Null Kunad,A.
Parallelism, in pericopas evangeliorum dominicalium,... Wittenberg…

Kunad,A. Parallelism, in pericopas evangeliorum dominicalium,... Wittenberg, Föllginer 1696. 8 pp., 581 (recte: 579) pp., 14 pp. cloth (somewhat worm-eaten, small bibl. rsch.). VD 17, 23:712632 B. Rare. - Contains appendices by his son J.A. Kunad and grandson P. Kunad. Pag. jumps from p. 364 to 367. slightly worm-eaten in places, handwritten ownership mark on inside cover. Owner's inscription on inside cover. - Provenance: Nobleman's library.


Kunad,A. Parallelism, in pericopas evangeliorum dominicalium,... Wittenberg, Föllginer 1696. 8 pp., 581 (recte: 579) pp., 14 pp. cloth (somewhat worm-eaten, small bibl. rsch.). VD 17, 23:712632 B. Rare. - Contains appendices by his son J.A. Kunad and grandson P. Kunad. Pag. jumps from p. 364 to 367. slightly worm-eaten in places, handwritten ownership mark on inside cover. Owner's inscription on inside cover. - Provenance: Nobleman's library.

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Enarratio psalmorum Davidis excepta ex praelectionibus et edita in Academia Witebergensi. (Tl. 1 von 3). Mit kleinem Titelholzschnitt u. einigen Holzschnitt-Initialen. Wittenberg, Johannes Krafft, 1573. 8 Bll., 910 (recte 912) S. 8°. Blindgepr. Schweinsldr. d. Zt. mit dem bezeichneten Plattenstempel mit Fides und Spes signiert H.C. (Hans Cantzler) u. dem Rollenstempel mit Fides - Temperentia "HC" - Caritas - Spes (Haebler I, 72, 4 und IV) (Kapitale leicht lad., Kanten restauriert, fleckig, berieben und bestossen). Enarratio psalmorum Davidis excepta ex praelectionibus et edita in Academia Witebergensi. (Tl. 1 von 3). Mit kleinem Titelholzschnitt u. einigen Holzschnitt-Initialen. Wittenberg, Johannes Krafft, 1573. 8 Bll., 910 (recte 912) S. 8°. Blindgepr. Schweinsldr. d. Zt. mit dem bezeichneten Plattenstempel mit Fides und Spes signiert H.C. (Hans Cantzler) u. dem Rollenstempel mit Fides - Temperentia "HC" - Caritas - Spes (Haebler I, 72, 4 und IV) (Kapitale leicht lad., Kanten restauriert, fleckig, berieben und bestossen). VD16 ZV 1707. - Diese Ausgabe nicht im STC und bei Adams. - Im Innendeckel mit Exlibris "v. Lindenau Familiensammlung". - Titelbl. u. weitere Bll. mit hs. Eintragungen u. Textanstreichungen. - Papierbedingt leicht gebräunt u. wenig fleckig, nur vereinzelt mit schwachen Feuchtigkeitsrändern. Insgesamt sehr gut erhaltenes Exemplar im zeitgenössischen Einband. pt. 1 of 3. With title woodcut a. some woodcut initials. Cont. blind tooled pigskin with the inscribed plate stamp with Fides and Spes signed H.C. (Hans Cantzler) and the roll stamp with Fides - Temperentia "HC" - Caritas - Spes(capitals slightly damaged, edges restored, stained, rubbed and bumped). Inside cover with bookplate "v. Lindenau Familiensammlung". - Title page and further pages with handwritten annotations by old hand. - Slightly browned and slightly stained due to paper, only occasionally with faint dampstaining. Overall a very well-preserved copy in contemporary binding.

LA MOTRAYE (Aubry de). Voyages en Europe, Asie & Afrique. Where one finds a great variety of geographical, historical and political researches, on Italy, Greece, Turkey, Tartarie crimée, & Nogaye, Circassie, Sweden, Lapland, &c. Avec des remarques instructives sur les mœurs, coutumes, opinions &c. des peuples & des païs où l'auteur a voyagé [...] La Haye, T. Johnson & J. Van Duren, 1727. 2 vol. in-folio of I. [7] ff, 472-23 pp, front, 29 plates including VII bis, 2 maps A and B. - II. (3) ff, 496-39 pp, frontispiece (identical to that in vol. I), 18 plates including IX bis and 2 maps C and D. Shagreened calf, ornate smooth spine, brown morocco title-pieces (modern binding). First French edition of this important voyage by Aubry de La Mottraye, illustrated with a vignette on the titles, a repeated frontispiece, 4 maps and 47 engraved plates hors texte: views, costumes, plans, medals. Bibliographers emphasize the beauty of the iconography by William Hogarth, one of the most famous English artists of the 18th century (Chadenat 105, Blackmer 946). Aubry de la Motraye (1674-1743). A well-born French Protestant, he moved to England as a young man and decided to travel at the age of 22. He embarked in 1696 for 26 years of adventure and discovery. His travels took him to Europe, Asia and Africa. From 1696 to 1729, Aubry de La Mottraye traveled through Tartary, Turkey, parts of Asia and Africa, and the northern countries, starting with Scandinavia, where he became the confidant of Charles XII. A very fine copy in a modern imitation binding.

CALMET (Augustin) & LENGLET-DUFRESNOY (Nicolas). Traité historique et dogmatique sur les Apparitions, les Visions & les Révélations particulières, avec des observations sur les Dissertations du R.P. Dom Calmet, Abbé de Sénones, sur les Apparitions et les Revenans. Avignon and Paris, Jean-Noël Leloup, 1751. 2 volumes in-12 marbled calf, ornate ribbed spine, red marbled title and green tom. pages, red tr. (period binding). Good restorations to bindings. False-title, title, xliii [1 bl.] 408 pp (vol. 1); false-title, title, vii [1 bl.] 448 pp (vol. 2). Without the plate. First edition of this curious treatise. "The 1st vol. contains chaps. I to X with proofs; X is devoted to several books of revelations; then comes a Discours hist. sur la conversion de Constantin, by Abbé Lestorcq. In the 2nd vol. chap. XI is devoted to the Revelations of Marie d'Agréda, and XII to the work of Dom Calmet: then come: Remarques sur la prétendue délivrance de l'âme de Trajan par les prières de St Grégoire le gr. Dissertation on the apparition of Samuel to Saul; Pièces (dix) concernant la vie de la Ste Vierge, par Marie d'Agreda (dont la première, la lettre publiée anonyme en 1696): Dissertation hist. sur la vision de Constantin, par le P. Du Moulinet; Retour des morts ou Traité pieux...; enfin Lettre de Mollinger à M. Schoepfflin. This work by Lenglet-Dufresnoy had been in preparation for fifty-five years (around 1696), when he decided to publish it on the occasion of Dom Calmet's work. This is the first edition of Caillet's "Recueil de Dissertations anciennes...". Abbé Augustin Calmet (1672-1757), a Benedictine monk from Lorraine, had published his Dissertations sur les Apparitions des Anges, des Démons & des Esprits, et sur les Revenans et les Vampires (Paris: De Bure, 1746) five years earlier. Lenglet-Dufresnoy's work deals with apparitions and demons, and includes reprints of curious pieces: Le Retour des Morts, ou Traité pieux, Qui prouve par plusieurs Histoires authentiques, que les Ames des Trépassés reviennent quelquefois par la permission de Dieu, published in Toulouse in 1694, Le Palais du prince du sommeil où est enseigné l'Oniromancie, published in Bourges in 1667, and others. A very fine copy of a rare and sought-after book. (Caillet II,6500; Dorbon 2632.)