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帕迪拉-桑切斯-何塞(1889 - 1960) 帕迪拉-桑切斯-何塞(1889 - 1960) MUSIC - PADILLA SÁNCHEZ José (1889 - 1960) - 两封签名亲笔信的批量复印件 西班牙作曲家和钢琴家的两封签名亲笔信。他曾为红磨坊创作歌曲,如 "Ça c'est Paris",因此在法国声名鹊起。他的歌曲 "La Violetera "被查理-卓别林改编为《城市之光》(1931 年)的原声音乐。这两封信都是写给意大利作家皮拉德-波拉兹(Pilade Pollazzi,1852 - 1940 年)的,内容涉及他正在创作的一些宗教音乐。 A."巴黎,1928 年 3 月 18 日"......我将很荣幸地向您转交您要求我转交的手稿。我很遗憾没能如愿以偿......"。1 页,四开。附信笺。 B. 无日期[4.4.928]。"...Je vous envoie ci-joint [sic.] une Introduction et commencement du "Pater Noster" que vous m'avez prié de vous envoyer.N'étant pas habitué de faire des morceaux religieux (quoi-que les aime beaucoup).Je suis donc heureux de combler vos voeux en vous donnant ce "Pater Noster", qui m'a été inspiré par celui qui est notre Père à tous...".1 页,四开。附信笺。 - 此商品为临时进口商品。如果该商品在英国境内交货,则需按落锤价缴纳 5%的增值税(VAT)。

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帕迪拉-桑切斯-何塞(1889 - 1960) 帕迪拉-桑切斯-何塞(1889 - 1960) MUSIC - PADILLA SÁNCHEZ José (1889 - 1960) - 两封签名亲笔信的批量复印件 西班牙作曲家和钢琴家的两封签名亲笔信。他曾为红磨坊创作歌曲,如 "Ça c'est Paris",因此在法国声名鹊起。他的歌曲 "La Violetera "被查理-卓别林改编为《城市之光》(1931 年)的原声音乐。这两封信都是写给意大利作家皮拉德-波拉兹(Pilade Pollazzi,1852 - 1940 年)的,内容涉及他正在创作的一些宗教音乐。 A."巴黎,1928 年 3 月 18 日"......我将很荣幸地向您转交您要求我转交的手稿。我很遗憾没能如愿以偿......"。1 页,四开。附信笺。 B. 无日期[4.4.928]。"...Je vous envoie ci-joint [sic.] une Introduction et commencement du "Pater Noster" que vous m'avez prié de vous envoyer.N'étant pas habitué de faire des morceaux religieux (quoi-que les aime beaucoup).Je suis donc heureux de combler vos voeux en vous donnant ce "Pater Noster", qui m'a été inspiré par celui qui est notre Père à tous...".1 页,四开。附信笺。 - 此商品为临时进口商品。如果该商品在英国境内交货,则需按落锤价缴纳 5%的增值税(VAT)。

估价 200 - 250 GBP
起始价格 150 GBP

* 不计佣金。

拍卖费用: 31 %

拍卖: 7月 29日 星期一 : 14:00 (BST)
mayfair-london, 英国
L'Autographe Auctions
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Attributable to Juan Sánchez Cotán, Holy Family, Granada school, 17th century Oil on canvas, canvas measures: 82 x 105 cm, framed measures: 97 x 118 cm. Juan Sánchez Cotán (Orgaz, Toledo, 1560-Granada, 1627) was a Spanish painter, a disciple of Blas de Prado and influenced by some artists who worked in El Escorial, such as Luca Cambiaso or Juan Fernández Navarrete. Sánchez Cotán worked in Toledo, where he had an important clientele, until in 1603 he decided to enter the Cartuja as a lay brother, one of the most strictly observed religious orders, settling in Granada until his death on September 8, 1627, a festival of the Nativity of the Virgin, the same day that, according to Antonio Palomino, he had professed as a Carthusian in 1604. Antonio Palomino affirms that he was a disciple of Blas de Prado in Toledo, with whom he "excelled in painting fruit". Although it has not been possible to confirm documents, this learning relationship is plausible. Prado, who made frequent trips to El Escorial assimilating the Mannerist tendencies that were practiced there, would have been, according to literary sources, the creator of the Spanish still life, although none of his hands have been preserved. On the other hand, their friendly relationship and professional with Sánchez Cotán is accredited until the same year of his death in 1599. The testament that Sánchez Cotán drew up in 1603, when he was preparing to take the Carthusian habit, together with the inventory of his assets carried out by his executors, are the best source of information available for the knowledge of his human and professional trajectory up to that year. Reference bibliography: Ripollés, Carmen (2018). «The still lifes of Juan Sánchez Cotán and artistic ingenuity in early modern Toledo». Bulletin of the Museo del Prado XXXVI (54): 34-47.