Null Guillaume APOLLINAIRE (1880-1918). L.A.S. "Gui", [August 10, 1915], to Lou;…

Guillaume APOLLINAIRE (1880-1918). L.A.S. "Gui", [August 10, 1915], to Lou; 1page in-12, autograph address "La comtesse de Coligny-Châtillon, 202 Bd St Germain, Paris (7e)"; on military letter-card with tricolor flags. War letter to Lou. "My darling. From tomorrow my letters will leave open and will be closed by the censor officer. Make sure that when you get back to T. you can write to me. From the interior zone your letters will leave closed, but back in your hometown in the army zone I don't know. You're a civilian, maybe you can write to me directly, which is easier. I love you very much, my darling, and kiss you everywhere in the craziest way. Write to me, I've run out of your letters". On the back of the letter, Apollinaire wrote: "Envoi du brig. G. de Kostrowitzki. 38th Art. 45th Brie. Secteur 138". Lettres à Lou, no. 199.


Guillaume APOLLINAIRE (1880-1918). L.A.S. "Gui", [August 10, 1915], to Lou; 1page in-12, autograph address "La comtesse de Coligny-Châtillon, 202 Bd St Germain, Paris (7e)"; on military letter-card with tricolor flags. War letter to Lou. "My darling. From tomorrow my letters will leave open and will be closed by the censor officer. Make sure that when you get back to T. you can write to me. From the interior zone your letters will leave closed, but back in your hometown in the army zone I don't know. You're a civilian, maybe you can write to me directly, which is easier. I love you very much, my darling, and kiss you everywhere in the craziest way. Write to me, I've run out of your letters". On the back of the letter, Apollinaire wrote: "Envoi du brig. G. de Kostrowitzki. 38th Art. 45th Brie. Secteur 138". Lettres à Lou, no. 199.

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