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F. BARTOLOZZI (*1728) after BUNBURY (*1750), Lord Thomas and Fair Annett, 1784, Crayon manner 弗朗切斯科-巴托洛齐(1728 年出生于佛罗伦萨,1815 年卒于利萨邦),取材于亨利-威廉-班伯里(1750 - 1811 年):托马斯勋爵和美丽的安妮特,英国民谣中的场景,1784 年,蜡笔方式 技法: 纸上蜡笔 钤印 下部刻有"H. Bunbury inv./ Bartolozzi [?]". 日期:1784 年 1784 作品描述 这件艺术品展示了三个身着历史服饰的人物之间的互动,他们置身于充满古典元素的室内。一名男子将一个小瓶子递给一名戴帽子的坐着的女子,另一名女子在一只小狗的陪伴下看着他们。场景由椭圆形边框框住,突出了中心主题。画面中,心醉神迷的托马斯勋爵(又名甜蜜威利)跪在美丽的安妮特(又名安妮或埃莉诺)面前,向她献上一朵玫瑰。旁边是嫉妒的 "果褐少女",手持一把匕首。英国民谣 "托马斯勋爵和美丽的安妮特 "的插图 关键词 民谣; 民谣; 托马斯勋爵; 美丽的安娜特; 艺术品; 历史衣橱; 互动; 烧瓶; 内部; 古典元素; 男人; 两个女人; 帽子; 狗; 场景; 椭圆形; 边框; 图案; 优雅; 服装; 面部表情; 手势; 聚会; 18 世纪, 浪漫主义, 服装, 英国、 尺寸 纸质: 40,6 厘米 x 35,8 厘米(16 x 14,1 英寸)

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F. BARTOLOZZI (*1728) after BUNBURY (*1750), Lord Thomas and Fair Annett, 1784, Crayon manner 弗朗切斯科-巴托洛齐(1728 年出生于佛罗伦萨,1815 年卒于利萨邦),取材于亨利-威廉-班伯里(1750 - 1811 年):托马斯勋爵和美丽的安妮特,英国民谣中的场景,1784 年,蜡笔方式 技法: 纸上蜡笔 钤印 下部刻有"H. Bunbury inv./ Bartolozzi [?]". 日期:1784 年 1784 作品描述 这件艺术品展示了三个身着历史服饰的人物之间的互动,他们置身于充满古典元素的室内。一名男子将一个小瓶子递给一名戴帽子的坐着的女子,另一名女子在一只小狗的陪伴下看着他们。场景由椭圆形边框框住,突出了中心主题。画面中,心醉神迷的托马斯勋爵(又名甜蜜威利)跪在美丽的安妮特(又名安妮或埃莉诺)面前,向她献上一朵玫瑰。旁边是嫉妒的 "果褐少女",手持一把匕首。英国民谣 "托马斯勋爵和美丽的安妮特 "的插图 关键词 民谣; 民谣; 托马斯勋爵; 美丽的安娜特; 艺术品; 历史衣橱; 互动; 烧瓶; 内部; 古典元素; 男人; 两个女人; 帽子; 狗; 场景; 椭圆形; 边框; 图案; 优雅; 服装; 面部表情; 手势; 聚会; 18 世纪, 浪漫主义, 服装, 英国、 尺寸 纸质: 40,6 厘米 x 35,8 厘米(16 x 14,1 英寸)

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[BRUNSWICK Caroline de] (1768 - 1821) [BRUNSWICK Caroline de] (1768 - 1821) HISTORY - [BRUNSWICK Caroline de] (1768 - 1821) - Collection of memorabilia Collection of memorabilia relating to the Trial of Queen Caroline in 1820, mounted in three large albums, over 400 pages, folio, morocco, rubbed, bookplate of Lord Fairhaven, in a slipcase, together with a folio printed volume, 1820. The collection comprises A. Authorized notes of admission to the House of Lords between August and November 1820, addressed to the doorkeeper and signed by peers and bishops (including Lords Grey, Holland, Aberdeen, Grenville, Wellesley, Melbourne, Melville, Sidmouth, and Wellington) (c.280). B. Letter signed by George IV ordering the Commissioners for Auditing the Public Accounts to discharge Viscount Castlereagh, Secretary of State, from rendering any account of the expenditure of 7,500, which was given to Thomas Coutts & Co. to discharge "the bills of the several authorised Agents appointed to consider the Enquiries respecting Her Majesty the Queen", 2 pages, folio, integral blank, Carlton House, 30 November 1820. C. A volume of printed state acts and proceedings relating to the trial, c.1000 pages, half-morocco, bookplate of Lord Lonsdale, folio, 1820. D. Upwards of 200 contemporary prints. The Trial of Queen Caroline in the House of Lords between August and November 1820 was one of the great scandals of the age. In the event, George IV's attempt to establish her adultery and secure a divorce failed and, to the delight of the public, she was acquitted. The document in the present collection, proving the King's use of his secret service to prepare the case, bears vivid witness to the determination he felt, in the first year of his reign, to rid himself of his official connection to a woman he had long despised and rejected. His wish was, as it happens, granted in the following year after she was physically barred from attending his coronation, took ill and died. ---Ex ...