Null HUSSARS REGIMENT - IMPERIAL GUARD: A very attractive handwritten document, …

HUSSARS REGIMENT - IMPERIAL GUARD: A very attractive handwritten document, with interesting content, entitled "Garde Impériale - Régiment de Hussards - Etat Nominatif des Officiers de ce Corps", six pages, 4to, n.p., n.d. [1810], in French. The document contains a cleanly written table including the names of the fourty-one officers, their military ranks, their appointment dates and interesting individual observations, stating to the heading of the second page ` Etat Nominatif de Messieurs les Officiers que le Colonel du susdit Corps, propose de conserver´ (Translation: " Nominal status of the officers that the Colonel of the aforementioned Corps proposes to retain") The first officer included in this list being Colonel Charles Marie Joseph Dubois de Ferrieres, stating alongside ` Officier très distingué qui mérite d´être récompensé à cause de ses services et de sa capacité´ (Translation: " Very distinguished officer who deserves to be rewarded for his services and ability") Dubois would be appointed in 1813 Knight of the Legion d´Honneur and Baron of the Empire. The second on the list is Major Hasselt who would be present in the Russian campaign and will be wounded during the Berezina battle. Some other observations being ` Officier médiocre.... Connait assez bien son état mais sert avec nonchalance... Connait les deux langues...très bon officier, intélligent, actif et instruit... Dumonceau, Fils du General de ce nom...´ (Translation: " Mediocre officer.... Knows his condition quite well but serves nonchalantly... Knows both languages... very good officer, intelligent, active and educated... Dumonceau son of General of same name...") Signed at the base of the list by the General Cammandant of the Guard in Holland. VG


HUSSARS REGIMENT - IMPERIAL GUARD: A very attractive handwritten document, with interesting content, entitled "Garde Impériale - Régiment de Hussards - Etat Nominatif des Officiers de ce Corps", six pages, 4to, n.p., n.d. [1810], in French. The document contains a cleanly written table including the names of the fourty-one officers, their military ranks, their appointment dates and interesting individual observations, stating to the heading of the second page ` Etat Nominatif de Messieurs les Officiers que le Colonel du susdit Corps, propose de conserver´ (Translation: " Nominal status of the officers that the Colonel of the aforementioned Corps proposes to retain") The first officer included in this list being Colonel Charles Marie Joseph Dubois de Ferrieres, stating alongside ` Officier très distingué qui mérite d´être récompensé à cause de ses services et de sa capacité´ (Translation: " Very distinguished officer who deserves to be rewarded for his services and ability") Dubois would be appointed in 1813 Knight of the Legion d´Honneur and Baron of the Empire. The second on the list is Major Hasselt who would be present in the Russian campaign and will be wounded during the Berezina battle. Some other observations being ` Officier médiocre.... Connait assez bien son état mais sert avec nonchalance... Connait les deux langues...très bon officier, intélligent, actif et instruit... Dumonceau, Fils du General de ce nom...´ (Translation: " Mediocre officer.... Knows his condition quite well but serves nonchalantly... Knows both languages... very good officer, intelligent, active and educated... Dumonceau son of General of same name...") Signed at the base of the list by the General Cammandant of the Guard in Holland. VG

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