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Greek, Hellenistic Age, cast-bronze door handle in the form of a stoic, majestic lion's face with a protruding snout and mane. Within the creature's mouth is a circular ring - used either as a handle or a door knocker - and the remains of 4 iron rivets, visible around the periphery indicate how this handle would have attached to a door. In the classical world, lions symbolized power, wealth, and might. They were famously featured in many ancient myths, perhaps the most famous being that of Hercules (Herakles) slaying the Nemean Lion for his first labor. Ancient Greece - Hellenistic Age. Dimensions: D: 8 in., (20.5 cm.) Good overall. Nice green patina. Rusting along the rivets on the front and back.


Greek, Hellenistic Age, cast-bronze door handle in the form of a stoic, majestic lion's face with a protruding snout and mane. Within the creature's mouth is a circular ring - used either as a handle or a door knocker - and the remains of 4 iron rivets, visible around the periphery indicate how this handle would have attached to a door. In the classical world, lions symbolized power, wealth, and might. They were famously featured in many ancient myths, perhaps the most famous being that of Hercules (Herakles) slaying the Nemean Lion for his first labor. Ancient Greece - Hellenistic Age. Dimensions: D: 8 in., (20.5 cm.) Good overall. Nice green patina. Rusting along the rivets on the front and back.

估价 4 000 - 5 000 USD
起始价格 3 000 USD

* 不计佣金。

拍卖费用: 28 %

拍卖: 7月 28日 星期日 : 13:00 (EDT)
new-york, 美国
Helios Auctions
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羊头帕塔手柄;罗马,公元 I-II 年。 青铜。 有矿物质沉积,右角部分缺失。 尺寸:17 x 7 x 3 厘米:17 x 7 x 3 厘米。 古罗马铸造的青铜手柄,非常精美,保存完好,可能属于一个帕特农神庙。手柄的造型是一个有凹槽的柱轴,柱轴的末端是一个公羊头,公羊的角呈卷轴状。动物的面部特征刻画得很自然,细节也很精致,如精心刻画的羊毛纹理。手柄底部与器身连接处是一块带对称突起的弧形金属板,上面装饰有浮雕植物图案。 罗马人为雕塑界带来了两项重要的创新:肖像和历史浮雕,这两项在希腊世界都不存在。不过,他们的大部分雕塑作品都沿用了希腊的模式,在罗马,这种模式将与伊特鲁里亚传统相结合。公元前 212 年,罗马人通过大希腊地区的殖民地首次接触到希腊古典主义,随后征服了锡拉库扎,这是位于西西里岛的一个富饶而重要的希腊殖民地,装饰着大量希腊风格的作品。这座城市被洗劫一空,其艺术珍品被运往罗马,这些作品的新风格很快取代了在此之前一直盛行的伊特鲁里亚-罗马传统。加图本人谴责洗劫罗马和用希腊化作品装饰罗马的行为,他认为这是对本土文化的危险影响,并对罗马人赞扬科林斯和雅典的雕像表示遗憾,同时嘲笑古罗马神庙的装饰陶俑传统。然而,这些对立反应都是徒劳的;希腊艺术在总体上征服了伊特鲁里亚-罗马艺术,以至于希腊雕像成为战争中最令人垂涎的战利品之一,在征服者的凯旋游行中展示。 雕像上有矿物质沉积,右角部分缺失。