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何塞-德-里苏埃诺(格拉纳达,1665-1732 年)的格拉纳达画派,18 世纪 儿童与底座的尺寸:75 x 30 x 26 厘米。出处:萨拉戈萨重要私人收藏。

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何塞-德-里苏埃诺(格拉纳达,1665-1732 年)的格拉纳达画派,18 世纪 儿童与底座的尺寸:75 x 30 x 26 厘米。出处:萨拉戈萨重要私人收藏。

估价 3 000 - 3 500 EUR
起始价格 1 600 EUR

* 不计佣金。

拍卖费用: 26.62 %

拍卖: 7月 18日 星期四 : 16:00 (CEST)
barcelona, 西班牙
Templum Fine art Auction
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荣耀中的巨大巴洛克圣母像 - 约瑟-德-里苏埃尼奥(格拉纳达,1665-1732 年)作品,17 世纪巴洛克格拉纳丁画派 布面油画,尺寸:100 x 78 厘米100 x 78 厘米,带框:尺寸:120 x 100 厘米。格拉纳达巴洛克时期最杰出的西班牙画家和雕塑家之一。他曾在父亲曼努埃尔-里苏埃诺的作坊中与雕塑家迭戈和何塞-德-莫拉以及画家胡安-德-塞维利亚一起接受训练,他们都是阿隆索-卡诺的弟子。在他的作品中,我们可以看到丰富的宗教性质的艺术创作,受到了卡诺的模型、他对自然主义的喜好以及凡-戴克的佛兰德斯版画的影响。在他的画作中,宗教场景最为突出,如《圣罗莎莉亚加冕》和《圣凯瑟琳的神秘订婚》(格拉纳达大教堂)、《玫瑰圣母》(私人收藏,阿尔梅里亚)和《圣托马斯-阿奎那》(1911 年被普拉多博物馆收藏)。他与帕洛米诺合作创作了《圣体的胜利》和《格拉纳达宪章教堂圆顶上的圣布鲁诺》(原作)。他还创作了肖像画,其中最突出的是他的保护人马丁-阿兹卡尔戈塔大主教(格拉纳达大主教宫殿)。在雕塑作品中,他使用粘土、木材和石头等多种材料,创作了与绘画相同的主题,制作了祭坛装饰、门廊和教堂外墙,其中大部分作品都是在他的家乡创作的。出处:巴塞罗那私人收藏。参考文献:奥罗兹科-迪亚斯、埃米利奥:《里苏埃尼奥和德-莫拉的一些不为人知的作品(研究格拉纳达一个被遗忘的图像主题的数据和评论)》,《西班牙艺术档案》,第 175 期,马德里,1971 年,第 233-257 页;桑切斯-梅萨-马丁、多明戈:《何塞-里苏埃尼奥,格拉纳达的雕塑家和画家(1665-1732 年)》,格拉纳达大学,1972 年。

Attributed to José de Risueño y su Obrador (Granada, 1665-1732), Granada Baroque School of the 17th century Oil on canvas representing Saint Domingo de Guzmán receiving the Virgin with the Child God. Measurements: 62 x 52 cm, framed measurements: 72 x 60 cm. One of the most prominent Spanish painters and sculptors of the Granada Baroque. Trained in the workshop of his father Manuel Risueño with the sculptors Diego and José de Mora and with the painter Juan de Sevilla, all of them disciples of Alonso Cano. With abundant artistic production of a religious nature, in his work we can see the influence of Cano's models, his taste for naturalism and the use of Van Dyck's Flemish prints. Among his paintings, the religious scenes stand out with examples such as The Coronation of Saint Rosalía and The Mystical Betrothal of Saint Catherine (Granada Cathedral), The Virgin of the Rosary (private collection, Almería) and Saint Thomas of Aquinas (acquired in 1911 by the Prado Museum). He collaborated with Palomino in the execution of The Triumph of the Eucharist and Saint Bruno from the dome of the Tabernacle of the Granada Charterhouse (in situ). He also made portraits, highlighting among them that of his protector, Archbishop Dr. Martín Azcargorta (archiepiscopal palace, Granada). In his sculptural works he cultivated the same themes as in painting, using diverse materials: clay, wood and stone, to make altarpieces, doorways and church facades, most of them in his hometown. Provenance: private collection, Barcelona. Reference literature: Orozco Díaz, Emilio, «Some unknown works by Risueño and de Mora (data and comments for the study of a forgotten theme of Granada imagery)», Spanish Art Archive, xliv, no. 175, Madrid, 1971, pp. 233-257; Sánchez-Mesa Martín, Domingo, José Risueño, sculptor and painter from Granada (1665-1732), Granada, University, 1972.