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A Gobelins tapestry designed by Jules Chéret (1836 - 1932), depicting a fête champètre, with a clown seated on the ground next to a tambourine player, another young woman and a child gathering flowers, within a border of ribbon ties, vines and theatrical motifs, the outer border with a Galleon factory mark and signed 'U. Gauzy 1901 - 1903' (lower right), 89 x 172 cm The director of Gobelins at the turn of the 20th century, Jules Guiffrey, had been asked to reproduce a series of designs by Jules Chéret but Guiffrey declared that this would be impossible. However, the chef d'atelier at Gobelins, Ulysse Gauzy, was approached to create fifteen tapestries after the cartoons by Chéret by the art collector and philanthropist, Maurice Fenaille and Gauzy, with three fellow workers, created the first of these in their own workshop in their spare time. A new director at Gobelins, Gustav Geffoy, was appointed in March 1908, and he introduced works from the modern French School of the time, including the Chéret cartoons which were now gifted to Gobelins by Fenaille. They were finally exhibited at the Pavillon de Marsan in 1922. See 'Maurice Fenaille' - Institut National D'Histoire de L'Art; American Art News - March 7 1908 (JSTOR); Camile Mauclair, Jules Chéret, Paris 1930 Sotheby's Decorative Arts - 21st April 1969


A Gobelins tapestry designed by Jules Chéret (1836 - 1932), depicting a fête champètre, with a clown seated on the ground next to a tambourine player, another young woman and a child gathering flowers, within a border of ribbon ties, vines and theatrical motifs, the outer border with a Galleon factory mark and signed 'U. Gauzy 1901 - 1903' (lower right), 89 x 172 cm The director of Gobelins at the turn of the 20th century, Jules Guiffrey, had been asked to reproduce a series of designs by Jules Chéret but Guiffrey declared that this would be impossible. However, the chef d'atelier at Gobelins, Ulysse Gauzy, was approached to create fifteen tapestries after the cartoons by Chéret by the art collector and philanthropist, Maurice Fenaille and Gauzy, with three fellow workers, created the first of these in their own workshop in their spare time. A new director at Gobelins, Gustav Geffoy, was appointed in March 1908, and he introduced works from the modern French School of the time, including the Chéret cartoons which were now gifted to Gobelins by Fenaille. They were finally exhibited at the Pavillon de Marsan in 1922. See 'Maurice Fenaille' - Institut National D'Histoire de L'Art; American Art News - March 7 1908 (JSTOR); Camile Mauclair, Jules Chéret, Paris 1930 Sotheby's Decorative Arts - 21st April 1969

估价 3 000 - 5 000 GBP
起始价格 2 400 GBP

* 不计佣金。

拍卖费用: 30 %

拍卖: 7月 25日 星期四 : 09:30 (BST)
maidenhead, 英国
Dawson's Auctioneers
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法国奥布松挂毯,19 世纪。 "城堡风景 羊毛手工打结。 尺寸:215 x 296 厘米:215 x 296 厘米。 这款手工编织挂毯的精致程度证明了奥布松挂毯的高品质。一个繁茂的花园展现在我们面前,湖面上有一座小桥,背景是一座城堡。池塘边盛开着樱花和玫瑰。这幅画的风景描绘轻松而准确,色调对比强烈,以绿色、蓝色和泥土色调为主,并有粉红色的细节。该主题符合十九世纪的贵族品味。 奥布松市聚集了众多的挂毯作坊,这些作坊是由 16 世纪末定居在该地区的佛兰德织工创建的。与皇家戈贝兰织造厂相比,这些织造厂的经营方式非常简陋:没有油漆工、染色工,也没有商业结构,因此他们的挂毯只能在旅馆中出售,主要面向下层私人客户,即外省贵族。十六和十七世纪时,奥布松作坊专门生产植物挂毯(主要是花卉装饰),但十七世纪中叶,路易十四的大臣让-巴蒂斯特-科尔贝尔对该中心进行了重组,目的是将这些作坊改造成皇家工厂,这使得情况发生了翻天覆地的变化。让-巴蒂斯特-科尔贝尔对奥布松和费勒坦的作坊进行了规范,并承诺为其提供一名画师和一名染工。然而,这一承诺直到十八世纪才开始生效,这也是拉马尔什手工作坊的一个转折点,因为有了专门制作纸盒的画师和生产比当时质量更高的染料的染工,这些手工作坊的挂毯质量有了显著提高。