Null JOSEP COLL BARDOLET (1912-2007). "IBIZA DANCERS", 1953.

JOSEP COLL BARDOLET (1912-2007). "IBIZA DANCERS", 1953. 海报板上的水彩画。 已签名并注明日期。 17.5 x 27 厘米(无框)。 此拍品不包括在我们的拍卖后销售中。


JOSEP COLL BARDOLET (1912-2007). "IBIZA DANCERS", 1953. 海报板上的水彩画。 已签名并注明日期。 17.5 x 27 厘米(无框)。 此拍品不包括在我们的拍卖后销售中。

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VERNER PANTON (Denmark, 1926 - 1998) for Fritz Hansen. Bachelor" chair, Denmark, 1950s. Tubular steel frame. Measurements: 37 x 52 x 63 cm. The "Bachelor" chair is known to be Verner Panton's first success. It was an original work by Fritz Hansen designed and created in 1953. The chair was marketed to businesses and was known as the "Bachelor" chair because it was intended for households just starting out. Both the design and construction of the chair are quite simple. It consists of a folding seat and a tubular steel frame. Its "demountable" design and simple construction made it a viable product for export. Two intermediate struts connect the N-shaped side segment to the main section. Since its creation in 1953, this simple chair has become a design icon, inspiring architects and designers around the world. Verner Panton was one of the most influential Danish industrial designers of the late 20th century. He introduced the pop aesthetic into Scandinavian furniture. He attended the Odense Technical School and then studied architecture at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen. Between 1950 and 1952 he worked in the architectural studio of Arne Jacobsen. In 1955 he opened his own architecture and design studio. He became famous with his furniture based on geometric forms manufactured by the company Plus-linje. Panton's spatial compositions are renowned for fusing floors, walls and ceilings, as well as furniture, lamps, fabrics and enamel or plastic panels to form a spatial unity that is as seamless as it is indivisible. The Visiona halls at the Cologne Furniture Fair (1968 and 1970), the offices of the Spiegel publishing house (1969) and the Varna restaurant in Aarhus (1970) are some of the most outstanding examples. The collaboration between Panton and Vitra began in the early 1960s. With this company he develops his best-known design: the Panton chair, made from a single piece of injection molded plastic, introduced in 1967. It is represented in the MOMA and major museums of decorative art and design.

约瑟夫-罗卡-萨斯特雷(JOSEP ROCA SASTRE,1928 年出生于特拉萨,1997 年出生于巴塞罗那)。 "来自卢卡斯-克拉纳赫",1953 年。 布面油画。 右下角有签名。背面有签名、标题和日期。 背面有 Oriol Galeria d'Art 标签。 尺寸:100 x 80 厘米;105 x 86 厘米(画框):100 x 80 厘米;105 x 86 厘米(画框)。 现在拍卖的这幅画是画家何塞普-罗卡-萨斯特雷(Josep Roca Sastre)的早期作品,相当于他创作亲密室内场景之前的阶段。这幅画是老卢卡斯-克拉纳赫(Lucas Cranach the Elder)作品 "三圣母 "的形而上版本,是大师于 1531 年绘制的画板,现存于巴黎卢浮宫博物馆。 罗卡曾在巴塞罗那接受培训,60 年代开始形成个人独立风格,并创造了自己的语言。他的提案侧重于恢复近距离、日常和熟悉的面貌。他在巴塞罗那的 Sala Parés 画廊举办了长达四十年的展览,并在西班牙其他城市和美国展出了自己的作品。1966 年,他获得巴塞罗那议会颁发的 Sant Jordi 奖,两年后又获得巴黎法国艺术家沙龙荣誉奖章。1980 年,他成为圣约尔迪皇家美术学院的成员,1993 年,他被授予萨瓦德尔艺术和文学爱好者基金会的 Quadern 奖。罗卡-萨斯特雷(Roca Sastre)发展了一种以私密主题为题材的具象风格,将个人和主观的视角运用到他的室内场景以及城市和自然景观中。何塞普-罗卡去世后,他的作品回顾展先后在佩德雷拉美术馆、Muncunill(特拉萨)美术馆、Oriol(巴塞罗那)美术馆和 Juan Oliver Maneu(马略卡岛帕尔马)美术馆举行。他的作品保存在加泰罗尼亚国家艺术博物馆。