19th century, Josef Willroider and his brother were among the most important landscape painters of their time, works in numerous museums and collections, source: Thieme-Becker, Wurzbach and Internet.