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The painting depicts the famous Greek mythology of the centaur (Nessus) known for his famous role in the story of the Tunic of Nessus. After carrying Deianeira, the wife of Heracles, across the river he attempted to have intercourse with her. Heracles saw this from across the river and shot a Hydra-poisoned arrow into Nessus's breast. Signed and dated on the lower left. Provenance: The Collection of William Cervera (5/31/51 - 3/15/22), New York. Footnote: Born in Palermo, Italy, Farruggio came to the U.S. in 1918 and became a citizen in 1924. He studied at the National Academy of Design, then in Paris at the Beaux-Arts Institute, and at the New York School of Industrial Art with Monhegan artist, A.J. Bogdanove. In the late 1930's, he was a WPA artist, and it was through the Federal Art Project of the Works Progress Administration that he was awarded his first solo exhibition at the Julien Levy Gallery in New York City. He taught at the Federation of Artists School in Detroit, Michigan in the early 1940’s and in Portland, Oregon at the Museum Art School in the mid-1950s. Farruggio lived in New York City and had spent most of his summers in Provincetown, Massachusetts. However, Monhegan artists living near him on 28th Street lured him to their island. He quickly worked his way into the social fabric and spent summers living and making art at the Lobster Pot. Farruggio was well represented in galleries in New York, Mexico, and his native Italy. In 1950, his work was included in “American Paintings Today,” at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and in the "International Watercolor Exhibition", at the Brooklyn Museum in 1955. In addition to the Julien Levy Gallery, he had many solo exhibitions, including one at the Galeria Arte Contemporaneo in Mexico City, and another at the Galleria Schneider in Rome. Dimensions: 45 1/4 x 39 1/2 in., (115.5 x 100.3 cm.) Perfect.


The painting depicts the famous Greek mythology of the centaur (Nessus) known for his famous role in the story of the Tunic of Nessus. After carrying Deianeira, the wife of Heracles, across the river he attempted to have intercourse with her. Heracles saw this from across the river and shot a Hydra-poisoned arrow into Nessus's breast. Signed and dated on the lower left. Provenance: The Collection of William Cervera (5/31/51 - 3/15/22), New York. Footnote: Born in Palermo, Italy, Farruggio came to the U.S. in 1918 and became a citizen in 1924. He studied at the National Academy of Design, then in Paris at the Beaux-Arts Institute, and at the New York School of Industrial Art with Monhegan artist, A.J. Bogdanove. In the late 1930's, he was a WPA artist, and it was through the Federal Art Project of the Works Progress Administration that he was awarded his first solo exhibition at the Julien Levy Gallery in New York City. He taught at the Federation of Artists School in Detroit, Michigan in the early 1940’s and in Portland, Oregon at the Museum Art School in the mid-1950s. Farruggio lived in New York City and had spent most of his summers in Provincetown, Massachusetts. However, Monhegan artists living near him on 28th Street lured him to their island. He quickly worked his way into the social fabric and spent summers living and making art at the Lobster Pot. Farruggio was well represented in galleries in New York, Mexico, and his native Italy. In 1950, his work was included in “American Paintings Today,” at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and in the "International Watercolor Exhibition", at the Brooklyn Museum in 1955. In addition to the Julien Levy Gallery, he had many solo exhibitions, including one at the Galeria Arte Contemporaneo in Mexico City, and another at the Galleria Schneider in Rome. Dimensions: 45 1/4 x 39 1/2 in., (115.5 x 100.3 cm.) Perfect.

估价 3 000 - 4 000 USD
起始价格 2 000 USD

* 不计佣金。

拍卖费用: 28 %

拍卖: 7月 28日 星期日 : 13:00 (EDT)
new-york, 美国
Helios Auctions
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法国学校;19 世纪。 "大力士" 布面油画。 保留原画布。 尺寸:59 x 73 厘米;78.5 x 93 厘米(画框)。 从形式上看,这幅画属于学院派,因此遵循经典标准,其中第一条就是高技术质量。因此,画作严谨而坚定,尽管在构思中可以领略到法国画派及其洛可可传统的典型奢华品味。学术性是对古典主义的直接继承,因此偏爱像本作品这样取材于神话的主题,尽管是从感性和装饰性的角度来捕捉,远离了古代古典艺术的庄严和来源的严谨。因此,这幅作品的表现手法也是如此,以一种全新的方式再现了神话中的人物。然而,我们可以欣赏到一种并非基于现实的美的理想,尽管画家对自然的研究是毋庸置疑的,但他通过对经验的总结,在现实的基础上提出了一种理想主义,也就是说,这是一种审美的升华,反映了一种超越现实的美。 作品将主人公置于场景的中心。他身披狮皮,一手拿着一根钉子钉在地上,表明他是神话英雄赫拉克勒斯的代表。在他身旁,一群妇女和儿童将目光投向半神,而在这群妇女和儿童中,还有一位大胡子老人在弹奏竖琴,他的手势似乎在向主人公诉说着什么。在同一个镜头中,但在构图的另一端,一位手持弓箭的年轻女子将目光投向一只狗,同时指向赫拉克勒斯。弓的存在和日期表明,这可能是戴安娜女神的代表。在她们身后,以简笔画的方式展现了三个人物的场景,这是神话绘画中非常常见的叙事资源。赫拉克勒斯或赫拉克勒斯是希腊神话中最著名的英雄,或许也是古代古典神话中最著名的英雄。他的名字来源于赫拉女神和希腊语 "kleos"(荣耀),即 "赫拉的荣耀"。