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Monumental Virgin of Solitude, Juan Valdés Leal (Seville, 1622-1690) 17th century Oil on canvas. Measurements: 53 x 40 cm. Framed measurements: 71 x 58 cm. (Seville, 1622-1690). Spanish painter and printmaker. Strictly a contemporary artist of Murillo, he was his greatest pictorial rival in the Seville of his time. The comparison between both painters has been frequent, artificially encouraged by the character of the works of both: if Murillo's was seen as the very expression of the sweetness and calm, the harshness and drama of the work of Valdés Leal and, Above all, the extreme truculence of his best-known works, the vanitas of the Church of La Caridad in Seville, serve to confirm the dichotomy. But, despite the difficult character with which he appears portrayed in the sources, the truth is that Valdés Leal's work is quite varied and is in line with the painting that was done around him. We do not know when he moved to Córdoba, although he had presumably already completed his first artistic training in his hometown. There has been speculation about his approach to the workshop of Herrera the Elder, and also to the art of Antonio del Castillo from Córdoba, as possible influences for his first known signed and dated work, the San Andrés of the church of San Francisco de Córdoba, from 1647. Bibliography: Valdés Leal, cat. exp., Madrid, Museo del Prado, 1991, nos. 10, 20, 54 and 81. Provenance: important private Spanish collection.


Monumental Virgin of Solitude, Juan Valdés Leal (Seville, 1622-1690) 17th century Oil on canvas. Measurements: 53 x 40 cm. Framed measurements: 71 x 58 cm. (Seville, 1622-1690). Spanish painter and printmaker. Strictly a contemporary artist of Murillo, he was his greatest pictorial rival in the Seville of his time. The comparison between both painters has been frequent, artificially encouraged by the character of the works of both: if Murillo's was seen as the very expression of the sweetness and calm, the harshness and drama of the work of Valdés Leal and, Above all, the extreme truculence of his best-known works, the vanitas of the Church of La Caridad in Seville, serve to confirm the dichotomy. But, despite the difficult character with which he appears portrayed in the sources, the truth is that Valdés Leal's work is quite varied and is in line with the painting that was done around him. We do not know when he moved to Córdoba, although he had presumably already completed his first artistic training in his hometown. There has been speculation about his approach to the workshop of Herrera the Elder, and also to the art of Antonio del Castillo from Córdoba, as possible influences for his first known signed and dated work, the San Andrés of the church of San Francisco de Córdoba, from 1647. Bibliography: Valdés Leal, cat. exp., Madrid, Museo del Prado, 1991, nos. 10, 20, 54 and 81. Provenance: important private Spanish collection.

估价 15 000 - 18 000 EUR
起始价格 6 500 EUR

* 不计佣金。

拍卖费用: 26.62 %

拍卖: 7月 25日 星期四 : 16:00 (CEST)
barcelona, 西班牙
Templum Fine art Auction
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西班牙学派;17 世纪。 "圣母无原罪 布面油画。 有瑕疵。 尺寸:182 x 118 厘米;203 x 137 厘米(框架):182 x 118 厘米;203 x 137 厘米(框架)。 圣母像被刻在金色的 "光辉 "中,被布置成 "圣母无原罪 "的样子。圣母像被放置在云朵形成的基座上,基座上有三个小天使,圣母像直立着,具有纪念碑的意义。她正对着观众,但脸部抬起并略微向左侧偏移,眺望着画面构图之外的事物。尽管如此,她安详的面容和单手抱胸的虔诚态度表明,她是在向上帝致意,与上帝而非观众建立直接联系。由于她在构图中的主导地位、她的姿态和她的形象的纪念性,她是以一种高贵的姿态出现在观众面前的,她位于圣灵的代表之下,是天堂和基督教的女王。 从美学角度看,该作品非常接近穆里略创造的风格模式。17 世纪,巴洛克风格进入塞维利亚画派,自然主义战胜了文艺复兴时期的理想主义,画风松散,美学上也有许多其他的自由发挥。此时,无论是从作品的质量还是塞维利亚巴洛克绘画的原始地位来看,该画派都达到了最辉煌的时期。因此,在向巴洛克时期过渡的过程中,我们发现胡安-德尔-卡斯蒂略、安东尼奥-莫赫达诺和弗朗西斯科-埃雷拉-埃尔-维埃霍的作品已经显示出快速的笔触和粗糙的现实主义风格,而胡安-德-罗拉斯则引入了威尼斯的色彩主义。本世纪中叶,苏尔巴兰、年轻的阿隆索-卡诺和委拉斯开兹等人的作品为这一时期画上了圆满的句号。最后,在本世纪的最后三分之一,我们看到了穆里略和巴尔德斯-莱亚尔,他们于 1660 年创办了一所学院,18 世纪第一季度活跃在该学院的许多画家,如梅内塞斯-奥索里奥、塞巴斯蒂安-戈麦斯、卢卡斯-巴尔德斯等,都是在这里接受培训的。