
A FRENCH ORMOLU FENDER IN LOUIS XVI STYLE, 19TH CENTURY the chenet ends modelled with a boy and a girl warming themselves next to flaming braziers, above drapes and on toupie feet, with pierced and bead decoration 28cm high, 166.5cm wide, 25.8cm deep Provenance Alfred de Rothschild (1842-1918) the Library, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882-1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916-2009) The Trustees of Exbury House Literature Rothschild Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of 'The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring'. 1918. Listed as 'An ormolu fender of Louis XVI design, £20.0.0.'

wiltshire, 英国