Null 琼-拉维利亚斯-拉布罗(1865 年生于比拉诺瓦,1938 年卒于巴塞罗那)
48 x 65 厘米。

琼-拉维利亚斯-拉布罗(1865 年生于比拉诺瓦,1938 年卒于巴塞罗那) 有小路的风景。 纸面水彩画。已签名。 48 x 65 厘米。


琼-拉维利亚斯-拉布罗(1865 年生于比拉诺瓦,1938 年卒于巴塞罗那) 有小路的风景。 纸面水彩画。已签名。 48 x 65 厘米。

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JORDI VILANOVA (Barcelona, 1925-1998). Suspension lamp "Anella" Series, 1967. Polished brass and parchment lampshade. Measurements: 68 x 44 x 44 cm. Suspension lamp of the Anella series designed and produced by Jordi Vilanova in 1967. A paradigmatic example of the conjunction that Vilanova carried out between traditional techniques and new materials of industrial type. Polished brass structure and parchment shade. Vilanova defended the functionality, simplicity and purity of lines. He could be described as a modern classic, as is evident in this lamp. Catalan interior designer and cabinetmaker, Jordi Vilanova entered the School of Work and Artistic Trades of La Lonja in 1939. He completed his training in the workshop of Busquets, and between 1940 and 1953 he collaborated in the studio of Lluís Gili. Jordi Vilanova was founder and promoter of the Catalan art magazine "Questions d'Art" (1967-74). In 1974 he opened premises with a permanent exhibition of furniture and upholstery of his own design, forming part of the Official College of Interior Decorators and Designers of Barcelona and the SAD. His modern furniture and his way of resolving spaces were initially aimed at a large public of limited economic resources and, consequently, homes with less living space. However, this great majority did not understand his proposal. Instead, it was the Catalan bourgeoisie, eager to break with outdated stylistic canons, who embraced his work. His specialty was furniture for children, such as the Delta stool, which won the Delta de Plata Prize awarded by the ADI/FAD in 1964. He held exhibitions of his work in Scandinavia. Among his most representative designs are the Tiracord and Billar chairs (1961), the Montseny MP bunk bed (1961), the Tartera (1966) and Petit (1978) rocking chairs and the Z magazine rack (1987) designed together with his son Pau Vilanova Vila-Abadal. It is currently represented in the Design Museum of Barcelona.

琼-米罗-伊-费拉(JOAN MIRÓ I FERRÀ,1893 年生于巴塞罗那,1983 年卒于马略卡岛帕尔马)。 "向高迪致敬 附有琼-米罗在《向高迪致敬》中创作的 21 幅版画的研究报告和艺术书籍,并附有 Pere Gimferrer 创作的文字。限量版,第 981/998 册。 独一无二的 Planeta 编辑版。 木盒包装。 尺寸:50 x 70 厘米(艺术书);27 x 37.5 厘米(学习书);56 x 76 x 8 厘米(箱子)86 x 69 x 16 厘米(盒子)。 复制品是原作的 80%,取材于巴塞罗那 Joan Miró 基金会的藏品。复制品使用 220 克的 Fedrigoni Stucco Tintoretto 纸张印刷,并手工粘贴在 200 克的 Tintoretto 锡兰黑胡椒黑卡纸上。根据公证契约,限量发行 998 册,前 10 册的编号为 I 至 X,其余的编号为 1 至 988。1920 年,他移居巴黎,结识了毕加索、雷纳尔、马克斯-雅各布、扎拉和达达主义者。在那里,受超现实主义诗人和画家的影响,他的风格日趋成熟;他试图将超现实主义诗歌移植到视觉中,以记忆、幻想和非理性为基础。他于 1928 年在巴黎举办的第三次展览是他的首次重大胜利:纽约现代艺术博物馆收藏了他的两幅作品。1941 年,他回到西班牙,同年,博物馆为他举办了一次回顾展,这是他在国际上的最后一次献礼。他一生获奖无数,如威尼斯双年展和古根海姆基金会大奖、卡内基绘画奖、加泰罗尼亚自治区和美术金奖,并被哈佛大学和巴塞罗那大学授予荣誉博士称号。他的作品目前在巴塞罗那 Joan Miró 基金会、蒂森-博内米萨博物馆、纽约现代艺术博物馆、马德里索菲亚王妃博物馆、华盛顿国家美术馆、巴黎 MNAM 美术馆和布法罗 Albright-Knox 美术馆展出。