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Reclining Venus with three cupids. Astrid Dannegger. Around 1975. Astrid Dannegger 1940 Müllrose near Frankfurt Oder Clay, reddish-brown body, partially set and incised in green-brown engobe as well as green and yellow glaze colours. Unsigned. Cf. in execution :Kulturförderverein Schaddelmühle e.V., Frank Brinkmann: Vom Kollegium Bildender Künstler zum Künstlerhaus Schaddelmühle. 1974-2014. history of a vision, Leipzig 2014, p. 43, with ill. Isolated burn marks on the underside. Measures: l. 42 cm. Astrid Dannegger 1940 Müllrose near Frankfurt Oder 1956-59 Attended the Workers' and Peasants' Faculty at the HfBK Dresden. 1959 Abitur. 1959-1960 Internship at the stoneware factory in Torgau. 1961-66 Studies at the Berlin-Weißensee Art Academy with Wolfgang Henze and Rudolf Kaiser, specialising in ceramics. From 1966 freelance artist and member of the VBK. 1974-90 Founding member of the College of Visual Artists "Schaddelmühle", since 1978 chairwoman of the college. 1976 prize at the exhibition "Young Artists of the GDR". 1981/82 Working stay in the studio of the State Porcelain Manufactory Meissen. 1991 Relocation to Morgenitz on Usedom, opening of his own workshop and organisation of annual ceramics markets.

dresden, Allemagne