Null 何塞-玛丽亚-罗德里格斯-德-洛萨达 塞维利亚(1826 年)/赫雷斯-德拉弗龙特拉(1896 年),"穆里略临摹圣-伊莎贝尔群像的范本",1894 …

何塞-玛丽亚-罗德里格斯-德-洛萨达 塞维利亚(1826 年)/赫雷斯-德拉弗龙特拉(1896 年),"穆里略临摹圣-伊莎贝尔群像的范本",1894 年 布面油画 左下方有签名、"Pto. de Sta Maria "和日期。参考书目: - Cabezas Garcia, A., "Two unpublished paintings by Rodriguez de Losada", Boletin de Arte, no.39,2018 年,第 279-282 页。塞维利亚画家罗德里格斯-德-洛萨达(Rodriguez de Losada)对前代绘画大师由衷钦佩。其中之一就是巴托洛梅-埃斯特万-穆里略(Bartolome Esteban Murillo),得益于省立美术学校和 19 世纪塞维利亚接待的无数外国游客所培养的大量旅游文学作品,穆里略在西班牙国内外的声誉不断提高。罗德里格斯-德-洛萨达(Rodriguez de Losada)在他的许多作品中都试图记录穆里略的生平及其最著名的作品,其中最好的例子之一就是这幅名为《穆里略临摹圣-伊莎贝尔群像》(Murillo copying the group of Santa Isabel by the model)或《穆里略在加的斯卡布奇诺教堂摔倒后》(Murillo after the fall in the church of Cappuccinos of Cadiz)的气势恢宏的作品。尺寸:200 x 300 厘米200 x 300 厘米


何塞-玛丽亚-罗德里格斯-德-洛萨达 塞维利亚(1826 年)/赫雷斯-德拉弗龙特拉(1896 年),"穆里略临摹圣-伊莎贝尔群像的范本",1894 年 布面油画 左下方有签名、"Pto. de Sta Maria "和日期。参考书目: - Cabezas Garcia, A., "Two unpublished paintings by Rodriguez de Losada", Boletin de Arte, no.39,2018 年,第 279-282 页。塞维利亚画家罗德里格斯-德-洛萨达(Rodriguez de Losada)对前代绘画大师由衷钦佩。其中之一就是巴托洛梅-埃斯特万-穆里略(Bartolome Esteban Murillo),得益于省立美术学校和 19 世纪塞维利亚接待的无数外国游客所培养的大量旅游文学作品,穆里略在西班牙国内外的声誉不断提高。罗德里格斯-德-洛萨达(Rodriguez de Losada)在他的许多作品中都试图记录穆里略的生平及其最著名的作品,其中最好的例子之一就是这幅名为《穆里略临摹圣-伊莎贝尔群像》(Murillo copying the group of Santa Isabel by the model)或《穆里略在加的斯卡布奇诺教堂摔倒后》(Murillo after the fall in the church of Cappuccinos of Cadiz)的气势恢宏的作品。尺寸:200 x 300 厘米200 x 300 厘米

估价 13 500 - 18 000 EUR
起始价格 9 000 EUR

* 不计佣金。

拍卖费用: 27 %

该拍品的拍卖已经结束 查看结果


JR LOSADA POCKET WATCH Nº9205 Sabonet pocket watch manufactured by JR LOSADA with manual winding mechanical movement Nº 9205, Victorian style dial made of silver decorated with gold, Roman numerals with auxiliary dial for the seconds hand located above the number VI, blued steel hands, inscription "JR LOSADA 105 REGENT ST. LONDON N.9205" (identical in machinery). Box numbered 10782 with hallmarks corresponding to 18 kt gold. (English royal crown and 18), the city of London (leopard head), typesetter (FM) - possibly Frederick Samuel Matthews - and the year of manufacture, 1876, (letter A), covers with chiseled decoration of plant motifs, palmettes and intertwined garlands of initials JPM, smooth duster, bombe crystal and fluted crown. Running condition that requires review. Weight: 126.15 gr. / Diameter: 50 mm. It is presented in an original leather case with gold embossing with the inscription "JR LOSADA 105 REGENT ST. LONDON", purple velvet and white silk interior with a logo after the London Exhibition of 1862. It is accompanied by a royal spring, two complementary crystals, Replacement dial in black and white enameled copper with Roman numerals and purchase invoice for £35 dated July 14, 1877 with an apocryphal signature of Jose Rodriguez de Losada. Reference bibliography: Moreno, R. Jose Rodriguez Losada - Life and work, Ed. Fundacion Juanelo Turriano, Madrid, 1995, pp. 83-91. Provenance: Madrid, DURAN SUBASTAS, lot 82 from undetermined auction (possibly 70s-80s); Bilbao, private collection. Jose Rodriguez Losada (Iruela, 1797-London, 1870) can be considered the most famous Spanish watchmaker of the last centuries. Once his watchmaking business was established, he quickly began to be known in London, receiving numerous commissions from the Spanish and Latin American markets, as well as from the Spanish Royal House. He was appointed chamber watchmaker to Queen Elizabeth II and timekeeper to the Spanish Navy. Losada died in London in 1970, bequeathing his fortune and businesses to his sisters, nephews, personal doctor and servants. The famous watchmaker had his nephews Miguel, Francisco and Norberto as apprentices, the first of them being the trusted man of Losada until he was disinherited in 1868 due to disagreements with his uncle. Given this fact, “the house, factory and firm JR Losada are inherited in their entirety by that of his nephew Norberto.” The youngest of his nephews took charge of the business until the end of the century, losing the property due to financial problems in favor of his brother Miguel, later associated with Francisco. Norberto de Riego y Rodriguez de Losada did not respect the numbering of his uncle's clocks close to number 6275 in 1870 - the year of his death -, marking a new one around 10,000. This fact makes us see how the watch with number 9205 was made in 1877, a time when the watchmaking manufacture fell to Norberto de Riego,It is especially curious how he keeps the invoices and documentation associated with his uncle's watches, even signing apocryphally as JR Losada. The watch, its case and the associated documentation represent a first-class testimony for the study of Spanish and British watchmaking of the 19th century. It must be taken into account that there are not many perfectly documented artifacts from Norberto de Riego that are preserved. Nor are there cases from this context, such as the one preserved in the collection of Jose Daniel Barquero (ref. OR-016 JDBC from MIARB) or the invoice, closely related to the one preserved by the current Relojeria Losada in Madrid.