Null SMITH JAMES EDWARD: (1759-1828) English botanist, founder of the Linnean So…

SMITH JAMES EDWARD: (1759-1828) English botanist, founder of the Linnean Society. A.L.S., J E Smith, one page, 8vo, n.p., n.d. (´ Tuesday´), to William Jackson Hooker ( ´My dear Sir´). Smith commences his letter stating ´I am very glad to hear that one university in Scot[lan] d has any independance or honesty, & congratulate you with all my heart, if it be worth your having´ and further expresses his desire to see Hooker that morning, although advising the sooner the better ´as I must go to my poor Mother´s house some time this morng.´ With integral address leaf in Smith´s hand and bearing the remnants of a small black wax seal. Some light, minimal age wear and a couple of small, neat tears and creases to the edges. About VG William Jackson Hooker (1785-1865) English botanist and botanical illustrator, the first full time director of the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew from 1841. Hooker had previously been appointed as the regius professor of botany in the University of Glasgow in February 1820.


SMITH JAMES EDWARD: (1759-1828) English botanist, founder of the Linnean Society. A.L.S., J E Smith, one page, 8vo, n.p., n.d. (´ Tuesday´), to William Jackson Hooker ( ´My dear Sir´). Smith commences his letter stating ´I am very glad to hear that one university in Scot[lan] d has any independance or honesty, & congratulate you with all my heart, if it be worth your having´ and further expresses his desire to see Hooker that morning, although advising the sooner the better ´as I must go to my poor Mother´s house some time this morng.´ With integral address leaf in Smith´s hand and bearing the remnants of a small black wax seal. Some light, minimal age wear and a couple of small, neat tears and creases to the edges. About VG William Jackson Hooker (1785-1865) English botanist and botanical illustrator, the first full time director of the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew from 1841. Hooker had previously been appointed as the regius professor of botany in the University of Glasgow in February 1820.

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