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HOFFMANN Baptist (1863 - 1937) HOFFMANN Baptist (1863 - 1937) OPERA - HOFFMANN Baptist (1863 - 1937) - Cabinet-card photographic portrait with autograph dedication signed Cabinet-card photographic portrait with autograph dedication (at the verso) signed, dated “Berlin 7. Juli 1897” by the German baritone. He made his operatic debut as a hunter in Kreutzer's “Das Nachtlager in Granada”. He took part in several world premieres there, including Chabrier's “Briséïs” (in German) in 1899, Lortzing's “Regina” the same year, d'Albert's “Kain” in 1900, Leoncavallo's “Der Roland von Berlin” in 1904, and Humperdinck's “Die Heirat wider Willen” in 1905. Photograph by E. Zieber in Berlin. (10.7 x 16.5 cm). - This item is under temporary import. If the item is delivered within the United Kingdom, it will be subject to a 5% Value Added Tax (VAT) on the hammer price.


HOFFMANN Baptist (1863 - 1937) HOFFMANN Baptist (1863 - 1937) OPERA - HOFFMANN Baptist (1863 - 1937) - Cabinet-card photographic portrait with autograph dedication signed Cabinet-card photographic portrait with autograph dedication (at the verso) signed, dated “Berlin 7. Juli 1897” by the German baritone. He made his operatic debut as a hunter in Kreutzer's “Das Nachtlager in Granada”. He took part in several world premieres there, including Chabrier's “Briséïs” (in German) in 1899, Lortzing's “Regina” the same year, d'Albert's “Kain” in 1900, Leoncavallo's “Der Roland von Berlin” in 1904, and Humperdinck's “Die Heirat wider Willen” in 1905. Photograph by E. Zieber in Berlin. (10.7 x 16.5 cm). - This item is under temporary import. If the item is delivered within the United Kingdom, it will be subject to a 5% Value Added Tax (VAT) on the hammer price.

估价 150 - 200 GBP
起始价格 80 GBP

* 不计佣金。

拍卖费用: 31 %

拍卖: 7月 29日 星期一 : 14:00 (BST)
mayfair-london, 英国
L'Autographe Auctions
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A. HOFFMANN (*1810) after HOFFMANN (*1776), Portrait of Julius von Voß, after E. T. A. Hoffmann, Etc 奥古斯特-霍夫曼(1810 年埃尔伯费尔德-1872 年柏林),根据 E.T.A.-霍夫曼(1776 年柯尼斯堡-1822 年柏林):Julius von Voß 肖像,根据 E. T. A. Hoffmann 创作,19 世纪,蚀刻版画 技术: 纸上蚀刻 钤印 刻在版画底部:"Muthmaßliches Bild des Julius Voß",下方有落款和签名:"gez v E.T.W. Hoffmann rad v. A. Hoffmann"。 日期:19 世纪 19 世纪 描述:这幅蚀刻版画的作者是杜塞尔多夫的一位画家: 这幅蚀刻版画由杜塞尔多夫出身的平面艺术家奥古斯特-霍夫曼 (August Hoffmann) 创作,再现了 E. T. A. 霍夫曼 (E. T. A. Hoffmann) 1809 年至 1813 年在班贝格期间创作的一幅画作,该画作现已失传。霍夫曼在格洛高遇到了作家尤利乌斯-冯-沃斯,他因军队中一些不受欢迎的改革提案而被调往格洛高。尽管沃斯可能生活放荡,声名狼藉,但霍夫曼似乎感觉到了一种精神上的亲近。与霍夫曼本人一样,沃斯也活跃于绘画、写作和作曲等多种艺术领域。1807 年,两人在柏林再次相遇。然而,这幅画本身只是在班贝格与出版商兼朋友卡尔-弗里德里希-昆茨(Carl Friedrich Kunz)共度的一个愉快夜晚创作的,席间还朗读了沃斯的喜剧《女人的归宿》(La retraite pour les Dames)。在这出 "一幕闹剧 "的淫秽幽默引起的哄堂大笑平息之后,霍夫曼凭记忆快速画了一幅肖像画,回答了昆茨关于沃斯性格的问题,因此加上了 "大概 "一词。奥古斯特-霍夫曼最终根据这幅画创作了这幅蚀刻版画,并于 1839 年出版了五卷本的《E.T.A. Hoffmann's Erzählungen aus seiner letzten Lebensjahren》(E.T.A. Hoffmann's Tales from the Last Years of his Life)。 我们的版本似乎是该书版本之外的另一个印刷版本,其特点是线描更加清晰,页边的雕刻样本依然清晰可见。 关键词 19世纪、浪漫主义、肖像、德国 尺寸 纸张 14,3 厘米 x 10,9 厘米(5,6 x 4,3 英寸),描绘:13,7 厘米 x 9,8 厘米(5,4 x 3,9 英寸)